Women Breaking with Traditions in the Business World 土耳其妇女打破商界传统

2017-11-10 03:14ByNihalKayali翻译Boy
疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年11期

⊙By Nihal Kayali ⊙ 翻译:T Boy

Women Breaking with Traditions in the Business World 土耳其妇女打破商界传统

⊙By Nihal Kayali ⊙ 翻译:T Boy


In Turkey, traditions1)die hard. Just2)peek into Istanbul’s old city. That’s where you can still find3)coppersmiths,carpet sellers and4)vendors measuring out dried fruit and nuts with metal weights. And, for as long as anyone can remember, those doing the selling have been men; still are.But times are changing.

Men pull wooden5)carts down6)cobblestone streets,heading to the covered markets of the Grand Bazaar,just as they have for 500 years. Hakan Altan stands by the open door of the candy shop his great-greatgrandfather started a century and a half ago. He’s worked here since he was five. “Candy making is a

1) die hard 根深蒂固,顽固到底

2) peek [piːk] v. 一瞥

3) coppersmith ['kɒpəsmɪθ] n. 铜匠

4) vendor ['vendə(r)] n. 小贩

5) cart [kɑːt] n. 手推车

6) cobblestone ['kɒbləstəʊn] n. (铺路的)圆石,鹅卵石

Turkish art,” Hakan tells me.

Inside the shop, traditional7)sweets are8)stacked from floor to ceiling: Turkish Delights dusted in powdered sugar, hard candies flavored with9)rosewater, orange and10)pistachio, and Halva—11)crushed sesame seeds and honey. On the walls there are yellowing photos of Hakan’s ancestors.There’s nothing modern here. Well, there is one thing.

Arzu (Hakan’s Daughter): My name’s Arzu, I’m 27 years old. I’m a mathematical engineer and I’m working as marketing manager.

This is Arzu, Hakan’s daughter, his only child. If the business is going to stay in the family, she’s going to have to take it over, and a woman taking over a business just doesn’t happen here in the old city. It’s still a man’s world.

Arzu: People are thinking that womans [sic]have less information than the man. These kind of people are the old people. He [sic]thinking, “OK, where is your father?” “Come on, I will ask Dad.”

You can12)barely find a woman running a business in the old13)quarters. And, across Turkey, most women still don’t have bank accounts. This is slowly changing as more young Turkish women are breaking with tradition, entering university, starting careers and earning salaries of their own. But that’s not happening here in the old city yet,where a woman like Arzu still looks out of place with her14)neon sneakers and iPhone,walking past the coppersmiths and traditional dusty carpet shops. She knows it’s gonna be a big challenge winning over customers’ trust when she takes over the candy shop.

The family knows it needs to adapt to changing times. The pressures of globalization, cheap candy15)flooding in from16)elsewhere, and lately, tourists17)scared away by terrorist attacks. This is where Arzu comes in. The family hopes her education and18)sophistication will keep the business alive. And she actually thinks being a woman will be an advantage.

Arzu: Woman [sic] are seeing the whole picture. Woman [sic] knows, understanding the customers’ needs. They are thinking more delicately than the man. Besides, they’re more sensitive than the others.

More sensitive and perhaps more outward. She thinks there’s an19)untapped market for selling the candy overseas, and she’s developing a marketing plan to take advantage of that.

As we’re talking, Arzu’s 93-year-old grandfather20)totters in. It21)strikes me that he has spent his whole life between the shop and the street. He’s clearly proud that his granddaughter’s educated and living in a larger world. And as for passing the shop on to a woman, “Of course, of course,” he tells me as Arzu listens on, “Why not?”

7) sweet [swiːt] n. 糖果

8) stack [stæk] v. 叠,摞

9) rosewater ['rəʊzwɔːtə(r)] n. 玫瑰香水

10) pistachio [pɪ'stæʃɪəʊ] n. 开心果

11) crushed [krʌʃd] adj. 压碎的

12) barely ['beəlɪ] adv. 几乎没有

13) quarter ['kwɔːtə(r)] n. 区域

14) neon ['niːɒn] n. 霓虹灯

15) fl ood [flʌd] v. 大量涌来,涌到

16) elsewhere ['els'weə(r)] prep. 在别处,到别处

17) scare [skeə(r)] v. 恐吓,惊吓

18) sophistication [səfɪstɪ'keɪʃən] n. 先进方法

19) untapped [ʌn'tæpt] adj. 未使用的,未开采的

20) totter ['tɒtə(r)] v. 蹒跚

21) strike [straɪk] v. 突然想到,猛然悟到

This is where Arzu comes in.

动词词组come in除了最基本的“进入,进来”义项外,还有许多用法,其中一种就是文中的这句话,come in在这里是“在某事中发挥作用”的意思,指阿尔祖成为整个局面的一部分,参与其中,并起到积极的作用。This/which is where sb./sth. comes in是come in这种用法的常见句式,where指此句之前讲述的形势,说明谈论的对象正是在这其中发挥作用,这个对象可以是人,也可以是机构,也可以是某种工具,如:Finally,he could do no more, which is where Jacques came in.(最后,他再也无能为力了,这也正是雅克发挥作用的时候。)












A Day Working in the Candy Shop