
2017-11-07 08:27严惠华林秀榕韩士松王仕琦
中国环境监测 2017年3期

易 雯, 严惠华, 林秀榕, 张 琳, 韩士松, 王仕琦

广东省环境监测中心,广东 广州 510308


易 雯, 严惠华, 林秀榕, 张 琳, 韩士松, 王仕琦

广东省环境监测中心,广东 广州 510308



Abstract:Research of the two biomonitoring technologies were conducted for the needs of their practical applications. The comparison between their response differences to arsenic ions as well as the effects of matrix interferences of the river water in the wet and dry seasons on the responses were presented. The study found that the luminescent bacteria toxicity test is sensitive to the arsenic ions; however, still being inferior to the microbial fuel cells toxicity methods. The toxicity test based on the luminescent bacteria is easy to be interfered by water background. The online instruments from the different manufacturers showed different response signals to the toxicant at the same concentration. We speculated that the difference in the sources of bacterial strain and the sensitivities of instruments led to the different response signals. In practical, the microbial fuel cells toxicity method was found with advantages such as good anti-interference ability and high stability. Based on the abovementioned results, the advantages and disadvantages of the two technologies have been concluded and some recommendations were given for their practical on-line operation.

Keywords:arsenic;luminescent bacteria;microbial fuel cell;bio-monitoring

发光细菌法是利用一类能够发射可见荧光,且发光量的强弱程度与其活体数量和代谢活性有关的细菌建立的一种生物毒性在线监测方法。当水体受到污染时,会导致发光细菌代谢活性受到抑制甚至死亡,发光强度减弱。污染越严重,发光细菌代谢活性抑制越强、死亡数量越多,发光强度也越弱,从而可以判断水质的综合毒性。目前,国内常用的3种发光细菌为明亮发光杆菌(PhotobacteriumphosphoreumT3spp)[10]、费氏弧菌(Vibriofischeri)[11]、青海弧菌(Vibrioqinghaiensissp. nov , strain Q67)[12-14]。鉴于发光细菌法是一种快速、灵敏、经济的监测方法,现已广泛用于环境污染物综合毒性监测中[15-20]。



1 实验部分



表1 仪器型号及使用情况



取浓度为100 mg/L的As标准溶液10.00 mL于100 mL容量瓶,用纯水稀释定容浓度为10 mg/L的As标准中间使用液;吸取10 mg/L的As标准中间使用液5.00、10.00、30.00 mL各3组,吸取浓度为100 mg/L的As标准溶液5.00 mL 3组,分别用纯水、丰水期河水、枯水期河水稀释定容至1 000 mL,配制成As3+标准溶液浓度分别为0.05、0.1、0.3、0.5 mg/L的3种不同背景的测试样品(其中,丰水期河水背景As3+浓度为0.3、0.5 mg/L的测试样品按同样方法分别换成0.15、0.2 mg/L)。



2 结果与讨论



图1 两种水质毒性在线监测技术对不同浓度砷的毒性效应(均值-极差)Fig.1 The toxicity effects of two different toxicity on-line monitoring technologies of water quality on different concentrations of arsenic (average-range)

从图1可以看出,在实验室纯水配水状态下,两种技术对砷的响应都比较灵敏。高浓度条件下(浓度大于等于0.5 mg/L),微生物燃料电池法的响应灵敏度与发光细菌法相当,在低浓度情况下明显优于发光细菌法(浓度小于等于0.1 mg/L)。总体上,微生物燃料电池法较发光细菌法更为灵敏。


分别以广东省韶关乐昌三溪水站枯水期、丰水期河水为背景基质进行两种技术的对比,河水水质基本理化参数如表2所示。可以看出,由于该水站上游存在大量有色金属矿,水体本底金属离子含量较高,其中砷、锑、镉3种金属在丰水期接近或超过《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002) III类水质标准限值。


表2 枯水期和丰水期河水水质参数

注:“*”表示《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)中基本项目III类水质标准限值或特定项目标准限值; “—”表示未测试或无相关要求;“ND”表示未检出。

表3 不同水质毒性在线监测技术在河水背景和纯水背景下对不同浓度砷的毒性响应



图2 不同水质毒性在线监测技术在河水背景和纯水背景下对不同浓度砷的毒性响应Fig.2 The toxicity effects of different toxicity on-line monitoring technologies of water quality on different concentrations of arsenic in the background of river and pure water

图2(c)中,国外某公司生产的S-2000型微生物燃料电池法水质毒性在线监测仪则表现出较好的稳定性,河水背景与纯水背景样本的抑制响应曲线差别不大,除在丰水期河水背景下,砷离子浓度为0.05 mg/L时与纯水背景相比数据波动较大外,枯水期数据和砷离子浓度为0.1 mg/L,丰水期数据与纯水背景相比波动仅在0~22.2%范围变化。





3 结论




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YI Wen, YAN Huihua, LIN Xiurong, ZHANG Lin, HAN Shisong, WANG Shiqi

Guangdong Environmental Monitoring Centre, Guangzhou 510308,China



1002-6002(2017)03- 0133- 06





易 雯(1963-),女,湖南怀化人,教授级高级工程师。
