◇ 文 |见习记者 胡 婷
◇ 文 |见习记者 胡 婷
Looking out of the window, we can easily find buildings, ridges andpeopleperfectly matching together, and practical objects,virtual scenesas well as space simultaneously reappearing.What a dreamlike city!When the image becomes another scene,the city landscape is extendedand an independent light and shadow is created.
《窗外有窗》 拍摄于渝中区国贸大楼 摄影 / 平凡
《天街上镜》 拍摄于观音桥北城天街 摄影 / 平凡
《动车外的镜像》 拍摄于丰都车站 摄影 / 平凡
Themirror world is a special visual stimulation.At thismoment, the unfettered imagination seems being wandering,and the city’s living space varieswith multi-dimension andcountless angles, which forms the beautiful mirrorof Chongqing.
《五彩人生》 拍摄于南滨路展览馆 摄影 / 平凡
《窗外细雨白帝城》 拍摄于奉节县 摄影 / 平凡
摄影 / 周济
摄影 / 周济
The refraction imaging or perspective mappingof glass curtain wallsand bright business windows between the high-rise buildingsformsa kaleidoscope-like mirror.Through these mirrors,we couldhave a weepingview ofglamorous construction and developmentof Chongqing.
摄影 / 周小诗
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The Mirror of Chongqing
Article | Hu Ting
密叶隐歌鸟140X70cm 2014年