
2017-10-20 08:27王维仁,CHENYuxiao
世界建筑 2017年10期


King's Joy Restaurant, Beijing, China, 2012








被转化成为两跨院空间关系的餐馆,进入西大门后右转到过厅前台, 往左举目旋即看到改为室内中庭的南院,步下台阶站在中庭天窗下,可以隐约看到北侧的另一个室外庭院。四合院的两个院子南北呼应,分别被赋予天窗中庭和树木庭院的不同个性,也是餐厅和园林的不同功能。南院天窗中庭利用中央的十字结构,四分悬挂了八面屏风增加空间的尺度感,也折射缓和室内中庭的直接光线。西厢房和前台过厅成为组织建筑南北空间的主要流线,围绕着南北院的四周布置餐台,分别围合呼应两个院子的空间个性 。








张永和的非常建筑一向以空间思辨严谨与建构系统明晰着称,然而在京兆尹的设计说明里却是明摆着写道“设计不希望引人注意,旨在创造一个舒适的环境 ”。这样非常不“非常建筑”的设计说明也许是室内设计的必然状态,也许是张永和心境的改变。而张永和对文学电影的情境描绘,或许反而在京兆尹的空间里得到了释放。



WANG Weijen: 4 Notes on a Courtyard: Walking Through King’s Joy Restaurant

No.1 City Texture: Courtyard & Hutong

The newly built building for King’s Joy Restaurant is an imitation of the traditional courtyard, except for the north and south courtyards on the axis, and 2 double pitch roof facing south on top the west courtyard. The empty area south of the site which used to be hutong became the parking space for the restaurant and the front square for the courtyard architecture. This transition of urban land and architecture changed the city texture of dense hutongs alongside Yonghegong Avenue.

No.2 Form & Space: 2 Courtyards in Depth vs.2 Courtyards in Width

FCJZ made an important decision about the entire space experience and space sequence arrangements of the newly built courtyard: adjusting the space sequence by turning the entrance from facing south to west, and changing from 2 courtyards in depth facing south, to 2 courtyards in width facing west. In the design, the original gate in the entrance hall is closed, and the hall became one of the series of dining rooms surrounding the south courtyard. Visitors turn to the front square outside the courtyard from Yonghegong Avenue,pass the entrance hall but not entering, but enter the west courtyard from the entrance on the side wall at the end of the house instead, and then enter the new gate in the west wing house. This adjustment brought architecture into the prelude experience of alleyways,increased the depth of city space. It not only avoided the embarrassment of visitors entering from the south parking space, but also made up for the hutong space experience lost in the transformation of city.


The 2 courtyards are corresponding from north and south. The different characteristics given to the skylight courtyard and the tree courtyard are also the different functions of restaurant and garden. 8 screens are hung down in 4 groups from the cross structure in the center of the south skylight courtyard. They increased the sense of scale and softened the direct sunlight in the courtyard by refraction.

No.3 Decorative Folding Ceiling: Little Wooden Crafts in the Weave of Bricks and Tiles

All the decorative partitions and screens in the restaurant are demonstrations of FCJZ’s experiment in material weaving, no matter if it’s the partitions between dining rooms, the screens in the hallways,the folding in the ceilings, or the back walls of the bar.

After FCJZ’s decoration, from the entire interior effect, all of these reversing logic material constructions, whether the little wooden crafts made from bricks and tiles or the piles of bricks and tiles made from wood, arouse people’s awareness of material and scale. From the partition walls built by rotating dark wooden bricks, to the black and white ink in Fengzikai Style, and where the folding wooden ceiling or Juanpeng ceiling meet the white concrete columns, the design cleverly hid the original huge and awkward structures in the building. It truly achieved the goal of decoration the building needs.

No.4 Garden Courtyard: Walking through the Bamboo Garden

Entry to the restaurant is through the turn in the small alley in the west. FCJZ added a short wall about 2m high at the end of the valley, with a window shaped as eclipse with bevel angles. Although the short wall slightly suggests visitors to turn right and enter straight through the gate, the flourish and green bamboo grove behind the wall cleverly intrigues visitors to explore out of curiosity. The moisture along the way forms a kind of heavenly fog, which further increases the mysterious attraction of the bamboo grove behind. Judging from the entire design, the organization of these 6 different courtyards and dining halls allows the circulation to go through all the courtyards, and encourages visitors to explore the gardens before or after meals. This is the key to a successful space organization.



Yung Ho Chang’s FCJZ has always been known for the strictness of space logic and the clearness of construction system, but in the design introduction of King’s Joy Restaurant, there’s a plain writing saying “the design didn’t want to draw attention but was aimed at creating a comfortable environment”.This introduction which is very not FCJZ may be the inevitable statue of interior designs, or a change of Yung Ho Chang’s state of mind. However, the scene description of literature movies by Yung Ho Chang, might be released in the space of King’s Joy Restaurant instead. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 北京京兆尹餐饮文化有限公司/Beijing King's Joy Food Culture Co., Ltd.

地点/Location: 北京市雍和宫大街/Yonghe Lama Temple Street, Beijing, China

建筑设计/Architets: 非常建筑/Atelier FCJZ

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 张永和/Yung Ho Chang

项目团队/Project Team: 王玥,郭照玮,邢大伟,陈正达,吴瑕/WANG Yue, GUO Zhaowei, XING Dawei, Dan Chen, WU Xia

设计范围/Designed Area: 地上1层用餐区/Dining area on Ground Floor

建筑面积/Floor Area: 1298.5m2(地上/Above ground)

主要材料/Material: 木砖、筒瓦、青砖/Wood, bricks and tiles

设计时间/Design Period: 2011-2012

施工时间/Construction Time: 2012

摄影/Photos: 舒赫/SHU He










Design Conditions

Site: A recently built courtyard house (Siheyuan)at the entrance to Wudaoying Hutong, opposite of the Lama Temple. Program: A vegetarian restaurant.


This was an interior design project. Based on our respect for the basic structure of the courtyard house, we reorganized the interior spaces. The entrance of the restaurant was altered and moved from the southern rooms to the passageway on the west, in order to allow users to pass through a series of labyrinthine transitional spaces before arriving at the central courtyard. In order to achieve the required floor area, one of the original courtyards had to be covered. Yet we still hoped to preserve the feeling of two courtyards. Thus we made the covered courtyard as transparent and bright as possible. An eight-panel folding hanging screen was employed to create a scale that is both open and intimate. This design results a contrast between an indoor courtyard space and an outdoor courtyard space. Other spaces were developed surrounding the courtyards.


Our strategy was to use traditional materials in a modern way. We mainly used wood, brick, and tile taken from traditional courtyard construction and then applied unconventional uses and construction methods to these materials. Wood blocks were laid as bricks; brick corbels were normally employed for the cantilevered wall but in this case they have been used to construct the bar. The roof tiles were repurposed to make folding screens, wine racks, etc.The objective was to achieve a coexistence of modern and traditional.


We hold a critical attitude towards traditional gardens, believing such designs tend to be too mired in minor details. Our landscape design for this project took traditional courtyard elements and simplified them into several colour tones and textures. For example, we use a crimson wooden frame, grey tile floor, and interspersed grey and white pebbles, hoping to remove the trivial elements of ancient landscape while showcasing its essence.□










Preserving and Honoring Beijing’s Hutongs
一套四合院 引母女对簿公堂