
2017-10-20 08:27朱竞翔,CHENYuxiao
世界建筑 2017年10期


Split House, Beijing, China, 2002



二分宅译为“Split House”, 前置的“Split”含义很多:分开的、已分的、或者被分开。它引人思考,分开房子的力量何在?观察场地,人们不难发现力量来自树木、源于溪流!树能冲出地表、水能劈开山沟,为什么不可以分开建筑呢?这不禁令人联想起赫尔佐格与德梅隆1985年建于博特明根的胶合木宅:树木紧贴小房子,使其立面产生变形,內里空间受到挤压。奇妙的选址为形态的生成提供了充分的理据。二分宅如同高而阔的堤坝,也如同打开旋转中的闸门。被大地切分的房舍限定了院落,这一生成方法与传统民居中通过单体复制组合得到的庭院极为不同。二分宅的院落虽也内向宜人,却更生机勃勃,浑然天成。





ZHU Jingxiang:Rereading the work Split House finished by Yung Ho Chang in 2002, I believe that it can provide many inspirations to modern practices.That's all because of the 3 characteristics contained in the design work: using verbs, interfering construction and creating system.

In the English name of Split House, the preposed word "Split" has many meanings: separate,separated, or being separated. It makes people thinking, where does the force splitting the house come from? Observing the site, it's not hard to realize that the force came from trees, from creeks!Trees can split ground, water can split valleys, why can't they split architecture? It's hard not to think of the Plywood House in Bottmingen by Herzog & de Meuron in 1985: a tree sticking closely to the house and bending its façade, also squeezing the inner space. The uncommon selection of the site provided sufficient evidence for the creation of the form. Split House is like a dam tall and wide, and also like a gate open and spinning. Cut by the ground, the house defined the yard. This method is very different from creating yards by organizing single buildings in traditional residential houses. Though the yard of Split House is also inward and pleasant, it's more lively and natural.

Building in nature is not as resourceful as in the city, but there's less limitation and more freedom.The form of rammed earth wall came from residential tradition, but is full of challenge because of the early attempt by academies. Light wooden frame looks traditional, but actually came from modern times in North America, because of the standardization of material supply and the calculability and predictability of wooden structure performance. The glass screen walls facing the yard seem mixed in daytime, but experiential architecture itself is the reflection of transition from traditional artifacts to industrial products, and suggests the new task of combining different materials and techniques that architects are about to face. This "earth house" showed strong oppositions against visualizing and symbolizing traditional houses which was popular at the time, and accidentally provided 3 skills that architects should work on: handcraft, engineering and organization.

Yung Ho Chang visioned the development of this 200m2residential based site. The design of small residential houses is not only about organizing functions, but also points to development. In Split House, following the project's own real estate development features, he thought about the destiny of this motif going into reproduction. With a hinge-like system creating the change of forms,it can adapt to uncertain sites. What's changing is the terrain and angle of the yard, what stays the same is the spatial system and the organization of inner functions. This spatial system has the ability of combining with other structures and materials. It came from the eastern life experience of the designer, reconstructed with modern design methods, and came to form as a single house between the mountains and rivers.

Now, after 15 years, architects are paying attention to villages , academic design training are returning to construction, and modern industry and commerce are striking huge impact to the old architecture industry. Looking back on this small work, the rich genetics and combination of techniques that it contains, the serious experimental attitude and independent spirits of the designer,deserves repeated analyzing and studying by successors. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)












Split House is located in a valley near the Shuiguan section of the Great Wall. It is one of the 11 villas in the Commune by the Great Wall.


The starting point of our design was to transplant a Beijing style courtyard from a high-density urban environment to a natural landscape. The courtyard was no longer being surrounded by buildings as in the city. Instead,it is surrounded by both nature and architecture.Therefore, the name "Split" not only refers to the two wings of the house, but also demonstrates the fact that the courtyard is formed half by the house and half by the hillside. On one hand, this split brings the home two spaces, one for the host, and one for the guest. On the other hand,this design preserves the trees that originally grew on the site, thus integrating the building and the environment.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 红石公司/Red Stone Industrie Co. Ltd.

地址/Location: 北京延庆水关长城/Shui Guan (Water Gate)of the Great Wall, Yanqing, Beijing, China

建筑设计/Architets: 非常建筑/Atelier FCJZ

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 张永和/Yung Ho Chang

设计团队/Project Team: 刘向晖,陆翔,Lucas Gallardo,王晖,许义兴/LIU Xianghui, LU Xiang, Lucas Gallardo,WANG Hui, XU Yixing

结构咨询/Structural Consultant: 徐民生/XU Minsheng

结构和材料/Structure and Material: 胶合木框架,夯土墙和木质喷漆推拉窗/Laminated plywood frame, rammed earth walls, and painted wood siding with frameless glazing建筑面积/Floor Area: 449m2

基地面积/Site Area: 6729m2

基底面积/Footprint Area: 242m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2000.09-2001.05

建造时间/Construction Period: 2001.06-2002.10

摄影/Photos: 浅川敏/Satoshi Asakawa (f i g. 2,16,17),舒赫/SHU He (f i g.1)


Materials + Structure

Another design objective was to build a structure with low environmental impact materials, which could be demolished relatively easily and efficiently if necessary. Learning from China's traditional use of earth and wood as building materials, Split House utilizes a laminated wood frame for its structure,and employs rammed earth walls with good insulation effects. Furthermore, during low season, Split House is capable of opening only one wing to conserve operation and maintenance costs.


We believe that this design is not a one-off and can be used as a flexible prototype. The angle between the two wings is not fixed. It can be adjusted at will from 0oto 360oin order to suit the shape of different mountain terrains so that the two wings can form a "Line House", "Parallel House", or"Right Angle House".□














