
2017-10-15 17:54ByDahliaLithwick译/常晨
新东方英语 2017年10期


I was raised in a greenhouse. My mother, born of Iraqi Jews who had migrated to India, married a Canadian who brought her home to a glass house in Ottawa. As a toddler, I barely noticed that most of the house was made of windows, but it wasnt me paying the heating bills. What I did notice was that every window was always and forever mounded with plants. Delicate African violets and cactuses1) bloomed, and avocado2) trees stood sentry3) over the living room. They must all have been as baffled by the endless Canadian winters as my mother. But more pressing in my memory, we were running a plant infirmary4) at my house, in which root tipping, stem reinforcing, and plant healing happened in tiny glass jars and chipped mugs on every windowsill.

It was as if my brothers and I had a whole host of plant half-siblings guiding us through our childhoods, hopping along on their little plant wheelchairs and slings and crutches.

Of course when I started college, I bought plants for my dorm rooms, and I even have a vague, blurred memory of my mother once walking me through a root transplant over the phone, in the manner of Hawkeye Pierce on M.A.S.H., talking some rookie5) surgeon through an amputation6) by walkie-talkie7). When my parents finally moved to the desert, my mothers green world exploded into the outdoors. Suddenly there was jasmine, and hibiscus, and lemon trees so fat with fruit the neighbors would come by with shopping bags. Plants outside the house! If I call her and the phone rings and rings, it just means my mom is out in her garden, snapping off dried leaves and picking out tiny weeds and doing something with something that will someday bloom into something extraordinary.

Then came the plant she gave me when my first son was being born. A painful and violent labor8) turned into a painful and violent delivery9) and then got worse. It was going so badly that when my parents left the hospital the first night, my mother tore the printed message off the top of the little card theyd stuck in the plant at the hospital gift shop that had read “Welcome new baby” or some such. A joyous welcome was no longer certain. A few hours later, soon after Coby emerged, I saw a new, flowering plant by my bed and only the torn bottom half of a card.

I took out the worst of my postpartum10) derangement11) syndrome on that poor plant. I couldnt help but wonder how my mother imagined I could take care of a tiny white flowering plant over and above the colicky, deranged, sleepless bucket-of-hair that came out of me crying and couldnt stop for three-and-a-half months (but whos counting?). I wanted to drown that plant. Taking care of it was too much to ask of me.endprint

My son did stop crying, but only after my mother sat up rocking him all night long, so my husband and I could sleep for a few hours and not phone the divorce attorneys. Eight-and-a-half years later, the plant still blooms in an upstairs dormer window12). I forget to water it and it lives, I overwater it and it coughs up a lung and then thrives again. Tiny white flowers greet me almost every morning, despite my best efforts to forget it. I once dragged my mother over to the plant and demanded that she explain why it looked so droopy13) in places.

“Yes, they do that,” she said.

Even with its perilous beginnings, that plant is the most precious thing my mother has ever given me. Most of what I know about parenting and patience and life Ive learned by watching it. Of my kids, I now mostly think, “Yes, they do that.” At some point, I asked my mother what this type of plant is called, and she said, “Its a Grandma Rose plant,” because my grandmother, her mother-in-law, had loved them so much. When my son turned 3, he planted strawberries all over the backyard garden, and they produce similarly tiny white flowers that—I secretly hope, every spring—might just grow into my Grandma Rose.

My second son, Sopher, was born without a plant entourage14) but with a green thumb15) in his mouth. He started popping seeds into the garden as soon as he could toddle, and the row dedicated to “peas” is still labeled “pesa” because he was 4 and couldnt spell, and really, shouldnt they have been called pesa in the first place? Last summer, when he was 5, Sopher and I ended up in Home Depot or Lowes or one of those huge “home improvement” stores with no windows anywhere, and he circled four times around a rack of broken, dead, and diseased plants generously described by a sign as “lonely plants” but largely marked by their crypt-like odor. He begged for one. We now have three. He waters them and names them and tells me he is the “plant whisperer,” just like his grandmother.

His sunflower grew so big it finally fell over. His tomatoes are still glorious. Even the pesa. I worry that the neighbors will come with shopping bags for the pesa. I watch him out there in wonder.

Voltaire16) famously concluded Candide with the advice, “But let us cultivate our garden.” He understood that there is something about caring for the plant world that makes us more apt to behave well in the human world. One has the notion that things raised in hothouses come out delicate and fragile. But I think the opposite is true: I think they are raised with an understanding of how life runs deep and sure and all around.endprint

We consider ourselves a green family. Prius17), check. Compost18) heap check. But I dont shiver in anticipation at the thought of splitting tubers19) or transplanting peonies20), as my mother does. She reminds me what it is to be of the earth and to fight for the Earth, not by way of bumper stickers and committee meetings and petitions, but by just planting and tending and weeding and never giving up on even a broken bit of spider plant21). I see that in my son now, too—happy with dirt in his green rubber boots and a watering can and a watermelon seed. When I go to visit my parents, my first stop is my mothers garden. When his lonely plant goes yellow at the edges, my son asks to put in a call to his grandparents. The earth and the garden have rooted us all to one another when nobody was looking. We cultivate our garden and let life take it from there.












伏尔泰的作品《老实人》 有一句著名的结尾,同时也是一句金玉良言——“但是,让我们培育我们的花园。”他知道,关爱植物世界使我们更容易在人类世界中举止得体。有人认为温室中的植物娇嫩柔弱。但是,我认为事实恰恰相反:我认为温室里的植物明白生命的深邃、必然和广阔。


1.cactus [?k?kt?s] n. 仙人掌科,仙人掌

2.avocado [??v??kɑ?d??] n. 鳄梨,鳄梨树

3.sentry [?sentri] n. 哨兵;岗哨

4.infirmary [?n?f??(r)m?ri] n. (学校及其他机构中的)医务室

5.rookie [?r?ki] n. (无经验的)新手,生手

6.amputation [??mpj??te??(?)n] n. 截肢;切断(术)

7.walkie-talkie [?w??ki?t??ki] n. (便携式)步话机

8.labor [?le?b?(r)] n. 分娩

9.delivery [d??l?v(?)ri] n. 分娩

10.postpartum [?po?st?pɑ?rt?m] adj. 产后的

11.derangement [d??re?nd?m?nt] n. 紊乱

12.dormer window:屋顶窗,天窗

13.droopy [?dru?pi] adj. 耷拉着的

14.entourage [??nt??rɑ??] n. 随从

15.green thumb:精湛的种植花木和蔬菜的技能



18.compost [?k?mp?st] n. 堆肥

19.tuber [?tju?b?(r)] n. (馬铃薯等植物的)块茎

20.peony [?pi??ni] n. 牡丹;芍药

21.spider plant:吊兰endprint
