
2017-10-09 09:23MichaelBaumann
扣篮 2017年8期




On Thursday, Dirk Nowitzki, the NBAs active leader in games and minutes played, points, free throws, and defensive rebounds, re-signed with the Dallas Mavericks for $10 million over two years. Compared to Nowitzkis $25 million team option for 2017–18, which Dallas declined, its a huge haircut for the future Hall of Famer, but Nowitzki is 39 years old and coming off a season in which he played fewer minutes per game (and fewer games overall), scored fewer points per game, and attempted fewer shots per game than he had in any season since his rookie year. Nowitzki is certainly on the decline, and far from his MVP form of a decade ago.


Still, Nowitzki will make less over his two-year deal than free-agent bench guy Amir Johnson will make with the Sixers next season alone. Hell make $8 million less per year than Joe Ingles (career high 7.1 PPG in his age-29 season last year), less than half as much as Zach Randolph, whos almost as old as Nowitzki, and only a half-million per year more than Justin — not Jrue, Justin — Holiday. But this deal keeps him with the only NBA franchise hes ever played for, and Nowitzki has already made over a quarter of a billion dollars in salary over his career. While some might question the wisdom of taking an 80 percent pay cut to keep living in Texas and playing for a lottery-bound club, hes a grown-up and can do what he likes.

即便如此,诺维茨基两年合同挣到的钱,还不如自由球员阿米尔·约翰逊与76人下赛季的一年合同多。他年均比乔·英格尔斯(29岁的他上赛季场均只有7. 1分)少拿800万美元,他的年薪几乎只有和他差不多大的扎克·兰多夫的一半,也只比贾斯汀——不是朱,是贾斯汀·霍勒迪多50万美元。不过这份合同把他留在了生涯唯一效力过的NBA球队,这些年里,诺维茨基已经挣到了超过2.5亿美元。尽管有些人质疑接受80%降薪,继续生活在德州,为一支注定乐透的球队打球是否明智,但诺维茨基毕竟是成年人,他有权做自己想做的事。

Like Golden States Kevin Durant, whos fresh off a $10 million pay cut of his own, Nowitzki can do whatever he likes, but that doesnt make it admirable.


The putative reason Durant took less money to stay with the Warriors was so that money could be redistributed to his teammates and strengthen the teams roster. To Golden States credit, thats happened: Shaun Livingston and Andre Iguodala got pay bumps, and Nick Young, the NBAs god of folly, came up the coast from the Lakers at a cost of $5.2 million. The rules that govern NBA salaries and transactions are Byzantine to say the least — just look at all the shifting pieces behind Chris Pauls move to the Rockets from the Clippers — but in short, Durants pay cut didnt make the Livingston and Iguodala extensions possible, it made them cheaper, both in terms of the Warriors overall salary outlay and in terms of their luxury tax bill. Warriors ownership, led by venture capitalist Joe Lacob, could have paid Durant, Livingston, and Iguodala and just gone deeper into the luxury tax, but they chose not to. (Maybe Young doesnt come over as the teams midlevel exception if Durant takes the max, but I dont think Swaggy P is going to be what puts the Warriors over the top in 2017–18.)endprint

杜兰特少拿钱留在勇士公认的原因,就是可以把钱分给队友,强化球队的阵容。勇士值得赞赏的是,他们让这种假设成为了现实:肖恩·利文斯顿和安德烈·伊戈达拉的薪水都出现了上涨,还有尼克·杨这个NBA的荒唐之神,离开湖人转投湾区的他拿到了520万美元薪水。NBA的薪水和交易规则,往小了说也是拜占庭式的——看看克里斯·保罗从快船交易到火箭时动用了多少筹码就知道了——但简而言之,杜兰特降薪并没有让利文斯顿和伊戈达拉的续约具有可能性,无论从勇士的整体薪资还是奢侈税角度看,杜兰特只是让他们两人变得更廉价而已。以风投资本家乔·拉科布为首的勇士老板们本可以付给杜兰特,利文斯顿和伊戈达拉工资,交更多的奢侈税,但他们却没有选择这么做。(假如杜兰特选择顶薪,杨可能不会接受球队的中产特例,但我不觉得是Swaggy P的合同让勇士2017-18的总薪金突破天际)。

Meanwhile, the Mavericks, who finished 11th in the Western Conference last season, are almost certainly not going to make the playoffs this season, and have thus far failed to attract any notable free agents. That shouldnt be Nowitzkis problem, anyway; his job is to use his arsenal of YMCA dad moves to score points, not assemble a competitive roster.


But as The Ringers Danny Chau wrote when Durant first signed,“Durants decision makes it painfully clear that it will always be the players who have to make sacrifices, never the owners.”

可正如The Ringer的丹尼·周在杜兰特签约时所写,“杜兰特的决定让人痛苦地明白,需要做出‘牺牲的永远是球员,永远不是老板”。

On the grand scale of global economic injustice, Durant making $25 million next year and not $34.5 million isnt even a drop in the bucket. Since time immemorial, people have complained about how much athletes get paid, and to be totally frank, those complaints arent without merit. Durant is a godlike basketball figure, a former league MVP, last years Finals MVP, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, a four-time scoring champion, and an eight-time All-Star. Countless millions of people, including me, love watching him play basketball, and while theres great value in entertaining the public, hes not healing the sick, teaching people to read, or performing any function thats strictly essential to society as we know it. On some level, Charlotte Observer columnist Scott Fowlers much-pilloried take about Steph Curry making the equivalent of 1,000 schoolteachers salaries is spoton. We probably would be better off if we took $40 million from either Lacob or Curry and spent it on teachers.


Of course, thats not the choice Durant or Nowitzki made. In an egalitarian utopia, sports teams would be public utilities, like a parks department or a library system, provided by a city for the emotional and intellectual well-being of its citizens. Sports teams are essentially civic institutions now anyway, and average people take great pride in their success, to the point where we root for the institution, sometimes — specifically when it comes to salary negotiations — against the individual athletes who make it successful.endprint


Sports owners have co-opted that civic pride and are squeezing not only their workers but us fans. Civic pride causes us to support "Dallas" or"Golden State" or "New York," but sports owners, who will charge you $11 for beer because they can, have insinuated themselves into that relationship, to their great profit.


Make no mistake, the Warriors arent a public utility, but a for-profit business, so their labor savings here arent being passed on to the consumer. The average Warriors ticket cost 69 percent more in 2015–16 than it did the year before. Now that Durants taking a pay cut, Lacobs organization is raising the cost of season tickets 16.9 percent in 2017–18. As little as $10 million means to Durant, or $20 million to Nowitzki, it means even less to Lacob and Mavericks owner Mark Cuban.


So we, the fans, the citizens who buy tickets and jerseys and overpriced hot dogs and pay the taxes that fund arena construction, arent getting that money back,. Its either going to Durant and Nowitzki, who are what make basketball compelling, or the owners, whose function in society is to turn millions of dollars into billions of dollars.


Without players, the owners would have no product at all. Without owners, players would have to hire their own administrative and marketing arms, which probably wouldnt cost anywhere near the 50 percent of basketball-related revenue the owners get. I like watching Durant and Nowitzki play basketball, but I dont know what function owners serve that couldnt be filled more cheaply and effectively by hired-gun administrators in a league owned by the players. Meanwhile, Lacob is a venture capitalist. Cuban is a relic of the dot-com bubble turned reality television heel. For as much as Durant and Nowitzki arent healing the sick, though, Lacob and Cuban dont even make you smile — unless youre a fan of Shark Tank or throwing money at a 3-D orthodontics company.endprint


Thats more than you could say for Clippers owner Steve Ballmer, who as the former CEO of Microsoft was complicit in making Internet Explorer your default web browser, even though it doesnt work that well. Some NBA owners, like the Lakers Jeanie Buss and the Knicks James Dolan, did nothing more to deserve their billion-dollar piece of the basketball pie than being born into the right family.


After all, Durant and Nowitzki could have demanded to be paid what theyre worth. Nowitzki in particular, as the immensely popular face of a franchise thats treading water, is the rare athlete who could win the PR battle in a contract dispute against the abrasive Cuban.


In todays American labor culture, demanding to be paid the value of your labor is frequently painted as "not being a team player," which is a cardinal sin for a team sport athlete. Athletes are trained not only to play a game, but to be obedient and to respect people in power just because theyre powerful, and regardless of whether theyre shown the same respect in return. When Durant or Nowitzki — themselves both worth hundreds of millions of dollars — gets mesmerized by that power, its not a huge deal. But when the lessons of those relationships get translated to ordinary worker-employer relationships, it is. When was the last time your boss used the phrase "be a team player" and gave you good news? Why should you sacrifice for your employer?

Suffice it to say, Id rather the odd $10 million go to the players, and not the owners. And unless youre in the business of ripping off housewives or saddling college kids with lifelong debt or kicking people out of their homes, so should you.



诺维茨基 30000分先生