(中国华电科工集团有限公司,北京 100160)
(中国华电科工集团有限公司,北京 100160)
1896年,瑞典科学家Svante Ahrrenius警告说,二氧化碳(CO2)排放量可能会导致全球变暖。1988年,联合国环境规划署和世界气象组织成立了政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC),随后, IPCC发布的《气候变化评估报告》称:全球气候正在变暖,其中CO2是导致全球变暖的最主要因素,如果不采取控制措施,全球气候变暖将会造成生态环境大灾难。自从IPCC报告发布以来,关于全球气候变暖以及CO2是否是导致气候变暖的主要原因,在学术界存在的很大的争议。
全球大气本底基准观象台观测大气中CO2月平均体积分数的变化:CO2体积分数平均值由1990年的0.035 2%左右增长至2014年的0.039 6%左右,增长值达到0.004 4百分点[2]。
IPCC根据气候辐射强度与反馈机制做出全球气候模型(GCMs)并认为:大气中CO2的体积分数增加1倍,将会导致6.0 ℃的温升;与人类活动相关的CO2排放在过去15年内至少造成了0.3 ℃的温升;热带区域对流层的升温仍在持续;在20世纪,两极的温升明显高于地球上其他地区[1]。
2007年2月,美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥哈特兰德研究所(Hartland Institute)科学与环境政策计划(SEPP)组建了“B支队”,目的是对气候变暖的科学证据进行独立于IPCC的评估[3]。2007年4月,该组织在维也纳国际气候工作会上正式成立,更名为非政府间国际气候变化专门委员会(NIPCC)。NIPCC的科学家们不轻信气候变化是由于人类活动下的温室气体排放造成的,至今NIPCC针对气候变化的问题已经出版了8份报告。
(1)气候模型假设CO2体积分数为工业革命前的2倍,但气象观测数据反应敏感度仅为1 ℃或者更少,远小于模型的3 ℃;同时,模型低估了地球表面蒸发和全球降水的影响。
(2)气候模型没有准确反映气溶胶在红外线反射中的变化,研究表明,不同的气溶胶可以造成不同的红外线反射强度,其值为7~25 W/m2。
温度变化与CO2体积分数变化相关不好。1940—1975年气候变冷,但CO2体积分数上升很快。2001年之后卫星观测的温度没有上升趋势,但CO2体积分数上升也很快。另外,地面温度观测并不可靠:首先,城市热岛效应很难排除;其次,海面温度观测技术混乱,有浮标、卫星、船舶观测;再次,全球范围内观测点从1 200个格点减为600个格点,覆盖面由46%下降到23%:因此,温度的观测数据有明显偏差[4]。
大气中的CO2是一种温和的温室气体,随着CO2体积分数的增加,所体现出的增温效应呈逐渐缩小的趋势;同时,高体积分数的CO2对植物及生物有利,不会造成更加频繁的极端天气事件。尽管现在CO2体积分数达到了0.040 0%,我们还是生活在一个CO2极少的世界。从寒武纪(大约5.5亿年前)起至今,大气层中CO2的体积分数大约增长了15倍,但并未出现大家设定的不良反应[5]。
大气中CO2的体积分数大约是工业革命以前的2倍,在不计其他因素引起的辐射强度及反馈作用的情况下,极可能引起0.3~1.1 ℃的温升,至少一半值的温升已经产生[5]。
根据IPCC从1990年开始做出的报告,到2100年,CO2的体积分数翻倍会造成6 ℃的温升,然而在20世纪末,全球气候变暖基本停止,并且从1997年起16年内维持在一个相对稳定的温度,但在这期间CO2的体积分数上升了8%[5]。
(1)自工业革命以来,体积分数已经翻倍的CO2(从0.028 0%增至0.056 0%)可能会造成近地表温度强迫因子值为3.7 W/m2,预计温升为1 ℃[5]。
(2)IPCC模型强调,增加的水蒸气的正反馈作用可引起3.0~6.0 ℃的温升,但经验数据显示,温升的作用仅有0.3~1.0 ℃[5]。
[1]IPCC.Climate change:The IPCC scientific assessment[R].Geneva:Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,1991.
[5]NIPCC.Why scientists disagree about global warming:The NIPCC report on scientific consensus[R].Vienna:Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change,2015.
XUEMingjun1,2,WANGYuting1,2,CHENFufeng1,2,ZOULei1,2,ZHANGXiang1,2,CHENShi1,2(1.Guodian Nanjing Automation Company Limited, Nanjing 210003, China; 2.Nanjing Guodian Nanzi Automation Company Limited, Nanjing 211153, China)
Abstract:Utilizing installed series capacitor double circuits on the same tower grounding failure zero sequence network, the influence of the zero-sequence power direction element and zero sequence differential protection on the two sides protection installation is analyzed in the case of high resistance failure at the outlet of the string and the failure of the MOV. Analysis indicated that series compensation capacitor may lead to far away from the side of series compensation protection of zero sequence power direction relay from action, as a protection of high resistance earth fault zero-sequence differential protection sensitivity and the lower even refused to move. The simulation test verifies the correctness of the theoretical analysis and puts forward the principle of the main protection.
Keywords:series capacitor compensation; double circuits on the same tower; zero sequence power direction; zero-sequence differential protection; high resistance fault
JINHongze,KONGChuiyu,GUONingbo(National Center of Quality Inspection and Testing for Hydraulic Metal Structure Ministry of Water Resources, Zhengzhou 450044, China)
Abstract:Full-field strain was measured by non-contact strain measuring system in homemade uniform strength beams device. The result was compared and analyzed with calculated value. And the result proved that non-contact strain measuring system accurately measured strain of uniform strength beams.
Keywords:non-contact strain measuring system; uniform strength beams; strain
XIEJiankun,CHUHao,XIARuifang,SHUZhongping(Nanjing Changrong Acoustic Incorporated, Nanjing 210000, China)
Abstract:To solve the problem of existing power plant dust removal equipment has difficulty on removing micrometer and sub-micrometer particulate matter, acoustic agglomeration dust removal on-line test device was developed based on acoustic agglomeration theory and flow field transformation simultaneous separation. Primary test and research used power plant desulfurized flue gas. The influence of acoustic agglomeration on PM10grain size distribution and demister outlet total dust mass density was analyzed. This provided test evidence for application of acoustic agglomeration in industrial area.
Keywords:coal-fired power plant; acoustic agglomeration; dust removal; desulfurized flue gas
NIXinyu,SHIZheng,FANGLi(China Huadian Corporation Wangting Power Plant, Suzhou 215155, China)
Abstract:In ultra-high voltage power gird receiver-side, primary frequency modulation became more and more important. Large scale coal-fire power is responsible for primary modulation, but many units cannot achieve expected performance, and problems barely can be detected by performance tests. By analyzing tested units, prohibition and frequency modulation counter action logic was indicated. Corrected sliding pressure curve, which increases frequency modulating ability, and corrected feedforward coefficient was provided. This could be referred by different kind of unit.
Keywords:primary frequency modulation performance; control logic optimum; frequency modulation removal counter logic; fixed sliding pressure curve;feedforward coefficient of correction
XUYinqing(State Grid Shanghai Power Company Inspection & Maintenance Company, Shanghai 200063, China)
Abstract:To effectively evaluate transformer insulation aging, the evaluation model based on fuzzy mathematics and D-S evidence theory was indicated. By the method of no power failure detecting transformer insulation status, four parameters were measured. These four parameters were fuzzed through membership function into four independent evidence bodies. And diag-nostic result was calculated by the powerful uncertain information process ability of D-S evidence theory. Multiple allocations proved the effectiveness of this model.
Keywords:power transformer; D-S evidence theory; fuzzy mathematics; insulation aging
HUBing1,2,GUOXiao1,2,CHENFufeng1,2,LIYuping1,2,XINGWu1,2,WANGZhe1,2(1.Guodian Nanjing Automation Company Limited, Nanjing 210003,China; 2.Nanjing Guodian Nanzi Automation Company Limited, Nanjing 211153, China)
Abstract:To enhance the speed and reliability of existing intelligent substation transformer protective device, a full master type distributed localized transformer protection plan was introduced. Protection submachine was provided to each side of transformer. Submachines communicated with each other by internal high speed loop network. Each submachine was equipped with full protective function. Switch will be tripped through cable if protection behavior activated. Based on the overall plans comparison, triple layer network communicating mechanism, remote human-machine interface and other key technologies were discussed.
Keywords:intelligent substation; transformer; protection device; full master type; distributed type; localized; communication mechanism; human-machine management
YANGGuanglei,ZHANGBangbin(China Huadian Engineering Company Limited, Beijing 100160, China)
Abstract:Based on the research and study on a few foreign power plants, different kinds of wiring methods of auxiliary power system were analyzed. The application of common segment and necessity of special standby was discussed. After comparing the economical efficiency of two solutions, anappropriate wiring method for power plants in southeast Asia region was indicated. This wiring method was approved feasible by simulation in simulink.
Keywords:auxiliary power; hand in hand; simulink; special standby
XIAOSheng1,GUOBochun2(1.Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Company Limited,Xi’an 710054,China;2.Sichuan Guang’an Power Generation Company Limited,Guang’an 638000,China)
Abstract:Distributed control system (DCS) reformation proposal shall fundamentally better than existing system. Different suppliers will increase the complexity. Hardware distribution, software configuration and cable wiring design was analyzed and studied. This could be referred for reformation of similar type DCS.
Keywords:distributed control system (DCS); reformation; different supplier; hardware; software; cable
CUIChao(China Datang Technology and Engineering Company Limited, Beijing 100097, China)
Abstract:Direct air cooling system frequency converter usually aligned concentratedly, and often caused over temperature alarm in summer. After cause analysis, the plan that adds water cooling system was introduced. Actual operation proved that this plan is effective and able to save energy and prolong converter life-span.
Keywords:direct air cooling system; fan; frequency converter group; heat dissipation; water cooling system
ZHANGLifeng(China Datang Technology and Engineering Company Limited, Beijing 100097, China)
Abstract:Gearbox is one of the core components of fan. Lubricant filter system will help maintaining lubricant cleanliness, and extend fan gearbox lifetime, increase transmission efficiency. Gearbox lubricant impurity and harm was analyzed. By lubricant quality test, effectiveness of on-line filer system and off-line fine filter system was indicated. Method to control lubricant cleanliness was summarized.
Keywords:fan; gearbox; lubricant; filter system; cleanliness
GAOWei1,XINGJiehua1,ZENGMingmin2(1.Nanjing Huatian Science and Technology Development Company Limited, Nanjing 210019, China; 2.Nanjing College of Information Technology, Nanjing 210023, China)
Abstract:An interference factor of traditional pH analysis meter analyzing pure water was introduced. Difficulties of nuclear power plant low conductivity water pH value measuring were analyzed. Based on the special requirement of pH analysis meter of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant, it was indicated that computing type pH analysis meter was able to satisfy the position of chemical supervision in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant. The application situation and application future of pH analysis meter in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant was summarized.
Keywords:computing type pH analysis meter; nuclear power plant; interference factor; chemical supervision
HUANGChengbin,ZHOUZhengyi,LIJinfeng(China Huadian Engineering Company Limited, Beijing 100160, China)
Abstract:The site of a power plant in Vietnam was selected on southwestern coastal alluvial plain, based on the geological exploration report, there was 10.75 to 22.00 m clay and silt clay exists in site shallow subgrade. This layer of clay is widespread, low intensity and high deformation, which seriously threatened the structural safety of power plant. During the construction plan discussion phase, soft clay foundation pre-treatment plan was discussed based on the different bearing capacity requirements and different construction progress. This paper introduced the pre-treatment plan and its discussion progress. Which could be referred for similar problem.
Keywords:coal-fired power plant; soft clay; foundation pre-treatment; plans compression; construction research
XUZenghui1,ZHANGChenliang2,WUJicai2(1.China Huadian Engineering Corporation Limited, Beijing 100160, China; 2.PowerChina Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited, Beijing 100036, China)
Abstract:In the first phase construction process of a certain hydropower station, structural damage and cracks appeared on the face. In this paper, the face destruction was checked and the damage reasons were analyzed firstly. After that, some face restoring treatments were proposed according to the stress features of concrete face and local actual conditions. After the restoring, the deformation of concrete face became stable and the leakage was controlled within the permissible range. At last, this paper summarized the problems that need attention in face restoring process and provided a reference for similar construction project of concrete face rockfill dam.
Keywords:concrete face rockfill dam;disengaging;crack;restore
JINBowen,WANGGuangzeng(State Grid Jinhua Power Supply Company, Jinhua 321017, China)
Abstract:For the problems of no unified post evaluation system of China’s power transmission and transformation project was established and no new requirement of power reform was reflected, this paper conducted a thorough study on post evaluation system of power transmission and transformation project considering the new situation of power reform. Firstly, it analyzed the influences of power reform on the post evaluation system of power transmission and transformation project and extracted post evaluation indexes that adapted to power reform. Secondly, combining the provisions of State Grid on post evaluation of fixed asset investment projects,it proposed a comprehensive post evaluation method of power transmission and transformation project based on post evaluation indexes, which were selected from the aspects of preliminary work, preparation stage evaluation and procedure evaluation etc. Lastly, the effectiveness of the study were verified by instance analysis.
Keywords:power reform; power transmission and transformation project; post evaluation; comprehensive evaluation
HAOYunyan(North China Power Engineering Company Limited of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation, Beijing 100120, China)
Abstract:The 350 MW supercritical steam turbine is the main type for domestic large heating unit at present, and there is a constant dispute whether its economy could be improved by increasing steam parameters to ultra-supercritical parameters. Combining the analysis conclusions of turbine plants, this paper analyzed the technical feasibility of 350 MW heating unit using ultra-supercritical parameters, the rationality of initial parameters selection and the economy of equipment investment and operation cost. And provided a reference for the reasonable ultra-supercritical parameters selection of 350 MW unit.
Keywords:350 MW unit; ultra-supercritical; economy
SHIZhongxi,ZHANGJinzhu(Huadian Zhengzhou Mechanical Design Institute, Zhengzhou 450046, China)
Abstract:With the economic growth of China slowed down, the total generation capacity and thermal power unit utilization rate is lowered year by year. The load of thermal power generation units maintains low level for constantly, and frequently start and stop. Due to the operating condition and environmental requirements, power plant variable load denitration is imperative. By analyzing and comparing kinds of 600 MW super-critical coal-fired unit variable denitration technical approaches, the most suitable approach for coal-fired unit was recommended.
Keywords:600 MW unit; super-critical; coal-fired unit; variable load denitration reconstruction; economizer; technical approach
LIUJin(Huadian Water Engineering Company Limited, Beijing 100160, China)
Abstract:To realize thermal power plant waste water zero emission, technology of desulfurization waste water pre-process, desulfurization waste water concentrated treatment and tail strong brine evaporative crystallization was compared. The propitiated proposal was selected. Post-processed condensate water could be used as industrial water, and realized power plant water treatment system close-type circulating. There is not any water discharged. Waste water zero emission was realized.
Keywords:desulfurization waste water; zero emission; pre-process; concentrated treatment; tail strong brine evaporative crystallization
ZHANGHui,KONGHua(Shenzhen Energy Environment Company Limited, Shenzhen 518048, China)
Abstract:The component of civil sludge is complicated. Besides moisture, large quantity of pathogenic bacteria, parasite, pathogenic microorganism, and arsenic, copper, chrome, mercury, and other toxic matter exist in civil sludge. Casually disposing untreated sludge will cause new pollution and waste resources. Harm-free treatment of civil sludge has been already a critical environmental project for each level government and administration. By analyzing the component of civil sludge, and studying on incineration disposal, a recommended proposal was provided.
Keywords:civil sludge; incineration disposal; glue gas cleaning; process system; desulfurization and denitration
WANGLele,YAOYan,WANGLipeng,YANGXiaoning,HEChuan,KONGFanhai(Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Company Limited Suzhou Branch, Suzhou 215153, China)
Abstract:With the popularization in our country, generation of flue gas denitration catalyst as solid hazard is increasing year by year. Treatment of this became a critical problem. By analyzing the generation and harmness of flue gas denitration catalyst, the treatment principle of decreasing, harm-free and resourcing was indicated. Based on this principle, this paper introduced and compared technical approaches to treat the waste catalyst after analyzation. The introduction and discussion of relevant technology could be referred for following study.
Keywords:coal-fired power plant; flue gas denitration; harm-free treatments; resource utilization
LIChanghao,YANLu,ZHOUZhengyi(China Huadian Engineering Company Limited, Beijing 100160, China)
Abstract:Since the first climate change assessment report publicized by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), whether CO2is the main factor caused global warm became a controversy topic in academe. This paper introduced the viewpoint of Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). They claimed that the global climate models (GCMs), built by IPCC, have defects, effect of CO2was overestimated. And IPCC ignored radiative forcing, back donation and other factors. NIPCC believe global warming is caused by natural reasons, not human activates.
Keywords:CO2; IPCC; NIPCC; global climate model; greenhouse effect
XUJinsong,SHAOYuan(Huadian Power International Company Center for Technical Service, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract:Based on the operation data, including selective catalyst reduction (SCR) system inlet NOxmass density, oxygen content, denitration efficiency, flue gas flow rate, ammonia injection rate and others, monitored by real-time mornitoring system, a few of calculation models were built to verify denitration operation and set alarm value. Establishment of denitration alarm system will help power plant to adjust in time.
Keywords:SCR system; real-time monitoring system; operation improvement
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ZHAOQian1,2,ZOULei1,2,CHENFufeng1,2,XUEMingjun1,2,GONGShimin1,2,LIYuping1,2(1.Guodian Nanjing Automation Company Limited, Nanjing 210003, China; 2.Nanjing Guodian Nanzi Automation Company Limited, Nanjing 211153, China)
Facing the in situ integration demands of relay protection of transformer substation, this paper carried out integration and optimization design for the relay protection devices of medium and high voltage lines in transformer substation, which integrated distributed bus protection, merging units, intelligent terminals, measuring and controlling function, etc. This design scheme mainly adopted the methods of physical integration of devices and independent functional modules. Through analyzing and testing, this design scheme could improve the reliability and real-time performance of protection sampling, reduce the number of devices and cabinets, increase information processing efficiency and simplify wiring in smart substations.
transformer substation;relay protection;in situ;interval integration
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