文/Carma Elliot (艾琳)
Planting the Seeds of a Long-term Relationship Between Britain and China
文/Carma Elliot (艾琳)
本文作者英国大使馆文化教育公使、英国文化教育协会中国区主任艾琳(Carma Elliot, the Minister of Culture and Education, British Embassy; Country Director, British Council China)
2013年12月率英国贸易代表团访华期间,时任首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)表示希望“播撒长期关系的种子,使中国、英国和世界各国未来的几代人受益”。自从2016年6月“脱欧”公投以来,加强英国的全球影响力和联系的重要性与日俱增,而中国在其中将继续发挥关键性的作用。我热切地感受到,我们只有通过在包括贸易在内的所有与我们息息相关的问题上都开展密切合作才能建立这种关系。
As I write this article, I am marking my 4th anniversary as Director of the British Council in China and a total of 33 years since I first came to China, as a student at Fudan University in Shanghai. In that time, I have witnessed the truly amazing transformation of China, and over the same period, the British Council has also actively worked alongside our Chinese partners on exchanges which have been catalysts for sustainable, mutually benef i cial change in key areas of China’s own development plans.
Established by Royal Charter in 1947, and working in over 110 countries, the British Council is the UK’s international organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We create friendly knowledge and understanding between the people of the UK and other countries, and in turn –this generates the trust to build on for a shared future.We work with thousands of professionals, policy makers and millions of young people every year by teaching English, sharing the arts and delivering education and skills programmes. We believe that people to people contacts-whether in China or elsewhere -make a powerful and lasting contribution to a more peaceful, tolerant and secure world. In short, we do all we can to harness, publicise, promote and pursue UK/China people to people initiatives, and we have a wide range of relationships, from the top down, which support and drive this work.
英国文化教育协会作为英国大使馆文化教育处于1979年成立,其前身是由著名汉学家李约瑟博士(Dr. Joseph Needham)于1943年创办的中英科技合作办公室。我们在5个中国城市设有办事处,并活跃在35个二三线城市。我们与英国大使馆保持紧密合作,并主导双边教育与文化交流项目。我们还在围绕其他软实力问题与英国利益相关方召开会议,目的是与合作伙伴建立关系,并为参与两国关键经济部门事务的英方合作伙伴提供更广泛的经济机会。英国文化教育协会与中国文化 部共同签署了1979年双边文化交流协定以及英中两国在教育、文化、语言评估和体育等领域内达成的许多其他谅解备忘录。
On a UK trade mission to China in December 2013, then Prime Minister David Cameron said he hoped to “plant the seeds of a long-term relationship which will benef i t China, Britain and the world for generations to come”. Since the EU referendum in June 2016, the importance of strengthening the UK’s global influence and connections has grown, and China continues to be a key priority for the UK. I feel passionately that such a relationship will only come about by also working together on issues – beyond trade - that affect us all.
Key to driving this agenda is the impact of the UK/China High-Level People to People Dialogue, one of three strategic bilateral dialogues. The British Council’s role is instrumental and central: leading on three of its strands (education, culture and sport) and with our Chief Executive as the Dialogue’s joint Secretary-General. The dialogue is one of the cornerstones of overall bilateral engagement – and at a time of fl ux and tension on the international stage, this Dialogue assumes an even greater importance as it is genuinely inclusive.
So, what do we actually do?
The British Council was established in China in 1979 as the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy, building on the work of the Sino-British Science Cooperation Office established by the noted sinologist Dr. Joseph Needham in 1943. We have off i ces in fi ve cities across China and are active in an additional 35 tier two and tier three cities. We work closely with the British Embassy, and lead on bilateral education programmes and cultural links. We also convene across UK stakeholders on other soft power issues with the aim of building relationships with partners, and of building wider economic opportunities for UK partners engaged in these key economic sectors for our two countries. The British Council is cosignatory with the Chinese Ministry of Culture to the bilateral 1979 Cultural Exchange Agreement; as well as a number of other Memoranda of Understanding between the UK and China on education, culture, language assessment and sport.
Since 2015, the UK and China have made a joint commitment to build “a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st century”, in a “golden era” in the bilateral relationship. The British Council plays an important role here in building and maintaining the ties which really bind our two peoples –through our work in language teaching, assessment, education exchange, culture and creative engagement and sport, and increasingly our work in gender parity and EDI. We work with partners across the UK and across China, and build links between professionals, individuals and institutions in these sectors which increasingly underpin mutual economic growth.
Both Britain and China have rich traditions in education, each characterised by two distinct but equally successful approaches. Britain is at the cutting edge of creativity and pedagogic innovation, while China leads on academic rigour and increasingly, technological innovation.We nurture lifelong links between young people, and between academics and institutions in both our countries. We also run programmes to encourage more young British people to study in China; and our work contributes to China's ambitions to internationalise its higher education system.
The UK’s higher education system enjoys a strong reputation in China as it seeks to move forward with its own international strategy. While many choosing to study in the UK are selfpaying, the Chinese government has supported 11,000 scholarships since 2012; and there are overall currently 150,000 Chinese students in the UK. The direct experience of overseas students studying at our universities has been shown to be life-long, boosting professional capacity, social mobility and building trust.The UK has also pioneered models of transnational education with joint degree programmes offered in China, with various delivery models, including joint university campuses such as the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Currently 57,000 Chinese young people are studying for a UK degree in China. The British Council has a key role in advising and supporting UK universities to set up such joint programmes.
Following several decades of increased student mobility from China, there are now an estimated 600,000 Chinese alumni of UK HE institutions the vast majority of whom are living and working in China. The inf l uence of this group (and those British nationals who have studied in China) is potentially signif i cant, in nurturing a sustainable, long-term relationship between the UK and China.
The UK Government recognises the importance of preparing the next generation of UK young people for engagement in a competitive global economy, in particular through awareness of China. Since its inception in 2012, the British Council’s Generation UK programme has seen a cumulative total of 35,000 British young people study and intern in China, with the very generous support of the Chinese government and universities. The programme has also greatly increased access for young British people, targeted at those who might not otherwise be able to access such opportunities, to study and intern in China. Such programmes, which enable more people to be conversant with the language and the culture of China, are key to building greater mainstream understanding, wider cultural and economic engagement between our two nations, and help to bring about aspirations of the “golden age” of UKChina cultural relations.
The British Council has supported a wide range of school partnerships and educational opportunities for pupils and teachers over many years. Chinese has been identified as one of the most important languages to learn in the UK. Current high profileinitiatives supported directly by the British Council include the Mandarin Expansion Programme aimed at supporting 5,000 pupils in English schools to achieve Mandarin fl uency (in a programme in which we partner with the Institute of Education/UCL) – as well as the Shanghai-England maths exchange.
The British Council’s examinations work, in language and other subjects, is on a large scale. We deliver a range of highly valued UK qualifications, particularly in English and Finance, with IELTS and ACCA the most popular. Our IELTS preparation course on the FutureLearn platform is one of the world's most popular MOOCs – in large part because of the popularity of IELTS in China, which accounts for one quarter of all global candidature.
There are an estimated 300 million learners of English and two million English language teachers in China, with demand for more provision of training. The British Council does not currently have English language teaching centres in China, but we offer free to access content and materials. We also work with partners in Chinese education institutions to raise standards in English teaching – something we have been doing for over 35 years. We are also happy to be supporting the growth of Chinese teaching in schools in the UK.
Across all our programmes in China, we seek to embed a focus on the economic empowerment of women and girls. Gender equality throughout the world is linked to economic prosperity and is a global priority as set out in Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes the launch, in December 2016, of Inspiring Women China, a programme designed to address gender stereotyping on careers among school children; and our support for the launch of the Southbank’s Women of the World (WOW!) in Beijing this August.
In uncertain times, the arts maintain good relationships and open channels of communication. They remind us what we have in common; they make us feel secure; and they remind us that creativity, not destruction, will prevail. Our arts work connects professionals and audiences in both countries-not only bringing British creative work to the attention of Chinese audiences, and vice versa, but sharing the skills that make that work possible, through training and professional exchange.
2017年,我们将通过精心策划的“灵动青春”活动进一步加强与中国的合作。更多信息可浏览https:// www.britishcouncil.cn/SOY。
2015 marked the fi rst ever bilateral Year of Cultural Exchange. The UK season was curated by the British Council and presented over 200 events in China, forming a lasting legacy for future generations of UK and Chinese creative and artistic talent to flourish over the long term. The digital footprint and partnerships which supported the UK season were (and remain) significant: the launch by HRH Duke of Cambridge alone had a total reach of over 1 billion people in China through broadcast, print and digital media. Further highlights included 71.42 million people reached through Benedict Cumberbatch’s involvement in the campaign.
Throughout 2016, the British Council’s Shakespeare Lives programme curated events in over 100 countries, in a yearlong celebration of the playwright’s legacy. These have included joint events with the Chinese Ministry of Culture to mark the shared anniversary with China’s own leading playwright, Tang Xianzu, and thus enabling a highly successful bilateral campaign that strengthened UK – China friendship and cultural exchange through the arts. The programme saw over 100 Shakespeare Lives events in China, reaching 50,000 people faceto-face and more than 2 billion (cumulatively) through print, digital and broadcast media. The Royal Shakespeare Company, Shakespeare’s Globe and leading figures including Sir Ian McKellen and Jonathan Price were among those engaged with the campaign, enabling us to develop aplethora of engaging activity from start to fi nish.
In 2017, we will build upon this impactful engagement with our partners in China through a carefully curated campaign under the theme “Spirit of Youth”. More information can be found https://www.britishcouncil.cn/en/SOY.
I am extremely passionate about the work I do, and welcome the positive and high regard others have for our work, and our impact. Phillip Blond, director of the ResPublica think tank, said recently of the British Council:
“It is the most effective British operation in the world at the use of soft power,” he said. “It is the way this country promotes its values, not imposing them on others but saying that is what we believe and why it is important. It is where most foreign people have their fi rst contact with Britain and its culture”.
The British Council has throughout our long relationship with China focused on building long-term, deeper and broader links. Experiences of the kind supported by the British Council are ones which our young people will take forward into their careers, whichever sector or profession they go into – all of them with a personal and often deeply held connection to the UK.