
2017-09-14 20:15洪俆
文化交流 2017年8期











2015年准备回国发展的多米尼克,想给杭州留一个小小的纪念,于是拍摄了名为《谢谢杭州》的纪录片。“这本该是我告别之前送给杭州的一份礼物,最后却成为我决意留在这座城市的理由。”那年春天,多米尼克在网上看到泰国风光短片《Koh Yao Noi》,这个全部由航拍器完成的视频,点燃了他的拍摄热情。一番研究之后,他花了1万多元,买了一部无人机DJI Phantom2和GoPro Hero4。“我的航拍技术是自学的,从拍摄技巧到后期剪辑,全靠各种教学视频。”



















The people in Hangzhou learned about Dominik Derflinger from Austria in 2015. That year, the young man spent four months filming Hangzhou through a drone and made a 3.5-minute video titled . The video became viral in the city and across the nation. At Youku, a national video website, the video received more than 100,000 hits within days.

In 2011, he came to China as a student in a program for international exchanges. He studied in Hong Kong and Chengdu, the capital city of southwestern Chinas Sichuan Province. He visited Beijing, Shanghai, Qinghai and Tibet. In 2012, he worked as an intern at a Fortune 500 business in Hangzhou. During his stay, he traveled through the city and took photos. These photos were so good that his family members and friends came to see Hangzhou many times. They hadnt known about Hangzhou previously. About China they heard of Beijing and Shanghai, Chinas megacities of skyscrapers and all the hustle and bustle. They marveled at the elegance and serenity of Hangzhou.

was intended to be a goodbye gift. Dominik Derflinger had planned to go back home after a three-year stay in the city. In the spring of 2015, he happened to watch a Thai commercial Koh Yao Noi, which featured the scenic beauty of Thailand in a birds-eye view. The Austrian was inspired. After some research, he bought a DJI drone and a professional camera. He taught himself aerial filming and editing by studying DIY videos available on internet. After making about 30-hour video footage and over 10,000 photos, he put them together and Hangzhou appeared in the 3.5-minute video.endprint

The video went viral and turned Dominik into an internet celebrity. He was approached by someone from Hangzhou Kerry Center, a high-end property in downtown Hangzhou, which was under construction by then. Dominik was commissioned to document the progress of the construction of Kerry Center in Hangzhou. His work is highly appreciated by the employer.

As more and more people came to him for business, Dominik in early 2016 registered a business in Hangzhou, which specializes in cultural undertakings. He calls his business “Journey to the East”, a name after the famous Chinese classical novel and a name reflecting the influences of Marco Polo who visited Hangzhou in the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). Dominik is a European and he wishes to catch Chinas natural beauty, human stories and business on his mobile phone camera so that these pictures can be distributed to westerners.

Dominik has traveled a lot across Zhejiang, a province of natural beauty, history and culture. He loves wandering through Hangzhou. He carries a notebook and jots down brief notes which he will later explore to find the unique charms of the city with a history of 8,000 years. Gem Hill by the West Lake in Hangzhou is his favorite spot to view the West Lake and Hangzhou at night. The hill attracts all kinds of people, including rock climbers. In the hill, he has run into the same group of rock climbers in their 50s and 60s many times.

His business is good. He is contracted by local government departments and businesses to take photos and make documentaries and videos. For example, shortly after his company came into being, he was commissioned by Hangzhou Library to make a documentary featuring the commonplace side of Hangzhou. The documentary respectively highlights three figures: Wu Peng, Shen Yuqing and Wieslaw Borkowski. Wu, now retired from competing sports, used to be a world-class swimmer and competed in Olympic Games. Shen runs Qingteng Teahouse, a teahouse chain in the city. Borkowski is a Polish artist who now lives in Hangzhou. The documentary was a success. During 2017 G20 Summit in Hangzhou, the documentary was screened in many national libraries across the world. As his reputation spreads as an outstanding photographer with a unique understanding of China, his business is thriving. At present, with sharp business acumen, he is exploring a niche market. As more and more Chinese travelers are visiting Europe, they take photos everywhere, but most of them are unable to take photos at the professional level. What if they hire a professional photographer to go with them at a reasonable price? Dominik is ready to explore the niche.

Dominik wants to know more about China. One of his role models is Peter Hessler, an American writer and journalist who has written four acclaimed nonfiction books about China thanks to his 15-year stay in the oriental country. Dominik wants to have a profound understanding of China and see a China even some Chinese have never seen before.

Dominik is an inspirational photographer. In addition to the photos he has taken about Hangzhou, he has traveled across China. His Chinese friends are amazed by his photographic take on China. For this reason, he often meets Chinese photographers and shares with them his tips of taking good photos: enquiries into ideas and concepts, cultural inclusiveness and identification.

Now Dominik Derflinger lives in Hangzhou and has a girlfriend who is a television program presenter. They have visited Linz, Dominiks hometown in Austria. His girlfriend Han Wei was deeply impressed by the citys beauty.endprint

G20 映像杭州的“取胜之钥”