Sphaerocerid flies collected from Liaoning and Jilin, Northeast China (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae)

2017-09-03 08:40:08,,

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(1. Liaoning Key Laboratory of Urban Integrated Pest Management and Ecological Security,Shenyang University, Shenyang 110044, China; 2. Experiment Teaching Center, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China)

Sphaerocerid flies collected from Liaoning and Jilin, Northeast China (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae)


(1. Liaoning Key Laboratory of Urban Integrated Pest Management and Ecological Security,Shenyang University, Shenyang 110044, China; 2. Experiment Teaching Center, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China)

The present study provides faunistic information obtained from the study of a collection of the sphaerocerid flies (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) in Liaoning and Jilin, Northeast China. A total of 1720 specimens, belonging to 3 subfamilies (Copromyzinae, Sphaerocerinae, Limosininae), were examined and 62 species were identified in our sample. Among the identified species one genus and 16 species are newly recorded in China:Crumomyiagelida(Hackman, 1965);Ischioleptapusilla(Fallén, 1820);AptilotuslonginervisHayashi, 1989;Chaetopodellascutellaris(Haliday, 1836);Leptoceracaenosa(Rondani, 1880);L.vomerataRohek & Papp, 1983;Minilimosina(Svarciella)guestphalica(Duda, 1918);M. (Minilimosina)trogeriRohek, 1983;Opacifronselbergi(Papp, 1979);Opalimosina(Hackmanina)czernyi(Duda, 1918);ParalimosinajaponicaHayashi, 1985;P.prominensHayashi, 1985;Pullimosina(Pullimosina)vernalisHayashi, 2006;Rachispodaexcavata(Papp, 1979);Spelobiapseudosetaria(Duda, 1918);Trachyopella(Trachyopella)artivenaRohek & Marshall, 1986.LeptoceraspinisquamaSu, 2011, syn. nov., is synonymized withLeptoceradyscolaRohek & Papp, 1983.

Sphaeroceridae; Northeast China; checklist; new record; new synonym.

0 Introduction

Studies on morphological taxonomy of the Sphaeroceridae have been conducted for several years in China, but despite this, Chinese species of Sphaeroceridae are still poorly known. The fundamental objectives of the present study are to provide a comprehensive checklist of Sphaeroceridae in Liaoning and Jilin, to develop a database to be used for identification purposes, and to expand upon existing information about the sphaerocerid fauna of China. During the course of this work, 62 species from 21 genera were identified, including 16 newly recorded species in China. Additionally, several uncommon species were found in our sample, particularly in the genusAptilotus. This study therefore contributes a significant advance in knowledge of the Sphaeroceridae in China. Finally, a syn. nov., namelyLeptoceraspinisquamaSu, 2011 is treated below.

This study of sphaerocerid diversity in Northeast China contributes not only to a better understanding of the species richness of Sphaeroceridae in China, but also to providing valuable precision regarding the hitherto poorly known distribution of some uncommon species.

1 Material and methods

The present study of species of Sphaeroceridae in Liaoning and Jilin is based on all relevant published records and supplemented by data obtained from the materials collected recently in Liaoning and Jilin. The specimens of Sphaeroceridae were identified by the authors and deposited in Liaoning Key Laboratory of Urban Integrated Pest Management and Ecological Security, Shenyang University, China (LKLSU).

For each capture, a valid species name, the original published name of the species, all subsequent generic and subgeneric combinations cited by Chinese dipterists, the Chinese geographic distribution information, and any comments are presented.

2 Results

A total of 1720 adult sphaerocerid specimens were collected in Liaoning and Jilin, Northeast China, and belonging to 3 subfamilies, were subsequently examined. Their identification resulted in a number of interesting new records, some of which are already published in Su and Liu (2009a, 2009b, 2009c), Su (2011) and Suetal. (2009, 2013a, 2013b, 2013c, 2013d, 2013, 2015, 2017). In the present paper, 3 subfamilies, 21 genera and 62 identified species are listed below.

Checkist of species of Sphaeroceridae in Liaoning and Jilin

Subfamily Copromyzinae

1)Crumomyiagelida(Hackman, 1965)Copromyza(Crumomyia)gelidaHackman, 1965:38. Distribution. Liaoning (Dandong: Kuandian). Comments. New record for China. A Holarctic saprophagous species, swept from mixed broadleaf-conifer forest.

Subfamily Sphaerocerinae

2)Ischioleptapusilla(Fallén, 1820)CopromyzapusillaFallén, 1820:8. Distribution. Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for China. A subcosmopolitan polysaprophagous species, swept from tufts of grass.

3)SphaeroceracurvipesLatreille, 1805SphaeroceracurvipesLatreille, 1805:394.Sphaeroceracurvipescurvipes. 2011:31[male, key], 32-33[male, redescription], 158[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Liaoning (Liaoyang: Emei), Tibet. Comments. A cosmopolitan species, swept from habitats with accumulated dung of cattle and pig.

4)SphaeroceraqianshanensisSu, 2011SphaeroceracurvipesqianshanensisSu, 2011:32[male, key], 33-35[male, description], 159[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Anshan: Qianshan). Comments. A Palaearctic species, swept from habitats with accumulated dung of cattle and pig.

Subfamily Limosininae

5)AptilotuslonginervisHayashi, 1989AptilotuslonginervisHayashi, 1989:303. Distribution. Liaoning (Dandong: Baishilazi National Nature Reserve, Fenghuangshan, Jiapigou, Wulongshan). Comments. New record for China. An Oriental-Palaearctic saprophagous species, very rare, previously only recorded from Japan. It was swept from broad-leaved forest.

6)Bifronsinabifrons(Stenhammar, 1855)LimosinabifronsStenhammar, 1855:401. Distribution. Liaoning (Liaoyang: Emei), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Jiangxi (Guanshan National Nature Reserve), Hainan, Shaanxi, Taiwan. Comments.A cosmopolitan species associated with various decaying materials, including rotting fungi.

7)Chaetopodellascutellaris(Haliday, 1836)LimosinascutellarisHaliday, 1836:329. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Laotieshan). Comments. New record for China. A widespread Palaearctic species.

8)Coproicaacutangula(Zetterstedt, 1847)LimosinaacutangulaZetterstedt, 1847:2499.Coproicaacutangula. -Su, 2011: 41[male, key], 41-42[male, redescription], 162[male, illustr.]. Distribution.Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Liaoning (Liaoyang: Emei), Gansu, Taiwan. Comments. A cosmopolitan coprophagous (preferentially horse dung) species.

9)Coproicaferruginata(Stenhammar, 1855)LimosinaferruginataStenhammar, 1855:397.Coproicaferruginata. -Su, 2011:41[male, key], 44-45[male, redescription], 164[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Beijing, Liaoning (Liaoyang: Emei), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan. Comments. A cosmopolitan and very commom species. It was swept from tufts of grass and habitats with accumulated dung.

10)Coproicahirtula(Rondani, 1880)LimosinahirtulaRondani, 1880:40.Coproicahirtula. -Su, 2011: 41[male, key], 45-46[male, redescription], 165[male, illustr.]. Distribution.Liaoning (Liaoyang: Emei), Jiangxi (Guanshan National Nature Reserve, Jian), Hong Kong, Taiwan. Comments. A cosmopolitan polysaprophagous species.

11)CoproicarufifronsHayashi, 1991CoproicarufifronsHayashi, 1991:237. -Su, 2011:41[male, key], 47-48[both sexes, redescription], 167[both sexes, illustr.]. Distribution. Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Shanxi (Lishan), Liaoning (Shenyang, Anshan: Qianshan, Fushun: Houshi National Forest Park, Liaoyang: Emei, Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Yunnan (Tengchong), Shaanxi (Qinling), Hong Kong, Taiwan. Comments.A widespread species in China, associated with various decaying materials, including rotting fungi.

12)Coproicavagans(Haliday, 1833)BorborusvagansHaliday, 1833:178.Coproicavagans. -Su, 2011:41[male, key], 48-50[male, redescription], 168[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Liaoyang: Emei), Taiwan. Comments. A cosmopolitan polysaprophagous species.

13)Leptoceracaenosa(Rondani, 1880)LimosinacaenosaRondani, 1880:36. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Pingdingshan). Comments.New record for China. A subcosmopolitan synanthropic species. Supplement to description: mid tibia with 1 large distal dorsal bristle in front of long distal dorsal bristle.

14)LeptoceradyscolaRohek & Papp, 1983 Leptocera dyscola Rohek & Papp, 1983:222.LeptoceraspinisquamaSu, 2011: 51[male, key], 59-60[male, taxonomic notes], 174, 180[male, illustr.], syn. n. Distribution. Shanxi (Lishan), Liaoning (Fushun: Houshi National Forest Park, Qingyuan, Dandong: Baishilazi National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Yunnan (Baima Xueshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A common species in China, but previously only recorded from Russia (East Siberia, Far East, West Siberia). It was swept from undergrowth and moist habitats in mixed forest.

15)LeptoceranigraOlivier, 1813LeptoceranigraOlivier, 1813:489. -Su, 2011:51[male, key], 62-63[male, redescription], 176[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Shanxi (Lishan), Inner Monglia (Nei Mongol Helanshan National Nature Reserve), Liaoning (Dalian: Shedao-Laotieshan National Nature Reserve, Dandong: Kuandian, Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Yunnan (Cangshan, Gongshan, Tengchong), Shaanxi (Qinling), Gansu (Bikou, Jifengshan, Qiujiaba, Tanchang, Tulugou, Xiaolongshan). Comments. A widespread Old World phytosaprophagous species.

16)LeptoceratruncataSu, 2011LeptoceratruncataSu, 2011:51[male, key], 60-62[male, description], 175, 180[male, illustr.]. Distribution.Liaoning (Shenyang: Beiyunhe, Fushun: Qingyuan, Benxi: Liaobiangou), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Gansu (Jifengshan, Tanchang). Comments. A Palaearctic synanthropic species.

17)LeptoceravomerataRohek & Papp, 1983Leptocera(Leptocera)vomerataRohek & Papp, 1983:213. Distribution. Liaoning (Fushun: Houshi National Forest Park, Benxi: Liaobiangou). Comments. New record for China. A Palaearctic synanthropic species, previously only recorded from Russia (Far East). It was swept from undergrowth in mixed forest.

18)Minilimosina(Allolimosina)cercisetaSu, 2011Minilimosina(Allolimosina)cercisetaSu, 2011:68[male, key], 69-70[male, description], 181[male, illustr.]. -Suetal., 2015:2[key], 3-4[male, diagnosis, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution. Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Liaoning (Fushun: Houshi National Forest Park). Comments. New record for Liaoning. A Palaearctic synanthropic species, swept from undergrowth in mixed forest.

19)Minilimosina(Svarciella)furculisterna(Deeming, 1969)Leptocera(Limosina)furculisternaDeeming, 1969:70. -Suetal., 2015:2[key], 18-19[male, diagnosis, taxonomic notes, illustr.] Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Liaobiangou), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Zhejiang (Tianmushan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for Liaoning and Jilin. An Oriental-Palaearctic synanthropic species, phytosaprophagous, previously only known from Nepal and Japan.

20)Minilimosina(Svarciella)guestphalica(Duda, 1918)Limosina(Scotophilella)guestphalicaDuda, 1918:117. Distribution. Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for China. A Palaearctic species, swept from tufts of grass.

21)Minilimosina(Svarciella)v-atrum(Villeneuve, 1917)Leptocera(Limosina)v-atrumVilleneuve, 1917:142.Minilimosina(Svarciella)v-atrum. -Suetal., 2015:3[key], 25-26[male, diagnosis, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Liaobiangou, Dandong: Fenghuangshan, Jiapigou, Wulongshan), Jiangxi (Anfu). Comments. An Oriental-Palaearctic polysaprophagous species. Its distribution of the Oriental Region was only restricted to Jiangxi of China.

22)Minilimosina(Svarciella)vitripennis(Zetterstedt, 1847)LimosinavitripennisZetterstedt, 1847:2505.Minilimosina(Svarciella)vitripennis. -Su, 2011:68[male, key], 76-77[male, redescription], 186[male, illustr.]; Suetal., 2013:16[male, key], 21-22[male, taxonomic notes, illustr.]; Suetal., 2015:3[key], 26-27[male, diagnosis, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution. Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Shanxi (Lishan), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for Jilin. A widespread Holarctic species, synanthropic.

23)Minilimosina(Minilimosina)fungicola(Haliday, 1836)LimosinafungicolaHaliday, 1836:330.Minilimosina(Minilimosina)fungicola. -Su, 2011:69[male, key], 71-72[male, redescription], 182[male, illustr.]; Suetal., 2015:2[key], 6-7[male, diagnosis, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Liaobiangou, Dandong: Fenghuangshan, Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Zhejing (Tianmushan National Nature Reserve), Shanxi (Lishan), Shaanxi (Qinling), Ningxi (Liupanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A widespread Holarctic polysaprophagous species.

24)Minilimosina(Minilimosina)luteolaSu, 2011Minilimosina(Svarciella)luteolaSu, 2011:68[male, key], 75-76[male, description], 185[male, illustr.]. -Suetal., 2013:18-19[male, redescription, illustr.].Minilimosina(Minilimosina)luteola. -Suetal., 2015:2[key], 7-9[both sexes, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Dandong: Huangyishan, Wulongshan), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Zhejiang (Tianmushan National Nature Reserve), Jiangxi (Wuyishan National Nature Reserve), Yunnan (Tengchong: Laifengshan), Shaanxi (Hanzhong: Yueba, Shangluo: Yingpan). Comments. New record for Liaoning and Jilin. An Oriental-Palaearctic species, swept from tufts of grass.

25)Minilimosina(Minilimosina)quadrispinosaSu, 2011Minilimosina(M.)quadrispinosaSu, 2011:68[male, key], 72-73[male, description], 183[male, illustr.]. -Suetal., 2015:2[key], 9-10[male, diagnosis, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution.Liaoning (Anshan: Qianshan). Comments. A Palaearctic synanthropic species.

26)Minilimosina(Minilimosina)trogeriRohek, 1983Minilimosina(Minilimosina)trogeriRohek, 1983:41. Distribution. Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments.New record for China. A Holarctic synanthropic species.

27)Opacifronscoxata(Stenhammar, 1855)LimosinacoxataStenhammar, 1855:396.BispinicericaliupanensisSu & Liu, 2009b:50-54[taxonomic notes, illustr.].Opacifronscoxata. -Su, 2011:37[male, key], 37-39[male, redescription], 160[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Ningxia (Liupanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A common Palaearctic species swept from tufts of grass in woodland.

28)Opacifronselbergi(Papp, 1979)Leptocera(Opacifrons)elbergiPapp, 1979:225. Distribution. Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for China. An uncommon Palaearctic synanthropic species, previously only known from Russia (Far East). It was swept from tufts of grass in woodland.

29)Opalimosina(Hackmanina)czernyi(Duda, 1918)Limosina(Scotophilella)CzernyiDuda, 1918:123. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Laotieshan, Dandong: Fenghuangshan), Zhejiang (Tianmushan National Nature Reserve). Comments.New record for China. An uncommon Oriental-Palaearctic saprophagous-mycetophagous species, previously only recorded from the Palaearctic Region.

30)Opalimosina(Opalimosina)mirabilis(Collin, 1902)LimosinamirabilisCollin, 1902:59.Opalimosina(Opalimosina)mirabilis. -Su, 2011:80[male, key], 80-82[male, redescription], 188[male, illustr.]; Suetal., 2013b:95[taxonomic notes], 98[male, key]. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Liaobiangou), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Jiangxi (Anfu), Sichuan (Minya Konka). Comments. A subcosmopolitan, polysaprophagous species.

31)ParalimosinajaponicaHayashi, 1985Paralimosina(Paralimosina)japonicaHayashi, 1985:329. Distribution. Liaoning (Fushun: Houshi National Forest Park, Benxi: Liaobiangou, Dandong: Fenghuangshan, Wulongshan), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for China. An Oriental-Palaearctic synanthropic species, previously known from Japan, Nepal, and Pakistan.

32)ParalimosinaprominensHayashi, 1985Paralimosina(Paralimosina)prominensHayashi, 1985:331. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Pingdingshan). Comments. New record for China. An uncommon Palaearctic synanthropic species, previously only known from Japan.

33)PhthitiabasilataSu, 2011PhthitiabasilataSu, 2011:83[male, key], 85-87[both sexes, description], 191-192[both sexes, illustr.]. -Suetal., 2013d:156[male, key], 157-159[both sexes, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution. Shanxi (Lishan), Liaoning (Benxi: Liaobiangou), Yunnan (Cangshan), Ningxi (Liupanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. An Oriental-Palaearctic synanthropic species.

34)PhthitiabicornisSu & Liu, 2009PhthitiabicornisSu & Liu, 2009:476-479[male, description, illustr.]. -Su, 2011:83[male, key], 87-88[male, redescription], 193[male, illustr.]; Suetal., 2013d:156[male, key], 159[taxonomic notes]. Distribution.Liaoning (Fushun: Houshi National Forest Park, Qingyuan), Ningxia (Liupanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for Liaoning. A Palaearctic synanthropic species.

35)PhthitialongidigitaSu, 2011PhthitialongidigitaSu, 2011:83[male, key], 89-91[male, description], 195[male, illustr.]. -Suetal., 2013d:156[male, key], 161-163[male, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution.Liaoning (Benxi: Baishilazi National Nature Reserve, Liaobiangou, Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A Palaearctic synanthropic species, occurring in woodland habitats.

36)PhthitiapollexSu, 2011PhthitiapollexSu, 2011:84[male, key], 84-85[male, description], 190[male, illustr.]. -Suetal., 2013d:156[male, key], 165-167[male, taxonomic notes, illustr.]. Distribution. Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol Helanshan National Nature Reserve), Liaoning (Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve), Ningxia (Liupanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A Palaearctic synanthropic species.

37)Pullimosina(Dahlimosina)quadripulataSu, 2013Pullimosina(Dahlimosina)quadripulataSu, 2013c:1-4[both sexes, description, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Liaobiangou, Yanghugou, Dandong: Kuandian), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for Jilin. A Palaearctic species swept in tufts of grass.

38)Pullimosina(Pullimosina)heteroneura(Haliday, 1836)LimosinaheteroneuraHaliday, 1836:331.Pullimosina(Pullimosina)heteroneura. -Suetal., 2013c:4-5[taxonomic notes, illustr.], 7[male, key]. Distribution. Liaoning (Shenyang), Jiangxi (Guanshan National Nature Reserve, Matoushan National Nature Reserve), Taiwan. Comments. A common cosmopolitan, polysaprophagous species, associated with various rotting materials, including rotting fungi.

39)Pullimosina(Pullimosina)vernalisHayashi, 2006Pullimosina(Pullimosina)vernalisHayashi 2006:268. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Laotieshan,Benxi: Liaobiangou). Comments. New record for China. An uncommon Palaearctic synanthropic species associated with decaying vegetable matter, previously only recorded from Japan. Supplement to description: surstylus asymmetrical, the right with a small anterior inner lobe.

40)Pullimosina(Pullimosina)vulgestaRohek, 2001Pullimosina(Pullimosina)vulgestaRohek, 2001:474.Pullimosinamoesta. -Su, 2011:93[male, key], 95-96[male, redescription], 198[male, illustr.].Pullimosina(Pullimosina)vulgesta. -Suetal., 2013c:6-7[male, taxonomic notes, illustr.], 7[male, key]. Distribution. Shanxi (Lishan), Liaoning (Shenyang, Dandong: Wulongshan), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Zhejiang (Tianmushan National Nature Reserve), Jiangxi (Wuyishan National Nature Reserve, Guanshan National Nature Reserve, Jian), Sichuan (Minya Konka), Yunnan (Laifengshan), Shaanxi (Qinling), Ningxia (Liupanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A common Oriental-Palaearctic species, swept from tufts of grass in woodland.

41)Pseudocollinellahumida(Haliday, 1836)LimosinahumidaHaliday, 1836:328.Pseudocollinellahumida. -Su, 2011:91-93[male, redescription], 196[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Ningxia (Liupanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A very common Palaearctic paludicolous species. It was swept in woodland habitats.

42)Rachispodaexcavata(Papp, 1979)Leptocera(Rachispoda)excavataPapp, 1979:226. Distribution. Liaoning (Shenyang: Beiyunhe, Fushun: Qingyuan). Comments. New record for China. A Palaearctic species, associated with marshland and muddy habitats. It was previously only known from Russia (Far East, North European territory).

43)RachispodahebetisSu, 2011RachispodahebetisSu, 2011:97[male, key], 100-102[male, description], 203[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Liaoning (Shenyang: Beiyunhe, Dalian: Shedao, Benxi: Liaobiangou, Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments.A Palaearctic species associated with marshland and muddy habitats. It is possiblyR.spinisterna(Papp, 1974), hence the complete illustrations forR.spinisternaurgently needs to be provided by Papp.

44)Rachispodamodesta(Duda, 1924)Limosina(Collinella)modestaDuda, 1924:170.Rachispodamodesta. Su, 2011:97[male, key], 102-103[male, redescription], 204[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Shanxi (Lishan), Liaoning (Shenyang: Beiyunhe). Comments. A common Palaearctic species, living in marshland and muddy habitats.

45)Rachispodasubtinctipennis(Brunetti, 1913)LimosinasubtinctipennisBrunetti, 1913:174. -Su, 2011:97[male, key], 103-105[male, redescription], 205[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Liaotieshan, Anshan: Qianshan, Fushun: Qingyuan, Benxi: Pingdingshan), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Zhejiang (Tianmushan National Nature Reserve), Shaanxi (Qinling), Taiwan. Comments. A subcosmopolitan species, synanthropic.

46)Spelobiaclunipes(Meigen, 1830)BorborusclunipesMeigen, 1830:208. Distribution. Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Tibet, Xinjiang. Comments. New record for Jilin. A Holarctic polysaprophagous and very common species.

47)SpelobiaconcavaSu, 2011Spelobia(Spelobia)concavaSu, 2011:105[male, key], 106-107[male, description], 207[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A Palaearctic species swept from tufts of grass in woodland.

48)Spelobialuteilabris(Rondani, 1880)LimosinaluteilabrisRondani, 1880:32.Spelobia(Spelobia)luteilabris. -Su, 2011:106[male, key], 108-109[male, redescription], 208[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Hebei (Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve), Liaoning (Benxi: Wunvshan, Dandong: Fenghuangshan, Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Shaanxi (Qinling), Ningxi (Liupanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A Holarctic and New Zealand’s species, polysaprophagous and very common, preferably coprophagous.

49)Spelobiapseudosetaria(Duda, 1918)Limosina(Scotophilella)pseudosetariaDuda, 1918:178. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Laotieshan). Comments. New record for China. A Holarctic and New Zealand’s species, synanthropic.

50)Telomerinaflavipes(Meigen, 1830)BorborusflavipesMeigen, 1830:208.Telomerinaflavipes. -Suetal., 2013a:8[male, key], 10-11[male, taxonomic notes, illustr.] Distribution. Liaoning (Shenyang, Dandong: Huangyishan, Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve), Jiangxi (Guanshan National Nature Reserve), Qinghai (Huzhu),Taiwan. Comments. A cosmopolitan species, predominantly necrophagous, also developing in rotting fungi.

51)TelomerinalaterispinataSu, 2013TelomerinalaterispinataSu, 2013a:8[male, key], 11-12[male, description, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Dandong: Wulongshan), Jiangxi (Guanshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for Liaoning. An Oriental-Palaearctic species, commonly occurring in deciduous forest.

52)TelomerinawulongensisSu, 2017TelomerinawulongensisSu, 2017:1-7[male, description, illustr., key to the world known species]. Distribution. Liaoning (Dandong: Wulongshan). Comments. An uncommon Chinese species, collected in Fagaceae woodlands.

53)TerrilimosinabrevipexaMarshall, 1987TerrilimosinabrevipexaMarshall, 1987:503. -Su & Liu, 2009a:51-52[male, taxonomic notes, illustr.], 57[male, key]; Su, 2011:114[male, key], 116-117[male, redescription], 214[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. An uncommon Palaearctic species, commonly occurring in deciduous forest, previously only known from Japan.

54)TerrilimosinaparalongipexaHayashi, 1992.TerrilimosinaparalongipexaHayashi, 1992:572. -Su & Liu, 2009a:52-53[male, taxonomic notes, illustr.], 56[male, key]; Su, 2011:114[male, key], 121-122[male, redescription], 218[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Liaobiangou, Yanghugou, Dandong: Baishilazi National Nature Reserve, Fenghuangshan, Huangyishan, Jiapigou, Wulongshan), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Jiangxi (Guanshan National Nature Reserve, Jian), Shaanxi (Qinling). Comments. New record for Liaoning. A common Palaearctic species, commonly occurring in deciduous forest, previously only known from Japan.

55)TerrilimosinananaHayashi, 1992TerrilimosinananaHayashi, 1992:569. -Suetal., 2009a:807-808[male, redescription, illustr.]; Su, 2011:114[male, key], 117-118[male, redescription], 215[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Liaobiangou, Wunvshan, Dandong: Fenghuangshan, Wulongshan, Huludao: Bailangshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. A Palaearctic species associated with decayed vegetable matter. It was previously only recorded from Japan.

56)Terrilimosinaschmitzi(Duda, 1918)Limosina(Scotophilella)schmitziDuda, 1918:111.Terrilimosinaschmitzi. -Su & Liu, 2009a:52[male, taxonomic notes, illustr.], 56[male, key]; Su, 2011:114[male, key], 124-125[male, redescription], 220[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Fushun: Qingyuan, Dandong: Bashilazi National Nature Reserve), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for Liaoning. A Holarctic species swept from forest litter in various woodland habitats.

57)Thoracochaetabrachystoma(Stenhammar, 1855)LimosinabrachystomaStenhammar, 1855:393. -Su, 2011:126[male, key], 126-128[male, redescription], 221[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Heishijiao, Shedao). Comments. A cosmopolitan seaweed species. Its diagnosis is that thedcsubequal to thehuin length; mid tibia with relatively short bristles, the unpairedadbelow middle; sternite 5 with 4-7 posterior spines arranged in a row; surstylus straight at inner corner between anterior part and posterior part.

58)ThoracochaetarectaSu, 2011.ThoracochaetarectaSu, 2011:126[male, key], 129-130[male, description], 223[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Heishijiao). Comments. A Palaearctic seaweed species. Its diagnosis is that thedcdistinctly longer than thehuin length; mid tibia with long bristles (in contrast toT.brachystoma), the unpairedadat middle; sternite 5 with 9-14 posterior spines arranged in a staggered; surstylus concave or right at inner corner between anterior part and posterior part.

59)Thoracochaetajohnsoni(Spuler, 1925)Leptocera(Thoracochaeta)johnsoniSpuler, 1925:121. -Su, 2011:126[male, key], 128-129[male, redescription], 222[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Heishijiao). Comments. A New World and Palaearctic seaweed species.

60)Thoracochaetaseticosta(Spuler, 1925)Leptocera(Thoracochaeta)seticostaSpuler, 1925:120. -Su, 2011:126[male, key], 130-131[male, redescription], 224[male, illustr.]. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Heishijiao). Comments. A Holarctic seaweed species.

61)Trachyopella(Trachyopella)artivenaRohek & Marshall, 1986Trachyopella(Insulomyia)artivenaRohek & Marshall, 1986:43. Distribution. Liaoning (Dalian: Laotieshan, Dandong: Wulongshan), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Jiangxi (Guanshan National Nature Reserve), Guangxi (Damingshan National Nature Reserve). Comments. New record for China. A Palaearctic species swept from forest litter in various woodland habitats. It was previously known from Czech Republic, North Korea and Slovakia.

62)Trachyopella(Trachyopella)lineafrons(Spuler, 1925)Leptocera(Trachyopella)lineafronsSpuler, 1925:103. Distribution. Liaoning (Benxi: Laobiangou, Pingdingshan; Dandong: Huangyishan, Jiapigou), Jilin (Changbaishan National Nature Reserve), Jiangxi (Anfu), Yunnan (Cangshan), Shaanxi (Qinling). Comments. A subcosmopolitan polysaprophagous species, synanthropic.

3 Discussion and conclusions

Until now, the Sphaeroceridae of Northeast China fauna has not been systematically studied, particularly lacking a comprehensive understanding of the qualitative species composition, biology, and accurate distribution information of Northeast China fauna. The present study firstly provides the checklist of Sphaeroceridae of Liaoning and Jilin in Northeast China, 62 species (1270 specimens) were recorded. Among them, 32% (20 species) are quite common species broadly distributed around the world

It should be stressed that in the remaining 42 species, 44% (27 species) are only recorded in the Palaearctic Region, of these latter species, 4 species (LeptoceradyscolaRohek & Papp, 1983;L.vomerataRohek & Papp, 1983;Opacifronselbergi(Papp, 1979);Rachispodaexcavata(Papp, 1979)) that had previously been only reported in Russia (Roheketal. 2001, Marshalletal. 2011); and 6 species (AptilotuslonginervisHayashi, 1989;ParalimosinaprominensHayashi, 1985;Pullimosina(Pullimosina)vernalisHayashi, 2006;TerrilimosinabrevipexaMarshall, 1987;T.paralongipexaHayashi, 1992;T.nanaHayashi, 1992) that had previously only been reported in Japan (Roheketal. 2001), are, with this study, newly added to the known fauna of Northeast China in the Palaearctic Region. The similar species composition between Northeast China and Japan or Russia is consistent with a general phenomenon wherein the fauna of Northeast China are similar to, and closely related to, Japanese fauna and Russian Far East fauna. The others (15 species) are relatively narrowly distributed in the world. 11% (7 species) are only recorded in the Holarctic Region; 13% (8 species) only recorded in the Oriental and Palaearctic Regions.

The shortcoming of the present study is no complete survey of the whole territory of Northeast China region. But the study reflects the basic fauna, species composition and biological characters of Sphaeroceridae in Liaoning and Jilin. Considering that the area of Northeast China is vast, with complex and diverse habitats, intensive research on Sphaeroceridae of Northeast China is urgently needed.


Thanks is offered to Hui Dong and Guo Zheng for providing valuable references. This work was supported by General Project of Scientific Research of Educational Commission of Liaoning Province under[Grant number L2015359]and Mentoring Program of Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province under[Grant number 20170540642].

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丛国义1, 苏立新1, 徐 杰2

(1. 沈阳大学 辽宁省城市有害生物治理与生态安全重点实验室, 沈阳 110044; 2. 沈阳师范大学 实验教学中心, 沈阳 110034)

比较形态分类方法,检查和鉴定采自我国东北辽宁和吉林的双翅目小粪蝇科昆虫标本1720件,发现其隶属于三亚科:离脉小粪蝇亚科,小粪蝇亚科,沼小粪蝇亚科;其中发现1中国新记录属和16中国新纪录种;鳞刺雅小粪蝇LeptoceraspinisquamaSu,2011,syn. nov. 是尖雅小粪蝇LeptoceradyscolaRohek & Papp, 1983的新异名。


date: 2017-06-01.

Q969.463.5 Document code: A

10.3969/ j.issn.1673-5862.2017.03.002

Supported: General Project of Scientific Research of Educational Commission of Liaoning Province Under Grant (L2015359); Mentoring Program of Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province Under Grant (20170540642).

Biography: CONG Guoyi(1992-), male, was born in Dandong of Lioaning Province, Master student of Shenyang University; corresponding author; XU Jie(1965-), female, was born in Liaoyang of Liaoning Province, senior experimentalist of Shenyang Normal University, Master.

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