2017-09-03 10:58TextbyWangMingTranslatedbyHuNanPhotosbyWangYuanchangCFP
空中之家 2017年9期

Text by Wang Ming Translated by Hu Nan Photos by Wang Yuanchang & CFP


Text by Wang Ming Translated by Hu Nan Photos by Wang Yuanchang & CFP

In 2014, the Grand Canal, the longest artifi cial waterway in the world, was inscribed on the World Heritage List. It consists of three sections of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, the Grand Canal in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Hangzhou-Ningbo Canal. Starting at Beijing, it passes through Tianjin and the provinces of Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to the city of Ningbo, linking fi ve major river basins of the Haihe River, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Qiantang River. It has formed an all-encompassing network used for transportation, commodity fl ow and culture exchange, which ensured the country’s economic prosperity and stability.

The Hangzhou canal.杭州运河夕照。汪建伟 摄



Boatnik in the canal.运河水上人家。

Shu Yi, the Honorary President of the Panel for the Grand Canal affi liated with the Chinese Society of Cultural Relics, indicated that if the Great Wall is thought to be the backbone of China, the Grand Canal will feature the resemblance of an artery. Moreover, the Grand Canal is still in use as a major means of internal communication and continuously producing profound benefi ts to the country.

The Grand Canal has contributed to the development and prosperity of the cities along the canal. Acting as a key component for commodity gathering and distribution in cities alongside the waterway, Tianjin, Jining, Huai'an, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo and other cities have witnessed how the Chinese endured changes and pursued progress, as well as how different cultures along the canal integrated with each other. The history of the Grand Canal is also a history of fusion in this region.

ln the late Spring and Autumn period, Fuchai, King of the State of Wu, ordered a canal be constructed for trading purposes, as well as a means to ship supplies. This canal became known as the Han Gou (邗沟, "Han Conduit"). Work began in 486 BC, from south of Yangzhou to north of Huai'an in Jiangsu, and within three years the Han Gou had connected the Yangtze with the Huai River by means of existing waterways, lakes, and marshes.

lt is known as one of the oldest sections of the Grand Canal in its current formation.

The canal made numerous contributions to the diversity, integration and prosperity of Chinese culture, as it has allowed Zhongyuan Culture to spread to the north and south, while the nomadic cultures from the northern grasslands and the Jiangnan Culture from the southern coastal areas were able to diffuse to the central parts of China. This has allowed for remarkable similarities between these many different cultures.

For instance, a New Year picture is a form of Chinese coloured wood block print, used for decoration during the Chinese New Year holiday. Yangliuqing is one special style from Tianjin. lt is believed that Yangliuqing is partly infl uenced by Suzhou-style pictures. Despite their distance, these are two famous styles used for these traditional New Year pictures.

Obviously, the canal was tightly linked with the ancient Silk Road. The Grand Canal in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the ancient Silk Road both depart in Louyang, a pivotal city that was very infl uential during the Sui and Tang periods, while the Zhejiang-Ningbo Canal conjuncts the Maritime Silk Road in Ningbo, a coastal city in Zhejiang Province. Even in the Kangxi and Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, emperors invited delegations from the Netherlands and UK to travel to the capital through the canal, as a part of the diplomatic protocol.

Over the past 2000 years, the section from Jining of Shandong province to Ningbo has remained navigable, shipping grain, silk, tea and other commodities. lt includes abundant historical sites and tourism destinations such as ancient kilns, dwellings, streets, bridges, temples, towers, lanes and wharves. Now alongside the canal are bustling areas, and people enjoy the richness and ease that comes with life on the water.

The color of the night in Shaoxing.古城绍兴夜色。

The site of the Water Transport Department(Ming Dynasty).位于淮安城中心、历史上主管全国漕运的唯一机构总督漕运部院旧址即景。

The sunset of the Tianjin Bay.天津湾夕照。






