Top 10 Emerging Technologies in 2017

2017-09-03 10:58TextbyJeffPhotosbyVCGTranslationbyLeo
空中之家 2017年9期

Text by Jeff Photos by VCG Translation by Leo

Top 10 Emerging Technologies in 2017

Text by Jeff Photos by VCG Translation by Leo

As children, we may have had a dream of what the future world would look like: harvesting clean water from the air, high-tech farming with amazingly high crop yields, identifying cancer without the need of invasive operations, converting carbon dioxide to fuel from artifi cial leaves and the list goes on. The good news is that a recent roundup of the top 10 emerging technologies published during the 2017 Summer Davos in June shows us that those dreams are no longer beyond our reach.




Harvesting clean water from the air: Extracting water from the air is not something new, though existing technologies generally require high moisture and a lot of electricity. The problem is becoming more tractable as a group of researchers from the Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology (MlT) and the University of California, Berkeley, have successfully achieved air-to-water conversion with an approach that uses porous crystals and requires no electricity whatsoever.



Non-invasive biopsies for identifying cancer: Ultrasensitive blood tests known as liquid biopsies promise to signifi cantly improve cancer diagnosis and care.

无创技术诊断癌症 :被称为“液体活检”的超灵敏血液检查可大幅降低癌症诊断与护理难度。


Deep learning for visual tasks: Al now matches or exceeds the ability of experts in medicine and other fi elds to interpret what they see. Thanks to deep learning, an emerging fi eld of artifi cial intelligence, computer-vision systems are being developed for a range of applications, such as making self-driving cars safer, medical diagnosis, damage assessment by insurers, prediction of crop yields, and monitoring of water levels.

人工智能深度学习:在一张图像面前,人工智能的观察分析能力正在超越医生等人类专家的解读。得益于深度学习(deep learning)这个新兴人工智能领域,计算机视觉技术开始广泛地应用在无人驾驶、医疗诊断、保险索赔损害评估和水位、作物产量监控等领域。


Converting carbon dioxide to fuels from artifi cial leaves: Many investigators have contributed over the years to the development of a form of artifi cial photosynthesis in which sunlightactivated catalysts split water molecules to yield oxygen and hydrogen. This hydrogen is then employed in a reduction reaction that converts CO2into hydrocarbons. The process enables the creation of a closed system in which carbon dioxide emitted by combustion is transformed back into fuel instead of adding to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.



Using the Human Cell Atlas to personalise healthcare: This international project has been set up to help identify every cell type in every tissue; exactly which genes, proteins and other molecules are active in each type and what processes control that activity; where the cells are located exactly; how the cells normally interact with one another; and what happens to the body's functioning when genetic or other aspects of a cell undergo change, among other details. The fi nal product of the project will be immeasurably valuable for improving and personalising healthcare.



Precision farming to increase crop yields: Combining sensors and imaging of every plant with real-time data analytics improves farm outputs.



Affordable catalysts for green vehicles: Many commercial catalysts for hydrogen-fed fuel cells contain the precious metal platinum, which aside from being expensive, is too rare to support ubiquitous use in vehicles. Fortunately, efforts have been made to decrease dependency on platinum. Latest developments include a catalyst without platinum and some giving up metals altogether.

更便宜的新能源车 :氢燃料电池中的催化剂含有价格昂贵的铂,阻碍了技术发展。但是通过努力,目前对这种稀有并且昂贵的铂金属的依赖已经降低。最新的进展包括一种不含铂的催化剂,一些催化剂甚至不含有金属。


Genomic vaccines that fi ght diseases faster and better: Compared with manufacturing traditional vaccines (proteins), producing genomic vaccines are simpler and less expensive. Besides, genomic vaccines can be changed readily if a pathogen mutates and enable scientists to identify people who are resistant to a pathogen and isolate the antibodies that provide that protection.



Sustainable design of communities: lnstead of just installing solar panels on buildings throughout the community, urban designers today aim to connect the whole neighbourhood into a sustainable system where energy is recycled, and resources are shared. Applying green construction to multiple buildings at once promises to dramatically reduce the amount of energy and water that the community as a whole consumes.



Quantum computing is becoming more accessible: ln 2016, lBM provided the public access to the fi rst quantum computer in the cloud. To date, more than 20 academic papers have been published using this tool. Today, more than 50 start-ups and large corporations worldwide are focused on making quantum computing a reality.

