胡佳栋 毛歌 张志伟 马存德 梁宗锁+夏广东 董娟娥
[关键词]党参; 施肥; 产量; 党参炔苷; 党参多糖; 采收期
Effect of different fertilization treatments on yield and
secondary metabolites of Codonopsis pilosula
HU Jiadong1, MAO Ge1, ZHANG Zhiwei2, MA Cunde2, LIANG Zongsuo3, XIA Guangdong4, DONG Juane1*
(1 College of Life Sciences, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Yangling 712100, China;
2 Shanxi BuChang Pharma Co, Ltd, Xi′an 710000, China;
3 Zhejiang SciTech University, Hangzhou 310000, China;
4Border Defence Academy of PLA, Xi′an 710108, China)
[Abstract]The research studies the effect of different fertilization treatments on yield and accumulation of secondary metabolites of Codonopsis pilosula by using single factor randomized block design, in order to ensure reasonable harvesting time and fertilization ratio, and provide the basis for standardized cultivation of C pilosula According to the clustering results, the nitrogen fertilizer benefitted for the improvement of root diameter and biomass of C pilosula The phosphate fertilizer could promote the content of C pilosula polysaccharide The organic fertilizers could increase the content of lobetyolin With the time going on, C pilosula′s yield, polysaccharide and ehanolsoluble extracts increased while the content of lobetyolin decreased According to various factors, October is a more reasonable harvest period Organic fertilizers are more helpful to the yield and accumulation of secondary metabolites of C pilosula
[Key words]Codonopsis pilosula; fertilization; yield; lobetyolin; polysaccharide; harvest time
党参为桔梗科植物党参Codonopsis pilosula (Franch) Nannf、素花党参C. pilosula Nannf var modesta (Nannf) L T Shen或川党参C tangshen Oliv的干燥根。性味甘、平归脾、肺经,具有补中益气、健脾益肺的功效[1]。目前,党参在中国主要分布于西北、东北和华北部分地区,其中,甘肃省党参的种植面积最大,产量居全国之首[2]。合理施肥是增加植物种植产量的主要途径之一,而合理施肥配比和施肥量能显著提高党参的产量和品质[23]。目前,关于党参施肥的研究主要集中于氮肥、磷肥以及微量元素肥料[24],但是对于有机肥和中草药专用肥的施用研究相对较少。同时,在甘肃党参主产区,采收期主要是根据种植区药农的经验沿袭下来,一般在9月下旬至10月上旬[37]。但是,随着中药材栽培技术的规范化和科学化、以及当地气候条件的不断变化,传统的栽培技术和采收时间就显现出了其不科学性。如何能够在现有土地资源的基础上提质增效、提高土地利用率是目前农业部强化7大重点区域环境治理、推动农业绿色发展的重点任务。
本试验于在2016年3—11月在陕西步长制药有限公司的甘肃宕昌GAP基地进行,试验区海拔2 400 m,年均日照1 9865 h,年均降水量450 mm,年均气温10 ℃,年均无霜期180 d,最大冻土深度45 cm。0~20 cm耕层土壤的基本情况:pH 796,有机质2958 g·kg-1、全氮1547 g·kg-1、碱解氮7561 mg·kg-1、全磷0469 5 g·kg-1、速效磷2385 mg·kg-1、全钾296 g·kg-1、速效钾35770 mg·kg-1。前茬作物为马铃薯。