
2017-08-30 10:47计东海高月洁
哈尔滨理工大学学报 2017年3期


摘 要:為了研究实Banach空间中有界闭凸集有唯一完备化集的条件, 总结了这一方面的已知结果。 在此基础上, 给出了Banach空间中有界闭凸集有唯一完备化集的几个充要条件和一个充分条件。 拓展了(K,u)-完备集的定义, 并讨论在实Banach空间中此概念与唯一完备化集的关系。

关键词:(K,u)-完备集; 完备化集; 有界闭凸集


中图分类号: O189.11

文献标志码: A

文章编号: 1007-2683(2017)03-0121-06

Abstract:In order to study the conditions for bounded closed and convex sets to have a unique completion in real Banach spaces, known results in this direction are summarized. Based on this, a sufficient condition as well as some necessary and sufficient conditions for bounded closed and convex sets to have a unique completion are provided. The notion of (K, u)completeness is extended, and the relation of this notion to the uniqueness of completion in real Banach spaces is discussed.

Keywords:(K, u)completeness; completion of sets; bounded closed and convex sets

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