摘 要:提出了一种基于多项式展开帧间估计和Harris角点检测的运动轨迹跟踪系统。系统先将视频监控图像输入系统,转化为灰度图,以便进行特征提取;接下来确定兴趣区域抓取目标点,提取ROI内角点坐标;最后确定角点的新坐标,定位目标在下一帧的位置,从而实现对目标的跟踪。通过对常用的光流检测算法和角点判断方式进行分析比较,最终选择多项式展开帧间估计和Harris角点检测算法作为图像配准和角点跟踪的方案,并进行参数优化,使系统的鲁棒性和得到了提升,并更能够适应复杂的环境条件。
中圖分类号: TP391.4
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2017)03-0048-06
Abstract:A motion tracking system based on polynomial expansion inter-frame estimation and Harris corner detection is proposed. The system transforms the video monitoring image into grayscale in order to feature extract, then determines the interested area to grab the target and analyses the corner point and extract the ROI interior point coordinates, and finally confirms the new corner points by polynomial expansion to locate the position of the target in next frame. By means of analyzing and comparing common methods of light flow and corner point judgment, we select polynomial expansion frame and Harris corner detection as the image registration and the corner point tracking scheme, and conduct the parameter optimization. Through the new algorithm the system robustness and adaptability are promoted, and more able to adapt to complex environmental conditions.
Keywords:polynomial expansion; Harris corner; motion tracking
5 结 论
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