摘 要:与PC机相比,在手机上实现同样的算法要求占用空间小、功耗低。高级加密标准(AES)的S盒设计采用查表方式,复杂度较高、消耗功率大,因此,将它用于手机中要对它进行优化。本文提出优化AES加密算法,将分组长度扩充至256位,增加分组长度能提高算法的安全性;在采用求逆运算的基础上添加仿射变换,以运算代替查表操作,能减少存储空间;将字替换、行移位、列混合合并在为成为一个运算步骤,其输入数据为16位、输出数据为64位,能提高运算效率。实验结果表明,该算法既能大幅提升加密强度又能保持高运算效率。
中图分类号: TP305
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2017)03-0008-05
Abstract:Algorithm implemented on the mobile phone is different from one on PC. It requires little storage space and low power consumption. Standard AES Sbox design uses look up table, and has high complexity and high power consumption, so it needs to be optimized when used in mobile phones. In our optimization AES encryption algorithm, the packet length is expanded to 256 bits, which would increase the security of our algorithm; look up table is replaced by adding the affine transformation based on inversion, which would reduce the storage space; operation is changed into 16bit input and 64bit output by merging the three steps, namely SubWords, ShiftRows, MixColumns and AddRoundKey, which would improve the operation efficiency of the algorithm. The experimental results show that our algorithm not only can greatly enhance the encryption strength, but also maintain high computing efficiency.
Keywords:android; AES; 64bit processor; block cipher
5 结 论
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(编辑:王 萍)