
2017-08-22 03:52熊怡
重庆与世界 2017年8期

□ 文/本刊记者 熊怡


□ 文/本刊记者 熊怡

7月1 8日,新加坡中华总商会与我市部分区县、园区、开放平台代表现场签署合作备忘录,将积极推荐旗下具有合作潜力的会员企业、商业团体与重庆开展经贸合作与交流。









July 18 witnessed the opening ceremony of Chongqing Representative Office of Enterprise Development and Service Center in Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce(hereinafter referred to as “Chongqing Representative Office”). The second representative office of this century-old commerce in China has chose to settle in Chongqing, which will boost the acceleration of China-Singapore Interconnectivity Demonstration Project.

As the third cooperative project between China and Singapore, China (Chongqing)—Singapore Strategic Interconnectivity Demonstration Project, themed with modern interconnection and service economy, focuses on four key areas including financial service, aviation industry, transportation and logistic, message communication. From a substantial start-up phase on January 8, 2016, this project has achieved positive results. Han Baochang, director of administration of China (Chongqing)—Singapore Strategic Interconnectivity Demonstration Project, introduced on the opening ceremony that so far, with the implementation of a series of creative policies, over 100 key projects were signed with the total sum over $20 billion.

Founded in 1906, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is a business group with a long history in Singapore, the highest leading body of the Chinese entrepreneurs in Singapore and a major part of global Chinese entrepreneurs. For a long time, with its advantages in capital, technology, management and commercial network, Chinese Chamber of Commerce invests in all parts of China and makes important contributions to promote bilateral cooperation and exchanges between China and Singapore. At present, there are about 160 commercial organizations and 5000 firms under the lead of this chamber and the first Chinese representative of fi ce was established in Shanghai in 2010.

Introduced by Han Baochang, Chongqing has an edge in policy, transportation and location. In the last year, various ministries and commissions of China have promulgated 47 policies to support the implementation of China—Singapore project in Chongqing. In order to coordinate the sustained progress of China (Chongqing)—Singapore Strategic Interconnectivity Demonstration Project, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce has set the second representative of fi ce in Chongqing to attract more foreign enterprises to Chongqing and bring Chongqing’s enterprises to abroad. It also assists more Singapore merchants in developing the western market of China and integrating into the business environment in Chongqing.

Two kinds of services will be provided by the new Chongqing representative office. First is to provide consultation on landing plan for Singapore enterprises interested in opening up Chinese western market. Second is to provide docking service for Chinese enterprises interested in setting up regional headquarters in Singapore and radiating business to Southeast Asia.

High-quality enterprises gathered under the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. On the day of opening ceremony, more than 40 Singapore corporations came together to exchange and dock development opportunities with parts of districts, counties, parks and open platforms and memorandums of cooperation were signed at the scene between them. This means it will actively recommend enterprises and business groups to carry out economic and trade cooperation and exchanges with Chongqing and actively introduce China—Singapore Demonstration Projects and Chongqing investment environment to its members and also guide some powerful Singapore enterprises to invest in Chongqing.

From July 19 to 21, led by Chongqing Representative Office, about 20 enterprises conducted an inspection tour in Chongqing.“We have recognized the booming development of electric vehicle industry in Dazu District, which can dock with electric cycle parts and related enterprises in Singapore. Fengdu Ghost Town is rich in tourism resources, and they also hope to use Singapore's tourism management experience to jointly develop theme parks and other projects.” Chen Yufeng, director of the Chongqing Representative Office, told the reporter. Chongqing's 38 districts and counties have their own advantages, and Singapore's biggest advantages are technology, capital and management, as well as a sound legal system and strong compliance. By those advantages, the security of investment can be guaranteed. Through their role as a bridge link, Chongqing's competitive industries can be introduced into Southeast Asia.

The Second Representative Of fi ce of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is Set in Chongqing across the World
Accelerate the China (Chongqing) –Singapore Strategic Interconnectivity Demonstration Project

Article/Journalist Xiong Yi

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