专家把脉产融对接 千亿元产业集群向海

2017-08-07 23:51:23林芊芊
中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2017年8期

□ 文/本刊记者 林芊芊

专家把脉产融对接 千亿元产业集群向海

□ 文/本刊记者 林芊芊













As industrial cluster tends to bring about large economic benefits, developing a hundredbillion-yuan industrial cluster becomes a priority during the upgrading of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. Mr. Shen Shaohong, division chief of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone & Cooperation with ASEAN Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, introduced that Beibu Gulf Economic Zone (BGEZ)has initially planned to develop a hundred-billion-yuan industrial cluster containing IT, metallurgy,petro-chemical engineering, energy,health and biomedicine, equipment and manufacturing, grain and food processing, and light industry, which will serve as mainstay industries in the maritime economic development in BGEZ.

The industrial layout in the six cities in BGEZ is like: Nanning will give priority to developing high-tech and IT industries; Qinzhou will focus on the petrochemical engineering and equipment manufacturing;Fangchenggang clings to metallurgy(steel and non-ferrous metal); Yulin will invest more in bio-pharmacy, health and stainless steel industries; and Chongzuo will work harder on cross-border tourism and food processing.

However, these industries are generally in the nascent state, where some problems are prevailing like inter-city homogeneous competition, overcapacity,less-integrated cluster, breakage between the upper and lower ends, and low product value.

If BGEZ wants to upgrade its economy,it is imperative to address these problems hindering industrial development and create industrial cluster in one place or a few places.

According to Mr. Shen, BGEZ is developing a priority project library following a dynamic management. The platform plays a leading role in capital distribution. By integrating financial institutions and enterprises and by leveraging the government’s great deal of market information and credibility, the platform will help projects find financial channels or help financial institutions look for commercially valuable projects.

Of particular note, most projects registered on the platform come from the hundred-billion-yuan industrial cluster in the mentioned cities in the zone. The platform can ensure that the registered projects will get the financial support and into the bargain it can promote the differentiated development of these industries in different cities. All the projects need scrutiny before being registered on the platform.

Ms. Deng Jieli, deputy division chief of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone &Cooperation with ASEAN Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,said that a panel of experts will be organized as the think tank to guarantee the platform can function well. And those experts who expose themselves to the real markets in the six cities in BGEZ can provide expert opinions on the development of industrial cluster in their own city.

“We have called on leading enterprises,core government sector and industrial associations involving priority industries in all cities to select their own backbone talents to be part of panel of experts,because they have been doing a lot of industrial research and they understand the industry state quo most,” Ms. Deng Jieli said.

The panel will invite 10 experts for each priority project depending on the industry scale. The experts will firstly work on the investment promotion and then choreograph a group of supplementary projects to link up an integrated industrial chain.

“Take IT industry in Beihai for an instance. Having done market research and analysis on the IT industry in Beihai, experts would tell us what the key supplementary projects are,and then we can prepare for targeted investment promotion immediately. In this way, the industrial cluster will be facilitated,” Ms. Deng Jieli said. As for the industry layout for metallurgy and petrochemical engineering, experts need to take effective measures to overcome the problems existing in two industries such as the homogeneous development,concentrated capital and excessive demand for resources.

The panel of experts can also provide the government with their opinions on policies and put forward constructive suggestions on the investment of enterprises and financial sectors.

The panel is an essential part of the industrial upgrading in the BGEZ as well as a part of the overall plan for promoting production capacity. When it comes to the personnel building, she is optimistic about the saying that better economy will bring more opportunities and attract more high-caliber talents.

Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Organized a Panel of Experts to Guide the Development of Hundred-billionyuan Industrial Cluster

Written by Lin Qianqian / Translated by Mao Yuye

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