1.Memoir is an apprentice of a wooden furniture factory in the small town of Will. Like others, he polishes the master's wooden articles every day.米洛是威尔小镇一个木器厂的小学徒。他和其他的学徒一样,每天把师傅做好的木器打磨得光滑细致。
2.However, Memoir is tired of this job. He likes disassembling the master's wooden articles secretly, studying their structure and reassembling them. 可是,米洛厌倦了这个工作。他喜欢在没有人的时候,偷偷拆开师傅做好的木器,研究木器的结构,再组装回去。
3.One day, Memoir passes a blacksmith's shop and is attracted by the sounds of ding-dong. He decides to work as an apprentice there. 有一天,米洛路过铁匠铺,被那欢快的“叮叮当当”的打铁声吸引住了,他决定去给铁匠当学徒。
4.After working the bellows and studying the master's action for more than a year, Memoir begins to work with iron secretly. 在给铁匠师傅拉了一年多风箱并天天盯着师傅的动作学习后,米洛开始偷偷地学起打铁来。
5. But he is small and weak, he isn't too successful. The master touches him on the head and says with a smile, “My child, don't worry. You are clever. In a few years, when you have the strength, you will be a good blacksmith.” 但由于人小力气也小,他做的东西都不大成功。师傅摸摸米洛的头,微笑着说:“孩子,别着急,你很聪明,多学几年,等有了力气,你肯定能成为一个好铁匠。”
6. Memoir follows the master's advice. He learns for more than a year and practices arms at the same time. By and by, his products are better and better. 米洛听了师傅的话,又认真地学了一年多,还天天练臂力。渐渐地,他做出来的东西也有模有样了。
7. One day, the watchmaker in the town comes to the blacksmith's shop for his custom-made parts. Memoir is very curious. He follows him to the watchmaker's shop. From then on, he begins to learn how to assemble watches. 这天,镇上的钟表匠到铁匠铺来取他定做的零件。米洛好奇极了,他跟着钟表匠去钟表坊,从此,他跟着钟表匠学起了钟表组装。
8. After a few years, Memoir is able to assemble watches. But he is tired of the job once more. 过了几年,米洛学会了如何组装钟表,他又厌倦了这个工作。
9. Many years later, the other apprentices become famous carpenters, blacksmiths, watchmakers. But what about Memoir? 许多年后,当年坚持下来的小学徒一个个都成了小有名气的木匠、铁匠、钟表匠,而没有坚持下来的米洛又怎么样了呢?
10. One day, Memoir notices a desk clock. Two birds fly out of it at noon every day. He suddenly has a bold idea. 有一天,米洛看着钟表坊里的一个每到中午12点就会飞出两只喳喳叫的小鸟的座钟,突然灵光一闪,脑子里出现了一个大胆的主意……
11.A few days later, Memoir makes a puppy dog. It is made up of iron parts inside, but its external form is carved and assembled with wood. 几天后,米洛做出了一只小狗,这只小狗内部是由铁质零件组装而成的,小狗的外形则是用木头雕刻并拼装成的。
12. As long as it is wound, the puppy will wag its head. A child sees that and asks his father to buy it. The latter spends two silver coins on it. 只要上了发条,这只小狗就会摇头晃脑地走起路来。一个跟着父亲来买钟表的孩子看到了,就缠着父亲买这只小狗。父亲花了两个银币买下了它。
13. Memoir is very happy. After that, he makes other small movable animals like cats and birds. They are more and more exquisite and vivid. 米洛高兴极了,之后,他又做了小猫、小鸟等许多可以动的小动物,而且做得越来越精致、生动。
14. More and more people come to buy the toys. At last, Memoir opens the biggest toy store in the town. 来买他玩具的人也越来越多。最后,米洛开了一家镇上最大的玩具店。
15. In fact, many roads lead to success. You can stick to one, and also can make a few more choices and choose the most suitable one. As long as you use your head, what you've learned and the ways you've used can become your wealth at last. 其實,成功的方式不止一种。你可以坚持一条道路,也可以多走几条道路,然后选择最适合自己的一条。只要你肯动脑筋,你学过的东西、走过的路,最后都有可能成为你的财富。