
2017-08-01 00:21:26苏雨亮杨梁
中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2017年1期

苏雨亮 杨梁



苏雨亮 杨梁

目的分析评价关节镜下肩峰成形术与关节镜下单纯肩峰下清理术在治疗肩峰撞击征二型肩峰患者的疗效比较。方法选取2013年6月至2014年12月大连医科大学附属第二医院收治的57例肩峰撞击征二型肩峰患者,随机分成2组,其中行关节镜下肩峰成形术组32例,男20例,女12例,平均年龄(51.53±8.87)岁(39~68岁);行关节镜下单纯肩峰下清理术组25例,男13例,女12例,平均年龄(53.52±8.53)岁(42~70岁)。术前、术后定期使用美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles,UCLA)肩关节评分对肩关节功能随访评测。结果所有患者均获得随访,随访平均时间(7.95±3.65)个月(3~18个月)。关节镜下肩峰成形术组术前UCLA评分(9.43±1.34)分,末次随访评分(33.15±3.78)分,优良率88%;关节镜下单纯肩峰下清理术组术前 UCLA评分(6.40±1.15)分,末次随访评分(32.68±3.95)分,优良率84%。两组末次测评的UCLA评分较术前均明显提高,两组术后UCLA评分及优良率比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.009,P>0.05)。结论关节镜下肩峰成形术与关节镜下单纯肩峰下清理术都能明显改善肩峰撞击征二型肩峰患者的症状。肩峰撞击征二型肩峰患者更推荐行关节镜下单纯肩峰下清理术。





2013年6月至2014年12月大连医科大学附属第二医院关节外科诊治的肩峰撞击征二型肩峰患者57例,随机分成2组,其中关节镜下肩峰成形术组患者32例(A组),男20例,女12例,平均年龄(51.53±8.87)岁(39~68岁);关节镜下单纯肩峰下清理术组患者25例(B组),其中男13例,女12例,平均年龄(53.52±8.53)岁(42~70岁)。两组患者一般情况比较见表1。所有患者均存在患肩疼痛,主动活动范围受限。肩峰撞击征专科检查:Neer sign(+),Hawkins sign(+),Job试验(-),疼痛弧为60~120°。冈上肌出口位X线片提示为二型肩峰。经过平均(7.95±3.65)个月(3~18个月)的保守治疗未达到患者满意要求。MRI提示肩袖断裂需缝合肩袖的患者及肩部存在其他结构区紊乱,如盂肱关节不稳、冻结肩、Bankart损伤、肩锁关节炎等排除在本次实验之外。


采用侧卧位,患者躯干向后倾斜30°,患肩外展4 5°,前倾15°,牵引重量约3kg。采用标准后侧入路进入盂肱关节内,探查盂肱关节内盂唇、肩胛下肌、关节囊韧带及肱二头肌长头肌腱止点复合体情况。探查上方肩袖下表面是否存在肩袖撕裂,肱二头肌长头肌腱鞘膜是否存在炎症磨损表现。

表1 两组患者一般情况比较



图1 清理前肩峰下间隙

图2 射频止血清理滑膜

图3 清理后肩峰下间隙




患者分别于术后1周、6周、12周定期随访。随访内容包括:功能锻炼情况,患肢主动及被动活动度,患肢肌力。两组患者于术前、术后定期采用美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(university of California at Los Angeles,UCLA)肩关节评分对患者肩关节功能进行评价。UCLA评分满分35分,其中疼痛及功能评价分别为10分,活动度、肌力及满意度评价分别有5分,34~35分为优秀;28~33分为良好;21~27分为可;0~20分为差。

图4 肩峰下间隙喙肩韧带情况

图5 喙肩韧带肩峰附着端射频分离,显露肩峰骨质形态


使用SPSS 19.0统计软件进行数据分析。对于计数资料使用卡方检验;计量资料用±s表示,并进行正态检验。两组之间比较采用t检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

图6 打磨后二型肩峰变成一型肩峰

结 果


术前 A 组 UCLA 评分(9.43±1.34)分,B 组UCLA评分(9.64±1.41)分,两组间患者肩关节功能差异无统计学意义(t=0.574,P>0.05)。术后1周 A组 UCLA评分(14.19±1.73)分,B组 UCLA评分(14.60±1.44)分,术后1周两组肩关节功能恢复较术前明显改善,两组间差异无统计学意义(t=0.954,P>0.05)。术后6周 A 组 UCLA 评分(20.56±2.69)分,B 组 UCLA 评分(22.16±2.46)分,两组间肩关节功能恢复差异无统计学意义(t=1.312,P>0.05)。术后12周 A 组 UCLA 评分(26.47±3.26)分,B 组 UCLA 评分(27.00±3.41)分,两组间肩关节功能恢复差异无统计学意义(t=0.597,P>0.05)。末次随访 A 组 UCLA 评分(33.15±3.78)分,B 组 UCLA 评分(32.68±3.95)分,两组间肩关节功能恢复差异无统计学意义(t=0.457,P>0.05,图7)。

A组平均随访时间为(11.34±2.03)个月(8~15个月),UCLA评分自术前(9.43±1.34)分改善到术后末次随访(33.15±3.78)分,其中 UCLA评分分级优有21人(66%),良有7人(22%),一般有3人(9%),差有1 人(3%),优良率为 88%;B 组平均 随访时间为(11.20±1.89)个月(8~15个月),UCLA评分自术前(9.64±1.41)分改善到术后末次随访(32.68±3.95)分,其中按照 UCLA评分分级优13人(52%),良8人(32%),一般3人(12%),差1人(4%),优良率为84%(图8)。

图7 两组患者不同时间段UCLA评分变化趋势图

图8 两组患者末次随访中UCLA评分分级情况比较

讨 论










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Clinical outcomes of arthroscopic acromioplasty versus arthroscopic subacromial debridement for curved acromion in subacromial impingement syndrome

Su Yuliang,Yang Liang.Department of Jiont Surgery,the Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University,Dalian 116023,China
orresponding author:Yang Liang,Email:yangliangyang@126.com

BackgroundSubacromial impingement syndrome is one of the main cause of shoulder pain.When the satisfactory effect is not achieved with at least 3months of conservative treatments including diathermy,hot compress and subacromial injection of the narcotic drugs,surgery becomes a reliable option for relieving the symptoms.Nowadays,arthroscopic acromioplasty and arthroscopic subacromial debridement are the two most commonly used surgical approaches in treating the subacromial impingement syndrome.The purpose of this study is to discuss the efficiency comparison between arthroscopic acromioplasty and arthroscopic subacromial debridement and their applicational values in better treating the type II acromion with subacromial impingement syndrome.Methods(1)General data.From June 2013to December 2014,57patients have been diagnosed with the type II acromion with subacromial impingement syndrome using the radiography in the second hospital of Dalian medical university.Through prospective randomized controlled method,patients were randomly assigned into 2groups:32patients(20male and 12female)in the arthroscopic acromioplasty group with a mean age of(51.53±8.87)years(39to 68years);25patients(13male and 12female)in the arthroscopic subacromial debridement group with a mean age of(53.52±8.53)years(42to 70years).Before the surgery was considered,all patients were suffered from shoulder pain and limited scope of active activities.The following specialized examinations were done:Neer sign(+),Hawkins sign(+),Job test(-),painful arc:60-120°.The X-ray of the exit position of supraspinatus muscle suggested the type II acromion.All patients who followed the protocol of conservative treatment with a mean time of(7.95±3.65)months(3to 18months)did not meet their satisfaction.The patients with rotator cuff fractures suggested by MRI and other structural disorders of the shoulder including glenohumeral instability,frozen shoulder,Bankart damage and acromioclavicular arthritis were excluded from this study.(2)Operation method.The patient was kept with lateral position,and the trunk leaned back to 30degrees with the shoulder abduction of 45 degrees.The forerake was 15degrees,and the traction weight was about 3kg.The glenohumeral joint was accessed from the standard posterior approach to explore glenohumeral labrum,subscapularis muscle,joint capsule ligament and long head of biceps tendon complex.Presences of the fracture on the bottom surface of the upper rotator cuff and the inflammation and wearing at the tendon sheath of the long head of biceps brachii muscle were further examined.①The arthroscopic subacromial debridement.After the glenohumeral joint examination,the subacromial space was accessed from the same posterior approach.The slippery bursa tissue was removed through the anterolateral approach in order to exposed the rotator cuff tendon.The healthy rotator cuff tendon is white,shiny,and the tendon fibers neatly arrange in parallel.However,the rotator cuff that undergoes pathological changes is gray,dark and disordered.While small torn existed in the rotator cuff tendon of individual patients,strengthen by suture was not required as the thickness of the tendon was enough to maintain the normal function of the rotator cuff.It is necessary to use the plane cutter to clean up the denatured shoulder sleeve tendon tissue along the shoulder sleeve fiber because the degenerate tissue is one of the main factors that cause the symptoms.②The arthroscopic acromioplasty.On the basis of simple cleaning,the arthroscopy lens accessed in to observe from the posterior approach.Then,the end of coracoacromial ligament of the anterolateral acromial was dissociated from the lateral approach to exposed the subacromial surface.Similar to the description of the type II acromion,it was found that the anterolateral margin of the acromion was slightly curved.The hyperplasia bone spur was even probed at the end of the curved acromion for some patients.The 3.5mm grinding head was applied to flatten the curved anterolateral margin of the acromion.In order to ensure that the surface of the acromion is flat,the lens and the grinding head exchange approaches by having the anterolateral approach for observation and the posterior approach for supplemental polishing by the;grinding head.(3)Postoperative management.Rehabilitation exercise was performed starting from the second day after operation.From 1week to 6weeks,the passive activity was executed to avoid the joint adhesion.During the same period,the passive range of motion of the shoulder was also under recovery through practices.From 7weeks to 12weeks,the strengths of the rotator cuff muscle and the deltoid muscle were recovered via active exercise.From 4months to 6months,the low antagonistic movement or the low frequency movement of arm lifting over the shoulder was encouraged to participate appropriately.From 6months to 12months,the high-intensity combat sports or the high frequency movement of arm lifting over the shoulder was recommended to be tried.(4)Follow-up and curative effect evaluation.After the operation,the patients were followed up at the time point of 1week,6weeks,12 weeks.The contents of the follow-up included:functional exercises,active and passive activities of the affected limb,and the muscle strength of the affected limb.The University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA)shoulder score was regularly used to evaluate the shoulder joint function of the two groups of patients preoperatively and postoperatively.The pain and the functional evaluation include a score range of 10points:0point for the worst and 10points for the best;The activity,the muscle strength and the satisfactory evaluation include a score range of 5points:0points for the worst and 5 points for the best;The UCLA evaluation has a full score of 35points:34-35for excellence;28-33for good;21-27for acceptable;0-20for poor.ResultsTwo groups of patients with a total number of 57 cases were all followed-up,and the second operation caused by the worsening of the symptoms was never required.Furthermore,other disease that affects the shoulder symptoms did not occur.The symptom,the function and the UCLA evaluation of the majority of patients have obviousimprovements after the surgery.The arthroscopic acromioplasty group gets the preoperative UCLA score of (9.43 ± 1.34)points,and the arthroscopic subacromial debridement group get the preoperative UCLA score of(9.64±1.41)points.There is no significant statistical difference between the joint function of the two groups of patients (P >0.05).After 1week,the arthroscopic acromioplasty group gets the UCLA score of(14.19±1.73)points.During the same period,the arthroscopic subacromial debridement group get the UCLA score of(14.60±1.44)points.There is no significant improvement of the shoulder joint function for both groups 1week after the operation(P>0.05),and there is no significant statistical difference between the two groups(P >0.05).After 6 weeks,the arthroscopic acromioplasty group gets the UCLA score of(20.56±2.69)points.At the same time,the arthroscopic subacromial debridement group get the UCLA score of(22.16±2.46)points.There is significant improvement of the shoulder joint function for both groups 6weeks after the surgery(P >0.05),and there is no significant statistical difference between the two groups(P>0.05).After 12weeks,the arthroscopic acromioplasty group gets the UCLA score of(26.47±3.26)points.At the same time,the arthroscopic subacromial debridement group get the UCLA score of(27.00±3.41)points.There is significant improvement of the shoulder joint function for both groups 12 weeks after the operation(P >0.05),and there is no significant statistical difference between the two groups(P >0.05).During the last follow-up,the arthroscopic acromioplasty group gets the UCLA score of(33.15±3.78)points.Meanwhile,the arthroscopic subacromial debridement group get the UCLA score of(32.68±3.95)points.There is no significant statistical difference between the recovery of the shoulder joint function of the two groups (P >0.05).After (11.34±2.03)months (8-15 months)of follow-up,the UCLA score of the arthroscopic acromioplasty group increases from (9.43±1.34)points to(33.15±3.78)points.After(11.20±1.89)months of follow-up,the UCLA score of the arthroscopic subacromial debridement group increases from (9.64±1.41)points to (32.68±3.95)points.The percentages of good and excellent are found to be 88%for the arthroscopic acromioplasty group and 84%for the arthroscopic subacromial debridement group.Conclusions While both surgical methods can significantly relieve the symptoms of patients with type II acromion,the arthroscopic subacromial debridement has advantages in treating the curved acromion.

Impingement syndrome;Curved acromion;Acromioplasty;Debridement




116023 大连医科大学附属第二医院关节外科


苏雨亮,杨梁.肩峰撞击征二型肩峰行关节镜下肩峰成形术与关节镜下单纯肩峰下清理术疗效比较 [J/CD].中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2017,5(1):47-53.

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