
2017-07-31 19:46张新峰
疯狂英语·初中天地 2017年7期


一 功 ◆ 能 ◆ 口 ◆ 语

1 禁止和警告


You can’t... 你不能……

You mustn’t... 你不可以……

If you..., you’ll... 如果你……,你就会……

Take care! 当心!

Be careful! 小心!


1. 表示禁止:

Stop talking. 停止说话。

Stop talking now, please. 现在请停止讲话。

Don’t talk. 不要说话。

Danger, keep out. 危险,切勿入内。

No entry. 禁止进入。

No parking. 禁止停车。

2. 表示警告:

Look out! 小心!


Watch out! 注意!

Watch it! 小心!

Mind out! 当心!

Slow, school. 前方学校,请慢行。


Mother: Bob, are you full?

Bob: No, Mum. I’m still hungry. Can I have another cake?

Mother: OK. Here you are.

Bob: Can you pass me another egg and some roast[烤熟了的]fish, meat and chicken, please?

Mother: Oh, dear! What a big breakfast you are having! You shouldn’t eat so much food at one time.

Bob: But it’s very delicious! And I’m still hungry.

Mother: Don’t be foolish, Bob. You’ve had enough. You mustn’t eat too much food. If you eat too much, you’ll be even fatter, and you’ll be ill, too. And then you must see a doctor. Bob: Well, I’m stopping. I’ll have it for lunch.


1)“Be careful not to do sth.”常用于提醒别人不要做某事,是比较客气的警告。如“Be careful not to hurt yourself.(小心别伤着自己。)”。

2)“You mustn’t...”往往表示明令禁止不准做的事情,其态度非常严肃、坚决。如“You mustn’t smoke near the oil depot[仓库].(你不许在油库附近吸烟。)”。

3)“If you..., you’ll...”是一种有条件的禁止或警告,含有威胁、恐吓的意味。如“If you ride

a bike too fast, you’ll have an accident.(假如你骑车骑得太快,你就会出事。)”。

2 约会



Are you free this evening? 今晚你有空吗?

How about tomorrow morning? 明天上午怎么样?

Shall we meet at 4:30 at...? 我们四点半在……见好吗?Yes, that’s all right. 行,可以。

Yes, I’ll be free then. 好的,那时我有空。

No, I won’t be free then. 不行,我那会儿没空。

All right. See you then. 好吧,到那时再见。


Will you be free this evening? 今晚你有空吗?

Do you have time this evening? 今晚你有时间吗?


Wang Yan: Hi, Alice. Are you free tonight?

Alice: Sorry. I’ll be quite busy tonight. I have too much

homework to do—maths, English, Chinese and physics.

Wang Yan: How about tomorrow evening?

Alice: Yes, I’ll be free then.

Wang Yan: Shall we go to the cinema together then? There’s a new film these days. Alice: Good idea! What time shall we meet?

Wang Yan: Let’s meet outside your house at 6:30 tomorrow evening. OK?

Alice: OK. See you then.

Wang Yan: Bye-bye.


1) 当你打算约某人或请求某人帮助时,通常要问对方是否有时间,常用句型为“Are you free…?”。一般可以当面约定,也可电话邀约。

2) 如果你没空,要谢绝约会,可说“No,I won’t be free then.”,但可以提议其他时间,让对方重新考虑,用“But I’ll be free…”或“How/What about...?”。

3) 征询会面的具体时间、地点,可用“Shall we meet at…?”。如“Shall we meet outside the park gate at 8:30?(我们八点半在公园门外见好吗?)”。

二 口 ◆ 语 ◆ 一 ◆ 点 ◆ 通

1 Say hello to him for me. 请代我向他问好。

— I heard you’re going to Guangzhou to visit your uncle.


— That’s correct. 是啊。

— Well, say hello to him for me. 那么,请代我向他问好。

分析▲ 这句话在日常生活中很常见,其基本句型为“Say hello to sb. for me.”,表“请代我向某人问候。”。也可以说“Give my (best) regards to him.”。

2 Can you stay for dinner? 你能留下来吃晚餐吗?— It’s almost 6:00. I’d better be going. 快六点钟了,我该走了。— Can you stay for dinner? We’d love to have you join us.


— It’s really nice of you. Thanks! 你们真好。谢谢!

分析▲ 本句的基本句型为“Can you stay for...? ”。当要邀请对方留下来参加某项活动时,语气应当温和客气,以展现诚意。常用的口语表达还有:

1) Can you join us for dinner?

2) How about having dinner with us?

3) Why don’t you join us for dinner?

3 How did it go? 事情经过如何?

— I had a job interview this morning. 今早我参加了一场工作面试。

— Really? How did it go? 真的吗?事情经过如何?

— Pretty well, I think. 我觉得十分顺利。

分析▲ 当某人完成一件事情时,可使用本句询问对方事情经过的状况。也可以说“How was it?”

4 Is this seat taken? 这位子有人坐吗?

— Excuse me. Is this seat taken? 打扰一下,这位子有人坐吗?

— I’m afraid so. 恐怕有人了。

分析▲ 当在餐厅等场所发现有空位时,不可立马就坐下去,因为万一已



1) Is anyone sitting here? 2) Is this seat occupied?

3) Is this seat available? 4) Can I sit here?

5 Time sure flies, doesn’t it? 时光易逝啊,不是吗?

— It’s quite cold this early morning, isn’t it? 今天清晨好冷啊,不是吗?

— Yeah. It’s already December, you know. 是啊。要知道现在都已经十二月了。

— Time sure flies, doesn’t it? 时光易逝啊,不是吗?

分析▲ 这句话用来形容“时间过得真快”,有点儿岁月不饶人的意味。常用的口语表达还有:

1) Time passes very quickly. 2) Time flies like an arrow.

6 Do you have everything? 东西都带齐了吗?

— Do you have everything? 东西都带齐了吗?

— Let’s see...my ID card, my passport, and my suitcase. I’m pretty sure I’ve got everything.


分析▲ 出门前,人们常使用本句确认同伴是否已带齐一切所需物品。我们也可以说“Have you got everything?”。

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