悉尼市已批准并将在未来实施“分散水资源管理总体规划 (2012—2030)”,该规划将作为“2030悉尼可持续发展计划”的一部分。规划重点在于通过一系列措施减少自来水的消耗和需求,措施包括雨水花园、植物系统、雨水回收和冷热电三联供植物系统(trigeneration plants)。
1 悉尼公园水资源再利用项目整体鸟瞰The Sydney Park Water Re-Use Project
2 悉尼公园水资源再利用项目总平面Sydney Park Water Re-Use masterplan
3 悉尼公园水资源再利用项目水资源收集平面图Sydney Park Water Re-Use water havesting plan
悉尼公园水资源再利用项目是城市综合水资源战略的一部分,是悉尼市迄今为止最大的环保项目,它将通过国家城市水资源和海水淡化计划(National Urban Water and Desalination Plan)同澳大利亚政府建立合作关系。该项目是“2030悉尼可持续发展计划”的组成部分,旨在通过当地水资源的收集和公园内水资源的再利用来满足城市10%的用水需求。基于澳大利亚东南部愈发不规律的降水模式预测,该项目提出了一个综合方案,以期未来几十年在其流域范围内为城市提供水资源应急供应 。与此同时,悉尼利用这一千载难逢的机会,通过这个基础设施建设项目将悉尼公园建造成一个兼具活力和环境资源的胜地,为公园注入了新生。
悉尼市委托特弗设计与环境事务所(Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership)带领的设计团队对该项目进行设计建造。设计团队擅长将设计、艺术、科学和生态等领域结合,进行多学科合作。由此产生的“圆桌会议”促进了设计对话的共享,与会人员包括阿鲁维姆公司(Alluvium)的水资源专家、特平+克劳福德工作室(Turpin + Crawford Studio)的艺术家、蜻蜓环境有限公司(Dragonfly Environmental)的生态学专家、帕特里奇公司(Partridge)的工程师和本地风景园林师。设计景观公司(Design Landscapes)经验丰富,是当时负责这一复杂项目实施的景观承包商。项目最终成果呈现出的是一个集水资源再利用设施、娱乐和栖息地为一体的复杂系统,它讲述了水体处理的过程,赋予这个受人喜爱的公园新的维度。
过去,来自200hm2上游集水区的所有雨水未经处理便流入蒙尼海峡(Munni Channel)、亚历山德拉运河(Alexandra Canal)和植物湾(Botany Bay)。由于暖季降雨量稀少和水流停滞等因素影响,悉尼公园中水体水质不佳,蓝绿藻、细绿萍和浮萍繁殖猖獗。
该项目计划平均每年转移8.4L雨水用于处理和再利用。水处理设施包括污染物收集装置、生物滞留系统(5 000m2)、湿地和现存池塘。用于灌溉的回收水还将经过过滤和紫外线消毒等进一步的处理。
对每年收集的3 000万L水进行循环使用,加强池塘水循环,改善艾伦·戴卫逊椭圆公园(Alan Davidson oval)和格林村(Village Green)的灌溉状况,同时为苗圃和悉尼市停车场的卡车清洗提供非饮用水。
项目还计划为悉尼公园以外的其他用水系统提供服务,包括附近的工业场地,例如混凝土搅拌站、金属回收商、工业洗衣设施和纺织品制造商;还包括未来的城市再开发项目,例如安石区域发展项目(Ashmore Precinct)和亚历山德拉运河项目。
4 悉尼公园水资源再利用项目种植策略Sydney Park Water Re-Use vegetation strategy
水资源经处理后,经由特平+克劳福德工作室设计的“水瀑布”输送回威拉比湿地(Wirrambi Wetland)系统,与此同时这些“小瀑布”也对贮存的水体进行曝气增氧,这些过程是该项目的重要组成部分。
5 悉尼公园水资源再利用项目栖息地策略平面图Sydney Park Water Re-Use habitat strategy plan
乔治·摩尔(Clover Moore),悉尼市长如是说。
6 悉尼公园水资源再利用项目公共艺术策略Sydney Park Water Re-Use public art strategy
7 威拉比湿地—悉尼公园雨水收集系统上游蓄水池Wirrambi Wetland - The upper storage of the stormwater harvesting system at Sydney Park
8 俯瞰跌水瀑布古瓦里湿地Overlooking the cascades towards Guwali Wetland
9 悉尼公园跌水瀑布The cascades at Sydney Park
项目地址:澳大利亚,新南威尔士州,圣彼得斯区, 2044
项目面积:16 000m2
承包商:设计景观公司(Design Landscapes)
设计团队:特弗设计与环境事务所(Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership)、阿鲁维姆公司(Alluvium)、特平+克劳福德工作室(Turpin + Crawford Studio)、蜻蜓环境有限公司(Dragonfly Environmental)
摄影:图1、7~18、20~27©Ethan Rohloff;图19©Simon Wood;图28©Adam Hunter
11 特平+克劳福德工作室设计的“瀑布”通过悬臂式陶质半管对水进行输送,向人们展示日常水处理过程中看不到的部分Turpin + Crawford Studio’s ‘Waterfalls’ delivers water flows through cantilevered terracotta half-pipe fingers and reveal the often-hidden processes of water
13 由特平+克劳福德工作室设计的户外陶管高架桥,与原场地的工厂和砖厂遗址相呼应,同时作为将水从生物滞留池输送至布玛拉湿地的管道Viaducts of open terracotta pipes, designed by Turpin + Crawford, echo the site’s industrial and Brickworks heritage, as well as functioning as a conduit for transferring water from the bioretention ponds into the Bunmarra Wetland
14 悉尼公园开放空间。土丘地形掩埋了原先的垃圾填埋地遗址Open space of Sydney Park. Clay capped landscape mounds conceal its landfill legacy
The Millennium Drought of the late nineties and early 2 000s brought to Australia its worst period of drought on record. Unwillingly, Sydney had to draw upon remote river catchments to maintain its water supply until the drought was declared officially over in 2012.
Looking to the future, City of Sydney endorsed and is implementing the Decentralised Water Master Plan (2012-2030) as part of Sustainable Sydney 2030. The plan is focused on reducing mains water consumption and demand through a number of approaches including rain gardens, vegetated systems, stormwater recycling and tri-generation plants.
The Sydney Park Water Re-Use Project is part of this comprehensive water strategy and forms the City of Sydney’s largest environmental project to date, built in partnership with the Australian Government through the National Urban Water and Desalination Plan. It is an integral component of Sustainable Sydney 2030; targeting 10% of water demand to be met through local water capture and re-use in the park. With climate change predictions of more irregular rainfall patterns in south-eastern Australia, the project demonstrates an integrated approach to prepare the city for the decades ahead and looks within its catchment to provide the much needed water supplies for the city. At the same time, the City also seized a once in a lifetime opportunity to use what was essentially an infrastructure project as a vehicle to breathe new life into the park—as a vibrant recreation and environmental asset for Sydney.
The City engaged a design team led by landscape architects Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership who orchestrated a multi-disciplinary collaboration inter-weaving design, art, science and ecology. The resulting‘roundtable’ facilitated a shared design dialogue between water experts Alluvium, artists Turpin + Crawford Studio, ecologists Dragonfly Environmental, engineers Partridge and the City’s own Landscape Architects. Design Landscapes were then the skilled landscape contractors responsible for implementing this complex project on the ground. The result is an interwoven system of water re-use, recreation and habitat that gives life to its water story, and an exciting new dimension to this well-loved parkland.
The project had three key objectives;
Water Management: Effectively harvesting urban waste water, improving water quality and reducing potable water consumption.
Landscape and Habitat: Strengthening the visual and functional connections between the park’s existing water bodies. Improving thelandscape setting, recreational opportunities, environmental amenity and habitat value.
Interpretation: Uncover and express the park’s water story through design and artful influences within the landscape, including immersive opportunities for interactive play and education.
City of Sydney and the design team recognized that a fully integrated collaborative design environment was required to fully realize the opportunities presented by the project and the site.
A set of key principles was established to shape and guide the design, development and delivery of the project;
Provide a Place for People: Support and enrich the life experiences of all who use the park. Create a place that is robust and authentic; blending layers of urban design, environment, community and green infrastructure to provide a place for living, learning and just ‘being’.
Enhance Sustainability: Protect and enhance the park’s natural systems and local ecologies. Build a core bio-retention system to treat water captured from the urban catchment to the north.
Make Connections: Improve park accessibility and circulation by creating a path hierarchy that is both functional and logical. Explore opportunities to connect people with water and offer new environmental and recreational experiences.
Enable Journeys: Create journeys though the bio-retention wetlands that convey and celebrate the park’s water story.
Much has been achieved over the past two decades in transforming the Sydney Park site from its industrial and landfill legacy, into 44 hectares of parkland and a vital asset for the growing communities of Sydney’s south east.
15 特平+克劳福德工作室设计的“瀑布”将水通过悬臂式陶质半管输送至威拉比湿地Turpin + Crawford Studio’s ‘Waterfalls’ delivers water flows through cantilevered terracotta half-pipe fingers into Wirrambi Wetland
Previously, all stormwater from the 200 hectare upstream catchment flowed through to Munni Channel, and into Alexandra Canal and Botany Bay untreated. The ponds at Sydney Park suffered poor water quality and outbreaks of bluegreen algae, Azolla and Duckweed largely due to periods of low rainfall and the stagnation of water during the warmer months.
The Sydney Park Water Re-Use Project now provides enhanced circulation of water through the chain of ponds and wetlands; improving water quality, visual amenity and detention storage effectiveness.
The water scheme diverts an average of 840 mega litres per annum of stormwater for treatment and re-use. The treatment train includes a gross pollutant trap, 5 000m2of bio-retention system, wetlands and the existing ponds. Water recycled for irrigation is further treated by filtration and UV disinfection.
30 million litres a year of harvested water is now recycled for improved circulation of the ponds, irrigation of Alan Davidson oval and the Village Green, and non-potable water supply for the nursery and truck washing at the City of Sydney Depot.
The scheme is also intended to ultimately service additional uses beyond Sydney Park. These include nearby industrial sites such as concrete batching plants, metal recyclers, industrial laundry facilities, and textile manufacturers, as well as future urban redevelopment projects such as Ashmore Precinct and Alexandra Canal.
The project is reducing potable water use,improving water quality in the ponds, improving the quality of stormwater run-off discharged to Alexandra Canal and Botany Bay, and ameliorating flooding issues currently occurring in some areas of the park.
16 悉尼公园跌水瀑布。公园时而充满野性与戏剧性,时而充满乐趣,但它一直是迷人的—通过水的可视性变化向人们展示悉尼公园水处理的过程The Cascades at Sydney Park. The park can be wild and dramatic, and other times playful, but always engaging - celebrating Sydney Park’s water story through its visible ebbs and flows.
17 动植物在新湿地中繁荣生长,现存栖息地得以保护,新的栖息地得以建立Flora and fauna are thriving in the new wetlands, with new habitats created and existing one protected and flourishing
18 游客踏过由超大型踏脚石组成的路径,沿瀑布进行游览Visitors to Sydney Park tread across oversized stepping stones along The Cacades
More broadly, the new landscapes and habitats provide the community benefit of creating new and engaging recreational and environmental experiences for park users, drawing on both a local and regional catchment.
In conveying the water story through its visible processes; the project is educating the community about the importance of urban water management, and the interdependent nature of our urban and natural environments. The function and processes of water harvesting and cleansing is made legible through its visible ebbs and flows in the landscape.
Highlighting these processes was an important part of the project. Turpin + Crawford’s ‘Water Falls’ celebrates the passage of water from the end of the water treatment “train” back into the system at Wirrambi Wetland, while supplementing “The Cascades” in providing critical aeration of the stored waters.
Turpin + Crawford Studio also worked with TDEP and Alluvium to conceive the water ‘exhaust fans’ celebrating the transfer of water from bioremediation ‘paddies’ to the lagoons. These play on the spirit of water and its interactions with topography, form, surfaces, plant life and fauna. The fans only function for two to three hours after heavy rainfall, reflecting that the bioremediation beds are full.
After an intensive period of ‘easing in’, the water re-use project is now fully operational and intrinsically merged with its park setting. The park’s fauna and flora is thriving, with new habitats created and existing ones protected and enhanced throughout the park.
This project has made-up a significant contribution to the realization of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 targets for local water capture and reuse, and promises the opportunity to significantly expand re-use through the reticulation of recycled water to local industry.
19 科尔顿钢高架桥具有两个分支,将水输送到生物滞留池中进行净化,而后流入古瓦里湿地A bifurcated corten steel viaduct delivers water into bioretention ponds to be cleaned and released into the Guwali Wetland
20 悉尼公园跌水瀑布The Cascades at Sydney Park
City of Sydney is investigating several initiatives that may be implemented in the future, building on current and past projects. This includes the roll out of dog water play facilities or “puddles”, along with the potential for the“City Farm” facility to be permanently located at Sydney Park. More recently, Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership assisted the City with the redevelopment of the C.A.R.E.S. Children’s Bike Track, which integrates bike safety with experiential play.
These initiatives both complement and leverage off the stormwater harvesting project, and significantly contributes to the evolution of Sydney Park; from its post-industrial and Brickworks legacy into a significant piece of green infrastructure for the community. While tangibly adding to the recreational, visual, and biodiversity value of the park, the project also plays a key role in futureproofing the adjoining areas for sustainable water use.
The wetlands will continue to evolve and enhance the landscape setting and environmental amenity of the park. The created habitats will become more diverse and resilient, and indigenous vegetation communities will stabilise and strengthen, consolidating the parks multi-layered and multi-dimensional value to the community.
“I heartily commend Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership for its outstanding work on the Sydney Park Water Re-Use Project. This project has realised the City’s stormwater harvesting objectives for Sydney Park, making a major contribution to the City’s Sustainable Sydney 2030 local water capture and re-use targets.
21 公园使用者穿越古瓦里湿地Park users traverse over Guwali Wetland
22 跌水瀑布景观迎接着所有人的到来,尤其受到遛狗者的喜爱The Cascades welcomes all walks of life and is a favourite amongst the daily dog walkers
23 沿布玛拉湿地遛狗The daily dog walk along Bunmarra Wetland
24 独处空间,可在此远眺布玛拉湿地Solitude overlooking Bunmarra Wetland
25 黄昏的悉尼公园是逃离城市喧嚣最好的地方Dusk at Sydney Park is the perfect place to escape the hustle of the city
26 沿悉尼公园的湿地晨跑Morning run along the wetlands at Sydney Park
As co-head consultants, Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership have transformed the park, literally bringing the wetlands and the story of water treatment to life in the park’s ecosystems and in the community’s imagination.
Through the chain of wetlands, connected by weirs, bridges, paths and stepping stones, the designers have created delightful places in the park’s landscape, connecting community and nature.”
Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney:
“The Sydney Park Water Re-Use Project takes a significant piece of sustainable infrastructure and integrates it into an existing, highly constrained parkland, successfully combining both system and place.
The collaborative approach adopted by the project team has ensured the principles of landscape architecture are thoroughly integrated with engineering, public art, ecology and play. This has enabled an exemplar piece of green infrastructure that benefits the local stormwater system, enriches local habitat, and enhances the recreational value of the park.
This project is the next stage in a significant urban renewal project that has been well conceived and executed, intertwining the needs of community, sustainability and infrastructure to form an educational, scientifically rigorous and enjoyable place.”
Project Location:St Peters, NSW, Australia, 2044
Project Area:16 000m2
Client:City of Sydney
Contractor/Construction: Design Landscapes
Project Team:Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership with Alluvium, Turpin + Crawford Studio and Dragonfly Environmental
Date of design:February 2012 start
Date of completion:May 2015
Photographer:Fig.1/7-18/20-27©Ethan Rohloff; Fig.19©Simon Wood; Fig.28©Adam Hunter
Translator: TI Yu-xin
Proofreader: ZHANG Xi
Sydney Park Water Re-Use Project
Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership
27 公园使用者在跌水瀑布的汀步上嬉戏;通过水的可视性动态变化向人们展示悉尼公园水处理的过程Park users frolic across stepping stones at The Cascades; celebrating Sydney Park’s water story through its visible ebbs and flows
28 悉尼公园的鸟类栖息在特平+克劳福德工作室设计的户外陶管上,陶管将水从生态滞留池输送到各个湿地Birds at Sydney Park perch themselves on Turpin + Crawford’s open terracotta pipes that deliver water from the bioretention ponds into the wetlands