广东地处亚热带,四季常青,物产富饶,这使得广东的饮食得天独厚。做法精致、食材新鲜、口味清淡都是广东菜的特点。其中潮州菜更备受美食家推崇 ,在中国美食界地位卓然。
Chaozhou beef hotpot is very particular about the quality of the fresh beef. The cow has to be freshly slaughtered and butchered, so restaurants are usually located near the abattoir. Cutting techniques are greatly valued. The beef should be hand-sliced into exactly the right thickness. The thinner slices are silky and smooth, while the thicker slices are chewy and satisfying, “to please your throat,” as they call it.
The iced red crab is one of the must-order dishes of Chaozhou cuisine. Red crabs are a local specialty in Shanwei. The red crabs are steamed, and then iced before being tasted. Red vinegar and Puningmade bean sauce can bring out the mellow fl avour and the popping texture.
In Chaoshan there's a fi ne-breed of goose called “Lion Head”. Spiced goose dates back a long way in Chaoshan. In the past, every household would cook the dish at home: boiled with spices, cooled, sliced into thick pieces, covered with spiced sauce and Chinese parsley, and completed with vinegar-soaked mashed garlic.
The ark shell was called “shell coins” for the tinkling sound it makes when shells are rubbed against each other. In Chaoshan there's a saying that the more ark shells you eat, the richer you can become. There're two popular ways of cooking ark shells. Scald them in boiling water and eat with sauce, or preserve them with salt and soybean sauce into instant food.
Chaozhou-style cold dish “Da Lang” is a traditional Chaoshan dish made by steaming and cooling all kinds of seafood in natural air. The cooled seafood usually goes with garlic oil or bean sauce, which can bring out the unique freshness of the fi sh. It is said that this kind of cold dish was created by Chaoshan fi shermen by coincidence, but became quite popular and was carried down through generations.
The door to this church in Cartagena is so big that it makes an adult look like a child.卡塔赫纳教堂大门与红衣女子。