Guanyin Mountain, Huizhou, Guangdong Province 广东省 惠州In June, the wind turbines, towering on the peaks of Guanyin Mountain against the Milky Way, are like gigantic matchsticks, which appear to be lighting up the starry sky in the still of the night.六月的银河下,观音山的风机像一根根巨大的火柴,似是要点燃这片寂静的山夜。(Photo by Max Liu)(刘翊/摄)
Qinghai Lake, Qinghai Province青海省 海西蒙古族藏族自治州Qinghai Lake, the largest inland salt-water lake in China, just awakes amidst the Gobi desertand steppes in the Qaidam Basin in China'snorthwestern province of Qinghai.柴达木盆地里,介于戈壁和草原之间的青海湖刚刚醒来。(Photo by Yu Dajian)(于大剑/摄)
Wugong Mountain, Jiangxi Province 江西省 武功山The mountain, enshrouded by clouds and morning fog at sunrise, generously presents a wondrous picture of mountain peaks and clouds.日出时分,云蒸雾绕的武功山,毫不吝啬地展开一席山云画卷。(Photo by Max Liu)(刘翊/摄)
Yamdroktso Lake, Tibet西藏 羊卓雍措Like a long silk ribbon worn by a Chinese fairy maiden, the sapphire bluecoloured Yamdroktso Lake in Tibet gracefully resides among lofty mountainranges. She looks elegantly charming and impressively vast, especially when you look at her from a mountain slope at an elevation of c. 4,800m. It is no wonderthat she can stir up a strong sense of awe and yearning in locals and visitorsalike.宛若仙女的缎带,沁人的湖蓝在岗巴拉山的崇山峻岭间流连。从海拔4800米左右的垭口望去,千年如一的羊湖柔美而壮阔。无论是藏民还是游客,都会对此地存有一份敬畏和挂念。(Photo by Parry Lee)(立续/摄)