
2017-07-19 09:52:28
中国气象科学研究院年报 2017年0期

1 气候预测理论与方法

1.1 南亚高压强度和位置变化的2个主导模态及其形成机制



1.2 2015/2016年超强El Niño事件次年盛夏西太平洋副高异常偏弱的成因

以往研究认为,当前冬发生了El Niño事件后,次年夏季西太平洋副高将异常偏强,这主要和El Niño引起的西北太平洋海—气相互作用和热带印度洋海盆尺度异常增暖有关。但最新的观测指出,在2015/2016年冬季超强El Niño事件发生后,2016年7、8月西太平洋副高异常偏弱,这与已有的ENSO-西太平洋副高关系不符。本研究通过资料分析和数值试验表明,与历史事件相比,2015/2016年冬季超强El Niño事件衰减更快,令次年夏季印度洋无法充分加热,因此印度洋暖SSTA无法在盛夏维持,从而削弱了印度洋暖SSTA通过局地纬向环流异常来加强西太平洋副高的作用。同时,来自中纬度的对流层中上部波列在2016年夏季能够南传到达西太平洋地区,进一步削弱了西太平洋副高的强度。(刘伯奇,祝从文,苏京志,华丽娟)

1.3 全球变暖已由趋缓期转为加速期


1.4 天山中部地区夏季降水量变化的气候特征


1.5 青藏高原低涡对西南涡生成的影响

西南涡产生于青藏高原东侧的我国西南地区,定义在700 hPa上,是影响我国西南乃至东部广大地区降水的重要天气系统。青藏高原低涡是产生于青藏高原主体上的500 hPa天气系统,它们的移出能够对西南涡的活动产生影响。然而,目前关于移出的青藏高原低涡对西南涡生成的影响的研究很少。本文基于FNL资料对2000—2011年移出型高原低涡对西南涡的生成的影响进行了研究。研究选择了3类过程:第1类,有高原低涡伴随下的西南涡生成过程;第2类,仅有高原低涡,没有西南涡生成过程;第3类,没有高原涡伴随下的西南涡生成过程。每个过程包含9个个例,研究分别对这3个过程进行了分析,并进一步通过对比指出了移出型高原低涡在西南涡生成过程中的作用。结果指出,凝结潜热加热对西南涡是西南涡生成的决定性因素,而移出型高原低涡能够在西南地区创造更加有利的降水条件,从而有利于西南涡的生成。有高原低涡伴随下的西南涡生成后,强度更大,维持时间更长。但是高原低涡并非西南涡产生的充分条件,强烈的西南气流及相应的水汽输送对西南涡对的产生起到了关键作用。(李论)

1.6 中国夏季极端暖事件的类型分析


1.7 近20年中国东部地区的持久且较强的变暖减缓现象


1.8 全球增暖导致盛夏华东高温事件的发生概率增大


2 气候系统模式研发

2.1 气候系统模式简介


2.2 降水分布


2.3 热带太平洋特征


2.4 ENSO的空间形态

作为热带气候系统最显著的年际时间尺度变率信号,ENSO能够影响整个热带太平洋以及印度洋等区域。从Nino3.4指数与SST异常之间的回归形态来看(图7a、c),与ENSO相关的SST空间形态能够很好地被模拟出来。与HadISST观测结果相比,由于模式中冷舌过度西伸,赤道中东太平洋SST正异常在子午线方向上过于狭窄,更向西延伸。在南中国海和热带印度洋的正相关区都能被模拟出来,并且澳大利亚西海岸的弱负相关区也能反映出来。Nino3.4指数与降水和850 hPa风异常的回归场(图7b、d)进一步显示,该模式能够充分模拟出与ENSO相关的降水和风异常的空间形态。例如,在赤道太平洋中部的降水增加,这是由于暖SSTA导致热带对流增强所致。同时,异常西风占据了赤道中东太平洋(150°E~120°W),表明大气与海洋的反馈机制。降水负异常分布在东印度洋和冷海温区域,此处对流活动被抑制。上述太平洋和印度洋上的降水异常中心和低空风异常的量值幅度都能被模式所刻画。例如,模式能够模拟出降水异常和低层风异常的观测所得的不对称特征:降水异常和低层风异常通常在赤道以南最大。

2.5 东亚夏季风变率

通常用降水和风场来指示东亚夏季风(EASM)的变率。这里评估主要集中在与EASM变异性相关的降水和风场变化方面。在此采用Wang and Fan(1999)的季风指数(WFI),这是从850 hPa纬向风切变来定义的:WFI=U850(5°~ 15°N,90°~ 130°E)−U850(22.5°~ 32.5°N,110°~ 140°E)。图8给出负WFI指数与850 hPa风异常的回归场。观测结果中,环流形态为具有典型的反气旋特征,即在中国东南部和沿长江和日本东南部为西南风异常,以及从西太平洋延伸至南中国海的东风异常。降水异常增强主要位于东亚副热带锋,降水异常减弱主要位于反气旋的南支附近。整体来说,模拟结果能够很好地体现出观测的形态,在反气旋的北部(南部)降水增强(减弱)的降水形态能够模拟出来。特别地,模式能够模拟出与梅雨带变化相关的异常降水中心。然而,模拟结果也存在一些不足之处。例如,降水增强中心的强度通常比GPCP的结果偏弱,而西太平洋的降水减弱中心相比观测结果偏强。此外,南中国海的负降水中心模拟结果偏弱,中南半岛的负降水中心在模拟结果中也偏移到更南方。

ENSO对东亚夏季风的影响方面,该模式的模拟性能有着显著优势。厄尔尼诺现象在衰减的夏季期间,西北太平洋通常为反气旋的特征(图9),即为西太平洋反气旋(WNPAC)。WNPAC起源于厄尔尼诺发展阶段的秋季,并可能维持至厄尔尼诺事件衰减年的夏季,这是ENSO影响中国夏季降水的一种重要机制。虽然WNPAC持续到厄尔尼诺事件次年的夏季的机制存在争议,但它可能与西北太平洋、印度洋以及热带北大西洋等相关联。在模式模拟结果中,ENSO对东亚夏季风的影响形态与观测分析结果相符,这表明EASM变率的主模式与ENSO密切相关。该模式成功地再现了降水和850 hPa风场与ENSO相关形态。从模拟结果可以清楚地看出,WNP存在反气旋环流。与GPCP数据类似,模拟的梅雨带从中国东部一直延伸到日本东南部,这表明该模式在模拟ENSO-EASM关系方面具有相当好的能力。(容新尧,李建,陈昊明,辛羽飞,苏京志,华丽娟,齐艳军等)

3 极地研究

3.1 基于EAGLE气象站自动监测记录和雪层定年的南极内陆地区风对降雪、物质积累等过程的影响

结合气象站4 m高度气温记录,我们计算了Eagle雪坑各雪层沉降时的气温,并对比了同期氧同位素比率记录。结果发现,虽然δ18O和气温总趋势一致,上部雪层的δ18O值和气温的变化规律非常相似,但在50 cm深度以下,定年结果和实际降雪日期有约6个月的误差,这可能是由雪层混合作用引起的。对同期δ18O值和气温做相关分析,发现其相关系数只有0.33,相关较低的值主要集中在2006 年间,这可能是在2006年的强风背景下,雪层受到再搬运作用的影响较强(搬运过来的雪的沉降环境无法确定)。由此可以看出,风在雪积累过程中具有极其重要的作用,其搬运、堆积以及加速升华等作用可以造成雪层的丢失或者异常积累,并在雪坑化学记录中留下干扰信号,影响了我们的判断,即短期的雪层化学记录可能受到了沉降后过程的影响,可信度有限。(丁明虎)

3.2 FELIX-S模型的构建及其与MISMIP3D计划的模式性能的比较


3.3 南极卫星臭氧总量产品的评估

根据1993—2015年南极中山站Brewer光谱仪臭氧总量测值, 分析比较不同时期卫星探测反演的大气臭氧总量误差特征。结果表明,卫星测值总体偏高, 这与以南、北半球中纬度为主的全球比对结果(卫星测值总体偏低)不同, 但误差没有超过4%。对同一颗卫星一天多次过境测值的选取中, 注意到太阳天顶角(SZA)最低时的测值与地基一致性最好(平均误差为−0.02%~1.15%)。TOMS算法反演的臭氧总量(含SBUV、TOMS-EP、OMI-TOMS)与地基测值最接近, 其次是GOD-FIT法(以GOME-2A为代表)和DOAS-TOGOM法(含GOME、SCIAMACHY和OMI-DOAS)。卫星臭氧总量误差对SZA均有一定的依赖性∶ 当SZA在60°~70°以上时DOAS、GOME-2A的臭氧总量误差呈增加趋势而TOMS则下降, 但在80°~85°时GOME-2A下降,卫星测值在地基臭氧总量为300~350 DU时与地基测值最接近,DOAS-TOGOM和GOME-2A的误差在300 DU以下时随臭氧总量降低而呈增加趋势。卫星臭氧总量误差对卫星与地基在观测时间上的差异呈一定的统计特点∶ 当时间差别在4 h以上时误差呈上升趋势;在8 h时OMI-TOMS的误差>10%, 而9 h时DOAS-TOGOM误差可达>15%,但GOME-2A没有超过10%。当卫星过境点与地基测点的距离在100 km以上时, 卫星臭氧总量误差可达-5%; 而当TOMS-EP或OMI-TOMS的过境位置在中山站东南方的南极大陆上空时, 其臭氧总量总体偏低, 而在中山站西北方的海洋上空则相反, 可能反映了地表反射率差异对TOMS算法反演的影响。“臭氧洞”期间卫星臭氧总量与地基测值的一致性较非“臭氧洞”期间明显降低,TOMS算法的卫星臭氧总量误差变化未超过1%/10a。1996—2015年中山站SBUV和Brewer的臭氧总量月距平变化趋势分别为1%/10a和0.9%/10a, 表明臭氧层较一致的微弱恢复态势。(张雷)

3.4 南极罗斯海的海冰变化趋势


3.5 2012年1—2月亚洲严寒事件及其与北极海冰减少的关系


3.6 冬奥会服务


3.7 极地业务工作

圆满完成2017年度南极中山气象台和长城站气象站地面气象业务观测任务,全年无错报漏报;完成中山气象台臭氧总量监测任务,并协助发布《南极臭氧公报》。超低温自动气象站研发取得新进展,重建了LGB69、Dome A超低温自动气象站,获取了2017年度连续监测数据。

图1 基于南亚高压强度模态指数(a,b)和经向位置模态指数(c,d)的5月150 hPa位势高度合成场(gpm,黑色粗实线和阴影分别表示合成和气候平均14270 gpm等高线,黑色虚线表示气候平均高压脊线,红色和蓝色虚线分别表示强度模态偏强和偏弱时的高压脊线位置)Fig.1 Composites of 150 hPa geopotential height (solid contours, gpm) and ridgeline (dashed curves) of the South Asian High(SAH) with respect to (a, b) the intensity and (c, d) meridional position mode of the SAH on the interannual timescale.The bold solid contours are the 14,270 gpm geopotential height.The climatological 14,270 gpm geopotential height and SAH ridgeline are represented by gray shading and the black dashed curves, respectively

图2 排名前十的年平均高温记录的发生频次(NT10)在各年代的分布(每个年代的El Niño、La Niña和正常年份期间的NT10由不同颜色表示;细线为年平均GMST时间序列,粗线为其7年滑动平均)Fig.2 Relative frequency of the top 10 record (NT10) of annual mean temperatures for each decade.The NT10 is divided into three subgroups (El Niño, La Niña, and neutral years) as indicated as the legend.The NT10 frequency in the 2010s is weighted by 10/6.The number of El Niño, La Niña, and neutral conditions during a decade is indicated by the thick line in each bar.The annual mean GMST is plotted in thin black, and its seven-year moving average is plotted in thick black

图3 垂直纵剖面的异常垂直运动(颜色阴影;10-2 m/s)及相应的垂直环流(经向风分量和垂直速度的100倍,m/s)在86º和87.5ºE经向平均值:(a)12∶00;(b)18∶00;(c)00∶00;(d)06∶00Fig.3 Vertical profile of the anomalous vertical motion (color shading; 10-2 m s-1) and the corresponding vertical circulation(Vectors having components of the meridional wind and 100 the vertical velocity; m s-1) longitudinally averaged between 86º E and 87.5º E at different times: (a) 12:00; (b) 18:00; (c) 00:00; (d) 06:00

图4 (a)不同起始年份的区域平均最低温度的趋势(℃/10a)和(b)所有短期(10~20年)线性趋势的概率密度函数(图a中黑色正方形表明该趋势至少在0.1的水平上显著;图b中红色梯形为起始年份在1996年以前的线性趋势的概率分布,蓝色线为起始年份在1997年以后的线性趋势的概率分布,3条垂直的虚线为所有早期(开始于1996年以前)的短期趋势中的第10百分位,第5百分位和第1百分位)Fig.4 (a) Historical trends (℃ decade−1) for domain-averaged minimum temperature (Tmin) with different starting years and interval lengths.All trends significant at the 90% conf i dence level at least are enclosed by black squares.(b) PDFs of all shortterm (10−20 years) trends, which began before 1996 (red histograms) and after 1997 (blue curves).Three vertical dashed lines locate the lower 10th, 5th and 1st percentiles of all short-term trends during earlier period (starting before 1996)

图5 2013年盛夏地表气温(SAT,℃,填色) 和500 hPa位势高度异常(Z500, m,等值线)空间分布(a); CMIP5(b)、CAM5.1(c)和MIROC5(d)模式模拟的中国中东部盛夏平均SAT异常的直方图(柱状图)和PDF(曲线)(b~d中的紫色线对应2013年盛夏中国中东部SAT异常的观测值)Fig.5 (a) 2013 July–August mean surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies (℃, shaded) and geopotential height anomalies at 500 hPa (Z500, units in m, contours).Histogram (bars) and probability density functions (PDFs, curves) of July–August mean SAT anomalies averaged over Central and Eastern China derived from (b) CMIP5, (c) CAM5.1 and (d) MIROC5 simulations.The vertical purple lines in (b)–(d) are the observed 2013 July–August SAT anomaly

图6 HadISST(a)和CAMS-CSM(b)历史模拟的赤道海温(℃,5°S~5°N平均)气候平均年循环Fig.6 Annual cycle of equatorial SST (℃, averaged over 5°S−5°N) from (a) HadISST and (b) CAMS-CSM historical simulation

图7 与Nino3.4指数回归所得的冬季(DJF)平均的SST(℃,左图)和降水(阴影,mm /d)和850 hPa风异常(向量,m/s)(右图)(上图为观察结果,下图为CAMS-CSM历史试验模拟结果,其中SST、降水和850 hPa风场分别来自于HadISST、GPCP和NCEP2数据(1980-2013))Fig.7 Winter (DJF) SST (℃, left panels), precipitation (shaded, mm day−1) and 850 hPa winds anomalies (vector, m/s) (right panels) regressed on the Nino-3.4 index from observation (upper panels) and CAMS-CSM piControl simulation (bottom panels).The SST, precipitation and 850 hPa observations are derived from the HadISST, GPCP and NCEP2 data (1980−2013),respectively

图8 由负WFI指数回归所得夏季降水(阴影,mm/d)和850 hPa风异常(矢量,m/s):(a)为观测结果;(b)为CAMS-CSM历史试验模拟结果Fig.8 Summer precipitation(shaded, mm/day) and 850 hPa winds anomalies (vector, m s-1) regressed on the negative WFI index from (a) observation and (b) CAMS-CSM (PI) Control simulation

图9 冬季Nino3指数(DJF0)与次年夏季(JJA1)降水(阴影,mm/d)和850 hPa风(矢,m/s)异常的相关系数场:(a)为观测结果;(b)为CAMS-CSM历史试验模拟结果(显示超过95%的信度水平)Fig.9 Correlation between the winter Nino3 index (DJF0) and the following summer (JJA1) precipitation (shaded, mm/day)and 850 hPa wind (vector, m s−1) anomalies from (a) observationand (b) CAMS-CSM (PI) Control simulation.Conf i dence levels above 95% are shown

Progress in Climate System and Climate Change Research

1 Theory and methodology of climate prediction

1.1 Dominant modes of the South Asian High and their mechanism

We have found that two dominant modes exist in the interannual variation of the South Asian High(SAH) in May, in terms of its intensity and meridional position mode, respectively.Both of them are affected by the preceding ENSO events.The pattern variation of SAH in May integrates all onset processes of the Asian summer monsoon as a whole.We have objectively defined the indices of the SAH intensity, western and eastern extension and its meridional position.Two dominant modes were extracted using the principle component analysis (PCA) on the above SAH indices.One is the SAH intensity mode, which presents the uniform variation of the SAH strength and zonal expansion.The other is the SAH meridional position mode featured by the interannual changes of the SAH meridional position with little variation of the SAH intensity.

Although these two modes are affected by the preceding ENSO events, the physical mechanisms are distinct.In boreal spring, the ENSO event is decaying, but its influences on the atmospheric circulation can be memorized by the SSTA in the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) via the “atmospheric bridge”.Both observation and numerical sensitivity experiments suggest that the relative contribution of SSTA in the tropical Pacific and TIO to the two modes depends on the decaying rate of ENSO event in boreal spring.On the one hand, when the ENSO damps faster, its resultant TIO SSTA can alter the tropical convection over South Asia to modify the SAH intensity mode by stimulating a Rossby wave response over the southwestern India.On the other hand, the SAH meridional position mode is regulated by the SSTA in the tropical Pacific when the ENSO event persists in boreal spring.In particular, the zonal SSTA gradient in the Indo-Pacific Ocean modulates the vertical motion over South Asia, leading to the variation of the meridional temperature gradient in situ.The present study indicates that the interannual variation of the SAH not only depends on the ENSO phase, but also on its temporal evolution in boreal spring (Fig.1).(Liu Boqi, Zhu Congwen)

1.2 Reason for the weaker WPSH in boreal late summer after the 2015/2016 super El Niño.

Previous studies have proposed that the summer WPSH should be enhanced after an El Niño event occurred in the preceding winter.This is partly due to the air-sea interaction over the western North Pacific(WNP), and partly associated with the warming SSTA in the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) under the influences of El Niño.However, the latest observational studies indicate that the WPSH became weaker in late summer of 2016 after the 2015/2016 super El Niño, which contradicts the existing conceptual model.Compared with the situation in 1983 and 1998, both data analysis and numerical experiment showed that the contrast is primarily attributed to the much faster decaying of the first super El Niño in the 21st century.The fast-decaying El Niño prevented the warming of the TIO in the subsequent summer, which attenuated the anomalous zonal circulation originating from the TIO.Thus, the descending anomaly over the WNP weakened, corresponding to the weaker WPSH.In the meantime, TIO SSTA can alter the mid-latitudinal wave guide in the upper troposphere by changing the meridional temperature gradient.The colder SSTA in the TIO facilitated the southward intrusion of the upper-level wave train into the WNP, which further weakened the WPSH in late summer of 2016.(Liu Boqi, Zhu Congwen, Su Jingzhi, Hua Lijuan)

1.3 Consecutive record-breaking high temperatures marked the handover from hiatus to accelerated warming

Following the recent warming hiatus period, two astonishing high temperature records reached in 2014 and 2015 consecutively.To investigate the occurrence features of record-breaking high temperatures in recent years, a new index focusing the frequency of the top 10 high annual mean temperatures was defined in this study.Analyses based on this index showed that record-breaking high temperatures occurred over most regions of the globe with a salient increasing trend after 1960s, even during the so-called hiatus period.Overlapped on the ongoing background warming trend and the interdecadal climate variabilities, the El Niño events,particularly the strong ones, can make a significant contribution to the occurrence of high temperatures on interannual timescale.High temperatures associated with El Niño events mainly occurred during the winter.As the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) struggled back to its positive phase since 2014, the global warming returned back to a new accelerated warming period, marked by the record-breaking high temperatures in 2014.Intensified by the super strong El Niño, successive high records occurred in 2015 and 2016 also.Higher frequencies of high temperatures would occur in the near future because the PDO tends to maintain a continuously positive phase (Fig.2).(Su Jingzhi)

1.4 Diurnal variation of summer precipitation across the central Tian Shan Mountains

The climatic features of the diurnally varying summer precipitation over and around the central Tian Shan Mountains are investigated.Both the hourly rainfall data observed at eight stations along a transect across the mountains and the convective index derived from the satellite data show that there are three distinct regimes:the early morning peak at stations to the south of the mountains, the late afternoon peak at stations over the mountains, and the night peak at stations to the north of the mountains.The relationship between regimes of the diurnal variation was analyzed.By defining the regional rainfall event (RRE), the initial stations of each RRE were recorded.The early morning rainfall in the southern periphery of the mountains is triggered locally in the southern basin.Both the late afternoon peak over the mountains and the night peak in the northern periphery are influenced by mountain-originated rainfall events.These rainfall events appear over the mountains in the afternoon, and some of them move northward and lead to the nocturnal rainfall in the northern basin.The triggering of convection in the afternoon over the mountains and that in the early morning in the southern basin are related to the diurnally varying wind and thermodynamic conditions over and around the mountains.Lowlevel convergence with thermodynamic instability appears at noon (night) over the mountains (in the southern basin) just before the start of convection (Fig.3).(Li Jian)

1.5 Genesis of southwest vortices and its relation to Tibetan Plateau vortices

Southwest vortices (SWVs) at 700 hPa occurring over the eastern flanks of the Tibetan Plateau are important summer rain-producing systems, often leading to heavy rainfall over southwestern China and even wider areas in eastern China when they move eastward.Tibetan Plateau vortices (TPVs) are the mesoscale systems forming over the Tibetan Plateau defined at 500 hPa, which have an important influence on SWVs when they move off the Tibetan Plateau.However, only a few studies discussed the effects of TPVs on the genesis of SWVs.The present work compares three situations including 9 cases, using reanalysis data to investigate the role played by TPVs in the genesis process of SWVs.The genesis mechanisms of SWVs accompanied by the moving-off TPVs (Situation A) are explored, and then the mechanisms are further verified by comparison with situations of moving-off TPVs that are unaccompanied by the generation of SWVs(Situation B) and genesis process of SWVs without the moving-off TPVs (Situation C).It is revealed that the TPVs moving-off the Tibetan Plateau (moving-off TPVs) can exert significant effects on the genesis of SWVs through both dynamical and thermodynamic processes.The moving-off TPVs are favorable for the generation of SWVs through strengthening the cyclonic vorticity, convergence and ascending motion.Diagnoses of the potential vorticity budgets reveal that the condensational latent heat has the greatest contribution to the generation of SWVs.The SWVs under the influence of TPVs (Situation A) are stronger and have longer lifespans.Analysis of the water vapor budget indicates that the water vapor is mainly transported from south of the genesis region of SWVs associated with strong southerlies.It is demonstrated that the southerlies and the associated water vapor transport are another prominent factor affecting the genesis of the SWVs.(Li Lun)

1.6 Revisiting summertime hot extremes in China during 1961−2015

Summertime hot extremes in China are categorized into three distinct types, i.e.independent hot days,independent hot nights, and compound events, based on differing configurations between daily maximum and minimum temperatures.Linear trends for multiple indictors of these subtypes and traditionally-defined hot days/nights exhibited remarkable differences in significance, magnitude, and even sign, especially for events involving daytime extremes.Thus, some significant changes masked in conventional analyses are successfully uncovered.Particularly, the dominance of independent hot days has decayed significantly, accompanied by a rapid boom of compound events and/or independent hot nights in different regions.These nighttimeaccentuated hot extremes have exhibited significant increases in duration, intensity and spatial extent, with much stronger trends detected in severest events.(Chen Yang, Zhai Panmao)

1.7 Persisting and strong warming hiatus over eastern China during the past two decades

During the past two decades since 1997, eastern China has experienced a warming hiatus punctuated by significant cooling in minimum temperature (Tmin), particularly during early-mid winter.By arbitrarily configuring start and end years, a “vantage hiatus period” in eastern China is detected over 1998-2013, during which the domain-averagedTminexhibited the strongest cooling trend and the number of significant cooling stations peaked.Regions most susceptible to the warming hiatus are located in North China, the Yangtze-Huai River Valley and South China, where significant cooling inTminpersisted through 2016.This sustained warming hiatus gave rise to increasingly frequent and severe cold extremes there.Concerning its prolonged persistency and great cooling rate, the recent warming hiatus over eastern China deviates greatly from most historical short-term trends during the past five decades, and thus could be viewed as an outlier against the prevalent warming context (Fig.4).(Chen Yang, Zhai Panmao)

1.8 Attribution of the July−August 2013 heat event in Central and East China to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions

The observed and simulated frequency, intensity, and duration of some extreme weather and climate events have changed as the climate system has been warming.Extreme event attribution has drawn the interest of the public and been a topic of climate change research because of their severely devastating impacts.An individual extreme weather or climate event can occur because of natural internal variability, and can also be influenced by anthropogenic factors, along with the rare sample of extreme events.Therefore, it’s difficult to determine the extent to which climate change influences individual extreme events.In the midsummer of 2013, Central and East China (CEC) was hit by an extraordinary heat event, with the region experiencing the warmest July–August on record.To explore how human-induced greenhouse gas emissions and natural internal variability contributed to this heat event, we compared observed July–August mean surface air temperature (SAT) with that simulated by climate models.It is found that both atmospheric natural variability and anthropogenic factors contributed to this heat event.This extreme warm midsummer was associated with a positive high-pressure anomaly that was closely related to the stochastic behavior of the atmospheric circulation.Diagnosis of CMIP5 models and large ensembles of two atmospheric models indicates that the human influence has substantially increased the chance of the extreme warm midsummers such as that in 2013 in CEC, although the exact estimated increase depends on the selection of climate models (Fig.5).(Ma Shuangmei)

2 Development of the climate system model

2.1 CAMS-CSM Model description

A new coupled climate model has been developed at the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(CAMS-CSM) by employing several start-of-the-art component models.The coupled model consists of the atmospheric model ECHAM5, the ocean model MOM4, the sea ice model SIS, the land surface model CoLM,as well as the FMS coupler.The atmospheric component is a modified version of the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5 (v5.4) developed at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MPI-Met).ECHAM5 is a spectral atmospheric model with a triangular truncation.The major differences between the CAMS-CSM version and the standard ECHAM5 model include: (1) A Two-step Shape Preserving Advection Scheme (TSPAS) is used for the passive tracer transport, which has been shown the capability of reducing the overestimation of precipitation over the steep edges of the southern Tibetan Plateau; (2) A k-distribution scheme developed by Zhang et al.(2006a, 2006b) is adopted for shortwave and longwave radiation transfer calculations.The Tiedtke (1989) massflux scheme with modifications for penetrative convection according to Nordeng (1994) is applied for cumulus convection parameterization.For stability considerations, time-stepping of vertical diffusion is treated implicitly in the ECHAM5 model.The implicit algorithm results in a tridiagonal system for momentum, temperature and water vapor tendency, in which the surface fluxes are relying on the states of next time step and thus can only be obtained after solving the tridiagonal equations in the atmospheric model.The model exhibits capability of reproducing the climatological mean states and seasonal cycle of major quantities of the climate system, including sea surface temperature, precipitation, sea ice extent, as well as thermocline.The major modes of climate variability are also reasonably captured by the model, such as the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), ENSO, the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), as well as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO).In particular, the model displays promising advantage in simulating the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) variability and the ENSO-EASM relationship.Several biases exist in the model:the double-ITCZ in the annual mean precipitation map, overestimated ENSO amplitude, and too weaker Bjerkness feedback associated with ENSO.

2.2 Precipitation

Overall, the general spatial pattern of the annual mean precipitation in the model resembles that from the observations.The major rainfall center, such as ITCZ, SPCZ, and those over the tropical Indian Ocean as well as the tropical Atlantic are clearly seen in the model.The major rainbelts, as well as the seasonal migration of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and the south Pacific convergence zone (SPCZ) are reasonably captured by the model.The simulated ITCZ moves to its northernmost position with precipitation peak in July–August., while SPCZ is strongest and at its southernmost position in February–March., in good agreement with observations.During May to December., the ITCZ dominates precipitation over the tropical region, while the SPCZ is prevailing from January to April, such a seasonal timing feature is consistent between the model simulation and observations.

2.3 SST seasonal cycle and thermocline

ENSO is the most dominant climate mode on interannual time scales in the climate system.Evident anomalies of the atmosphere and ocean have been observed during the ENSO cycles, including SST,precipitation, zonal wind, as well as the thermocline.The change in thermocline depth can lead to fluctuation in SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific by upwelling and mixing, referred as the thermocline feedback, playing an important role in ENSO dynamics.The thermocline feedback is most effective in the central-eastern equatorial Pacific because of the shallow thermocline there.Therefore, realistically representing the mean thermocline and its seasonal cycle is crucial for the simulation of ENSO.Compared with the observation, the thermocline depth is well reproduced by the model.The simulated thermocline is somewhat deeper in the western Pacific and shallower in the eastern Pacific, indicating a slightly stronger zonal slope of thermocline in the model simulation.A distinctive feature of ENSO is its phase-locking to winter.Previous studies proposed that the seasonal variations of climatological states are crucial for the ENSO phase-locking.One of the essential metrics to measure the seasonal variation of tropical climatology is the seasonal cycle of the equatorial SST.Qualitatively, the model does a good job in reproducing the observed seasonal cycle of equatorial SST.The annual-cycle in the eastern equatorial Pacific as well as the semi-annual-cycle in the western equatorial Pacific are captured by the model.There are some discrepancies in the model, primarily occurring in the eastern Pacific.First, the simulated magnitude of the warm phase is weaker than the observed values, whereas that of the cold phase is stronger.Second, the cold phase in the model tends to peak earlier than that in observation by 1–2 months (Fig.6).

2.4 ENSO

The regression pattern between the Nino3.4 index and SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean are shown in Figs.7a and 7c.Overall, the anomalous SST pattern during El Niño events is reasonably captured by the model.Compared with the HadISST SST data, the simulated positive SSTA over the central and eastern Pacific is too narrow in the meridional direction and extends more westward as a result of the excessive westward penetration of the cold tongue in the model.The negative anomalies in the western Pacific exhibit a much zonal orientation on the north lobe, while on the south lobe the strength appears to be weaker than that in observations.The spatial pattern and magnitude of the warm signal over the South China Sea and tropical Indian Ocean are successfully simulated, as well as the small negative area on the west coast of Australia.The regression between Nino3.4 index and precipitation and 850 hPa wind anomalies are further shown in Figs.7b and 7d.The anomalous pattern is characterized by the increased precipitation over the central equatorial Pacific as a result of the enhanced convection in response to the warm SSTA.Meanwhile, anomalous westerlies extend from 150°E to 120°W over the equatorial Pacific Ocean, indicating the atmospheric aspect of the Bjerkness feedback.Negative precipitation anomalies spread over the eastern Indian Ocean and the regions of cold SSTAs, due to the weakened Walker circulation and suppressed convection over there.The model shows its ability to capture the spatial pattern of precipitation and wind anomalies associated with ENSO.The anomalous precipitation centers and low-level winds in both Pacific and Indian Oceans are reproduced with comparable magnitudes relative to those in observations.For example, the model captures the observed asymmetrical feature of precipitation and low-level wind anomalies: both precipitation and low-level wind anomalies tend to maximize south of equator.

2.5 East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) variability

As precipitation and winds are usually used to represent the EASM, in this study the evaluation mainly focused on the precipitation and wind variations associated with the EASM variability.While a number of indices have been proposed to measure the strength of the EASM (Wang 2008), here the monsoon index by Wang and Fan (1999) is adopted, which is defined as the 850 hPa zonal wind shear: WFI=U850(5°−15°N,90°−130°E) −U850(22.5°−32.5°N, 110°−140°E).

Fig.8 shows the regression pattern between the negative WFI and the 850 hPa wind and precipitation anomalies from observations and the model.The observed circulation pattern is characterized by an anticyclone with anomalous southwesterly winds over southeastern China and westerly along the Yangtze River (YRV)and the southeast of Japan, as well as the increased easterly stretching from the western Pacific to the South China Sea.The precipitation pattern displays enhanced rainbelt spanning along the East Asian subtropical front and suppressed rainfall spreading in the southern wing of the anticyclone, with the anomalous precipitation centers close to the climatological rainfall centers.Overall, the model does a fairly good job in reproducing the observed pattern.The enhanced/deficit rainbelt over the northern/southern wing of the anticyclone is captured by the model.In particular, the model is able to capture the anomalous rainfall centers associated with the variations of Meiyu/Baiu/Changma rainbelt, which remains poorly simulated by most of the present-day climate models.

The distribution of winds and precipitation in Fig.8 reflects the anomalous pattern during the decaying summer of El Niño event, which also features an anticyclone over the northwestern Pacific and appears to be the dominant mode of the EASM interannual variability.This anticyclone, referred to as the western North Pacific anticyclone (WNPAC), originates in the autumn of the developing phase and sustains to the decaying summer of El Niño event, providing a mechanism connecting the summer precipitation of China and ENSO.While the mechanism of sustaining the WNPAC through the decayed summer is controversial, it might link to the combined forcing from northwestern Pacific, the Indian Ocean, as well as the tropical North Atlantic Ocean.To examine how well the model captures this dominant pattern in the ENSO-EASM relationship,the correlation between winter Niño3 index and the following summer precipitation and 850 hPa wind anomalies are calculated with the results shown in Fig.9.Indeed, the correlation pattern resembles that in Fig.8, suggesting that the dominant mode of the EASM is closely related to ENSO.The model successfully reproduces the ENSO related pattern for both precipitation and 850 hPa wind anomalies.The anomalous anticyclonic circulation over the WNP can be clearly observed from the simulated pattern.Analogous to that in the GPCP data, the simulated anomalous Meiyu/Baiu/Changma rainbelt stretches from the eastern China to the southeast of Japan, suggesting that the model has a fairly good capability in simulating the ENSO-EASM relationship.(Rong Xinyao, Li Jian, Chen Haoming, Xin Yufei, Su Jingzhi, Hua Lijuan, Qi Yanjun, et al.)

3 Polar research

3.1 Snowdrift effect on snow deposition: Insights from a comparison of a snow pit profile and meteorological observations in east Antarctica

A high-frequency, precise ultrasonic sounder was used to monitor precipitated/deposited and drift snow events over a 3-year period (17 January 2005 to 4 January 2008) at the Eagle automatic weather station site,inland Antarctica.Ion species and oxygen isotope ratios were also generated from a snow pit below the sensor.These accumulation and snowdrift events were used to examine the synchronism with seasonal variations of δ18O and ion species, providing an opportunity to assess the snowdrift effect under typical Antarctic inland conditions.There were up to 1-year differences for this 3-year-long snow pit between the traditional dating method and ultrasonic records.This difference implies that in areas with low accumulation or high wind, the snowdrift effect can induce abnormal disturbances on snow deposition.The snowdrift effect should be seriously taken into account for high-resolution dating of ice cores and estimation of surface mass balance, especially when the morphology of most Antarctic inland areas is similar to that of the Eagle site.(Ding Minghu)

3.2 A comparison of two Stokes ice sheet models applied to the Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for plan view models (MISMIP3D)

We presented a comparison of the numerical and simulation results for two “full” Stokes ice sheet models,FELIX-S and Elmer/Ice.The models were applied to the Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for plan view models (MISMIP3D).For the diagnostic experiment (P75D) the two models gave similar results (with< 2% difference in terms of along-flow velocities) when using identical geometries and computational meshes,which we interpreted as an indication of inherent consistencies and similarities between the two models.For the standard (Stnd), P75S, and P75R prognostic experiments, we found that FELIX-S (Elmer/Ice) grounding lines were relatively more retreated (advanced) with the results that were consistent with minor differences in the diagnostic experiment results.We showed that this is due to different choices in the implementation of basal boundary conditions in the two models.While we were unable to argue for the relative favorability of either implementation, we did show that these differences decreased with increasing horizontal (i.e., both along- and across-flow) grid resolution and that grounding-line positions for FELIX-S and Elmer/Ice converged within the estimated truncation error for Elmer/Ice.Stokes model solutions are often treated as an accuracy metric in model intercomparison experiments, but computational cost may not always allow for the use of model resolution within the regime of asymptotic convergence.In this case, we proposed that an alternative estimate for the uncertainty in the grounding-line position is the span of grounding-line positions predicted by multiple Stokes models.(Zhang Tong)

3.3 Comparison of long-term total ozone observations from space- and ground-based methods at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica

Total ozone errors for satellite observations at Zhongshan Station in Antarctica were characterized using their relative difference (RD) from ground-based Brewer observations during 1993–2015.All satellite total ozone observations slightly overestimated ground-based ones (with RD less than 4%).This is in contrast to the conclusions drawn from global-scale validation studies, where main ground-based reference stations are located in middle latitudes.Given multiple total ozone data per day at Zhongshan Station, observed by a sun synchronous orbit satellite, measurements at the lowest solar zenith angle (SZA) showed greatest consistency with Brewer ones, having an overall RD of −0.02%–1.15%.Algorithm-retrieved total ozone data from the total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS), including solar backscatter ultra violet (SBUV), TOMS-Earth probe (EP), ozone monitoring instrument (OMI)-TOMS, showed the best agreement with ground-based values,followed by the global ozone measurement experiment-type direct fi tting (GOD-FIT) algorithm for the GOME-2A, and finally the differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) —Algorithm retrieved products for satellites-detectors of global ozone measurement experiment (GOME), scanning imaging absorption spectrometr for atmospheric chartography (SCIAMACHY), and OMI.Satellite total ozone RD presented some statistical characteristics, but no specific trends.Values for DOAS and GOME-2A algorithms significantly increase when the SZA was above 60°–70°, whereas values for GOME-2A decrease when the SZA is 80°–85°.Satellite total ozone RD is the minimum when the Brewer total ozone is 300–350 DU, with an obvious increase in RD values for DOAS- and GOME-2A when the Brewer total ozone is 150–300 DU.Satellite total ozone RD obviously increases as the time difference between satellite overpasses and Brewer measurements grows.Specifically, RD rises as the absolute time difference increases to more than 4 h, yielding an OMI-TOMS RD of more than 10% as this difference increases to 8 h.The DOAS- RD may be up to 15%, while GOME-2A RD does not exceed 10%.The satellite total ozone RD may reach −5%, as the distance between the satellite overpass pixel and the station become more than 100 km.Possibly because of the discrepancy in surface albedo, the TOMS-algorithm retrieved total ozone is underestimated when the pixel on the south-east side of the station (the Antarctica continent) is used but overestimated on the north-west side of the station (the Indian Ocean).Consistency between space- and ground-based total ozone data is least for the “ozone hole”.Typically,the RD of TOMS-algorithm retrieved total ozone is within 1%/10yr.Thus, the SBUV and Brewer monthly averaged total ozone anomalies from 1996 to 2015 were 1%/10yr and 0.9%/10yr, respectively.Both indicate a weak but consistent ozone layer recovery.(Zhang Lei)

3.4 Significant increase of the Antarctic sea ice extent in the Ross Sea

In the context of global warming, the question of why Antarctic sea ice extent (SIE) has increased is one of the most fundamental unsolved mysteries.Although many mechanisms have been proposed, it is still unclear whether the increasing trend is anthropogenically originated or only caused by internal natural variability.In this study, we employed a new method where the underlying natural persistence in the Antarctic SIE can be correctly accounted for.It is found that the Antarctic SIE is not simply short-term persistent as assumed in the standard significance analysis, but actually characterized by a combination of both short- and long-term persistence.By generating surrogate data with the same persistence properties, the SIE trends over Antarctica (as well as five sub-regions) are evaluated using Monte-Carlo simulations.It is found that the SIE trends over most sub-regions of Antarctica are not statistically significant.Only the SIE over Ross Sea has experienced a highly significant increasing trend (p=0.008) which cannot be explained by natural variability.Influenced by the positive SIE trend over Ross Sea, the SIE over the entire Antarctica has also increased over the past decades,but the trend is only marginally significant (p=0.034).(Yuan Naiming, Ding Minghu)

3.5 A cold event in Asia during January−February 2012 and its possible association with Arctic seaice loss

Through both observational analyses and simulation experiments, the intraseasonal evolution of atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with a persistent cold event in the Asian continent during late January to early February 2012, and the possible association with Arctic sea-ice loss were investigated.The results suggest that the northeastern Pacific-Aleutian region and central Eurasia are two critical areas where the atmospheric circulation evolution contributed to the development of this cold event.A persistent increase in sea level pressure (SLP) over the Aleutian region was a predominant feature prior to the cold event, and then decreasing SLP over this region was concurrent with both occurrence of a polar blocking high aloft and the rapid strengthening of the Siberian High, triggering outbreaks of Arctic air over the Asian continent.Consequently, the influence of the Aleutian region on this cold event, i.e., the downstream effect of the atmospheric circulation, played a critical role.Results from simulation experiments demonstrate that Arctic atmospheric circulation conditions in the summer of 2011 significantly enhanced a negative feedback of Arctic sea-ice loss on SLP over the Aleutian region and central Eurasia during the ensuing wintertime, which may be a major reason for the development of this cold event.This finding also implies that the Aleutian Low and disturbances in the mid-latitudes over the northeastern Pacific may provide precursors to increase skills in predicting the intraseasonal evolution of extreme cold events over Eurasia.(Wu Bingyi)

3.6 Winter Olympics services

Since November 2015, according to the two difficulties that guarantee of pistes and the snow storage evaluation in the Winter Olympic Games, the observation of snow was carried out in Chongli and Yanqing,and the preliminary results were obtained in terms of artificial snow evolution and snow and ice monitoring of track.In view of preparing a ski racing track, one of the core issues of the racing track quality, we have initially established a quantif i able scientific solution through the literature research, the Winter Olympic Games Group Committee discussion, the International Snow Union Expert consultation, the field investigation and so on.Combined with oversea experience and meteorological monitoring scheme of snow and ice in polar, the project puts forward the quality monitoring scheme of snow and ice on pistes and carries out the field experiment in Wanlong ski resort in Chongli, which is in progress well.Based on the polar ice-gas interaction model and the Snow Evolution model, a forecast model for the quality of snow and ice on pistes was established, and a running manual was written.

3.7 Polar meteorological service

We have fulfilled meteorological observations at Zhongshan station and Great Wall station in Antarctic.We also have fulfilled ozone observations at Zhongshan station and helped to release “Antarctic Ozone Bulletin”.We have made new progress in Ultralow temperature AWS research and development.We have rebuilt LGB69 and Dome A Ultralow temperature AWS and acquired continuous observational data in 2017.

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