
2017-07-13 16:36徐俊杰薛宁孙文肖俊郑艳苓
中外医疗 2017年14期


[摘要] 目的 評价经内镜球囊扩张治疗小儿上消化道良性狭窄的安全性和有效性。方法 回顾性分析该院2008年9月—2014年5月收治的17例上消化道良性狭窄患儿,男性13例,女性4例,年龄9个月~8岁,平均年龄2.4岁。其中,先天性食管狭窄5例,手术后食管狭窄5例,食管化学烧灼伤致瘢痕狭窄1例,贲门狭窄1 例,幽门狭窄1例,幽门前狭窄3例,绝大多患儿仅能进食流质或半流质饮食,并伴有呕吐和(或)呕血发生,镜下观察狭窄程度为2~7 mm,平均3.7 mm。所有患儿在全麻下行内镜下球囊扩张治疗,采用OLYMPUS-GIF260电子胃镜,JHY-BD系列球囊扩张导管,球囊直径为别为6~20 mm,球囊长度为5 cm,根据患儿狭窄部位、窄口大小,采用不同型号球囊进行扩张,扩张结束后,再行胃镜检查,观察狭窄口有否出血,测量狭窄口直径以检查扩张效果,同时进行活检或止血等治疗。术后可根据情况予抗酸、保护消化道粘膜及抗感染治疗。 结果 9例食管狭窄经球囊扩张治疗后有好转,1例手术后狭窄扩张治疗后局部出现囊腔未再继续给以扩张治疗,3例幽门前狭窄及1例幽门狭窄治疗效果满意,1例咽食管部狭窄治疗后症状未见改善,1例贲门狭窄扩张治疗首次即出现穿孔未再扩张治疗。结论 目前内镜下球囊扩张术已成为治疗儿童上消化道良性狭窄的重要方法。术前做好病情评估,了解消化道狭窄的情况及与相关器官的毗邻关系,尽量发现和避免潜在的危险因素,以利选择恰当治疗方式,避免穿孔等并发症的发生。球囊扩张治疗上消化道狭窄方便、安全、并发症少,成功率高,患儿易接受,且可避免不必要的手术治疗,值得临床推广应用。

[关键词] 内镜治疗;内镜下球囊扩张;上消化道良性狭窄

[中图分类号] R725 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)05(b)-0004-04

[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of endoscopic balloon dilation surgery in treatment of children with upper gastrointestinal benign stricture. Methods 17 cases of children with upper gastrointestinal benign stricture admitted and treated in our hospital from September 2008 to May 2014 were selected including 13 cases of males and 4 cases of females, the age was between 9 months to 8 years old, 2.4 years old on average, 5 cases were congenital esophageal stenosis, 5 cases with esophageal stenosis after operation, 1 case with scar stenosis caused by the esophageal chemical burning, 1 case with preventricular stenosis and 3 cases with prepyloric stenosis, and the majority of children could only eat liquid or semi-liquid diet with vomiting and (or) hematemesis, and the stricture degree observed was 2~7 mm, 3.7 mm on average, and all children were treated with endoscopic balloon dilation surgery under the general anesthesia, and the OLYMPUS-GIF260 electronic gastroscopy and JHY-BD series balloon dilation catheter were adopted and the balloon diameter and length were respectively 6~20 mm and 5cm, and the stricture site of children was observed and the stricture diameter was measured and the dilation effect was examined at the end of dilation, and the children were given the acid-fast, gastrointestinal mucosa protection and anti-infection treatment after operation. Results 9 cases were improved after the balloon dilation surgery, 1 case was not given the dilation treatment after the occurrence of cyst cavity, the treatment effect of 3 cases with prepyloric stenosis and 1 case with preventricular stenosis was satisfactory, and the symptom of 1 case was not improved after the pharyngo-esophageal stricture, and 1 preventricular stenosis case was not given the dilation treatment after the first occurrence of perforation. Conclusion Currently, the endoscopic balloon dilation surgery has been an important method of treatment of children with upper gastrointestinal benign stricture, and we should do a good job in the disease evaluation, know the correlation between the gastrointestinal stricture situation and related organs and try to discover and avoid the potential risk factors in order to select the proper treatment method and avoid the occurrence of complications such as perforation, and the balloon dilation treatment of upper gastrointestinal stricture is simple and safe with few complications and high success rate and the children is easy to accept and it can also avoid the unnecessary surgical treatment, which is worth clinical promotion and application in clinic.

[Key words] Endoscopic treatment; Endoscopic balloon dilation; Upper gastrointestinal benign stricture


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

该院确诊为上消化道狭窄患儿17例,男性13例,女性4例,年龄9个月~8岁,平均年龄2.4岁;其中先天性食管狭窄5例,手术后狭窄5例,食管化学烧灼伤致瘢痕狭窄1例,咽食管连接部1例,贲门狭窄1 例,幽门狭窄1例,幽门前狭窄3例。绝大多患儿仅能进食流质或半流质饮食,并伴有呕吐和(或)呕血发生。镜下观察狭窄程度为2~7 mm,平均3.7 mm。

1.2 治疗设备与器材

采用OLYMPUS GIF-XP260电子胃镜,球囊扩张器采用JHY-BD系列球囊扩张导管,球囊直径为别为6~20 mm,球囊长度为5 cm,配有球囊压力泵,球囊压力表。

1.3 方法

完善相关术前检查,术前禁食6 h,取得家长同意并签署知情同意书,患儿左侧卧位于检查床,异丙酚静脉麻醉,经胃镜活检通道置入球囊,调节插入深度以使球囊中间位于狭窄部,连接球囊压力泵缓慢注入生理盐水,加压至球囊完全张开(约4ATM),根据患儿耐受情况,通常每次持续1~2 min后减压,间隔3 min,再加压扩张球囊1~2 min,如此重复2次。选择比狭窄口直径大2~4 mm的球囊开始扩张,由小开始逐渐递增。根据患儿耐受情况,狭窄口直径,出血程度扩张1~2次。扩张结束,拔出球囊后,再行胃镜检查,观察狭窄口有否出血,测量狭窄口直径以检查扩张效果,同时进行止血等治疗。术后可根据情况予抗酸、保护消化道粘膜及抗感染治疗。

2 结果


3 讨论

上消化道狭窄是由感染、先天发育异常、物理或化学损伤等原因引起的,主要包括食管狭窄、贲门口狭窄、幽门狭窄等,其中以食管狭窄较为常见。该研究组约58.5%的患儿为食管狭窄,狭窄部位以食管中下段为主,其中外科术后狭窄为45.6%(5/11),与既往报道相似(18%~50%)[1-2]。随着微创医学的发展,经内镜直视下球囊扩张治疗已成为治疗食管狭窄的首选[2-3]。该研究应用该方法对患儿进行扩张治疗,好转率达82.3%,取得了较为满意的疗效。腐蚀性食管炎是由于服用强酸、强碱等腐蚀剂而引起食管化学性灼伤。化学腐蚀所致食管狭窄的疗效评估主要看吞咽困难和进食情况的改善,而非影像学上的改变[4-5]。有学者对化学腐蚀所致食管狭窄进行CT检查,依据对食管损伤程度及是否累及纵隔等分G1~G4 4级,其中G1~G2级狭窄球囊扩张治疗有效,但分级G3以上损伤后期吞咽功能恢复及胃食管返流不可预知[6-7]。该文1例患儿为食管碱腐蚀所致狭窄,术前上消化道造影及胸部CT检查仅确定为食道上段狭窄,行第2次扩张治疗后狭窄局部出现撕裂口,怀疑气管食管瘘,但经支气管镜及上消化道造影检查排除,考虑可能是食管腐蚀后瘢痕粘连形成假腔隙,未再行进一步扩张治疗,转由外科行胃造瘘通条扩张治愈。该病例提示球囊扩张术不适应于严重的化学腐蚀所造成的食管狭窄,符合国外研究报道[6]。

与成人相比,儿童上消化道狭窄治疗的难度更大,不同的狭窄部位和程度导致扩张的难易有差别,扩张治疗效果也有所不同。儿童狭窄以原发性较为常见,狭窄部位可能合并其他组织成分(如软骨组织),小婴儿上消化道管壁较薄弱更易在扩张时发生损伤。因此,在扩张前应充分做好术前评估,利用上消化道造影、CT/MRI、超声内镜等检查帮助了解消化道狭窄的情况及与相关器官的毗邻关系,尤其是超声内镜能很好观察狭窄局部软组织结构,尽可能发现和避免潜在的危险因素。从该文17例狭窄治疗的效果分析看,有2例(11.7%)患儿出现组织撕裂、穿孔并发症,1例治疗无效,分别为咽食管连接部、贲门及幽门狭窄等自然腔道部位的狭窄,推测可能与这些部位在胚胎发育时容易出现畸形,局部解剖特点、病变部位管壁厚薄不均及相关神经支配异常或肌肉肥厚痉挛有关。因此,在对上述部位進行扩张治疗前应格外谨慎,要充分做好术前评估。由于球囊长度有限,该治疗方法对于一些狭窄过长的病例(>3 cm)及多段狭窄受到一定限制, 可借鉴渐进式扩张治疗的方案,使长型食管狭窄过度到短型食管狭窄[8]。



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