罗 威,柯文奇,杨 明,徐云恒,王永清,程 阳长江大学石油工程学院,湖北 武汉
3中石油吐哈油田分公司勘探开发研究院,新疆 哈密
罗 威1,柯文奇2,杨 明3,徐云恒3,王永清3,程 阳11长江大学石油工程学院,湖北 武汉
3中石油吐哈油田分公司勘探开发研究院,新疆 哈密
Copyright © 2017 by authors, Yangtze University and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Gas Lift, Highly Deviated Well, Multi-Phase Pipe Flow, Gas Lift Design for Same Casing
Pressure Drop, Gas Injection Depth, Sensitivity Parameter
鉴于此,笔者从倾斜井流入动态、倾斜井筒多相管流[1] [2] [3]和气举设计理论[2] [3] [4] [5] [6]出发,以某油田一口倾斜井为例,展开了倾斜井气举设计与直井气举设计差异对比研究,以及倾斜井气举设计敏感参数分析研究。
2.1. 倾斜井流入动态方法
如图1所示,因井身斜穿油层,倾斜井中从地层向井的渗流关系比直井复杂。倾斜井的向井流动态关系预测已有许多方法,比较典型的有Van der Vlis A. C. 等人提出的等效半径方法[7]、Cinco-Lee法[8]、Besson法[9]和渗流场叠加模型[10]。
Figure 1. The schematic diagram of deviated well图1. 倾斜井示意图
2.2. 倾斜井多相管流计算方法
准确地预测倾斜井筒压降变化是进行油井自喷、人工举升产量预测和参数优化设计的基础和依据。尽管倾斜井筒多相管流的研究持续了很长时间,在多相管流压力计算方面有了多种方法:如 Beggs-Brill[1], Hagedorn-Brown [11], Orkiszewski [12], Aziz-Govier-Fogarasi [13], Hasan-Kabir [14], Duns-Ros [15],Taitel-Barnea-Dukler [16], Ansari-Sylvester-Sarica [17], JPI [18], Hong-Quan Zhang [19]等,但大多是在垂直管实验基础上得到的,能用于不同倾斜角度条件下的多相管流压力计算方法并不多,目前被应用较多的有Beggs-Brill [1]和Brill-Mukherjee [2]两种方法,除此之外,对于不同倾角的井筒压力计算的另一种处理办法是将在垂直井压力计算中常用的方法用倾角进行修正,修正后用于倾斜自喷井、气举井等的压力计算。因此,目前常用的倾斜井多相管流压力预测方法有6种:JPI、Beggs-Brill 修正、Mukherjee-Brill, Hasan,Aziz和Orkiszewski,具体选择哪种方法需通过现场实测数据检验验证。
2.3. 倾斜井气举设计方法
1) 通过给定油井油藏参数、流体参数、井身配置参数、井口参数、目标注气量等,采用关闭压力等间距降压设计进行直井、倾斜井气举设计,得到各级阀深度及调试参数,以及对应可以达到的产液量参数;
2) 记录目标注气量条件下对应设计中最后一级气举阀注气深度及所能达到的产液量大小;
3) 给定不同目标注气量,分别进行步骤1)、2),绘制出不同目标注气量条件下气举设计所能达到的注气深度、产液量大小。
某油田一口气举井X,测试层位为Ed1(东一段),测试井深2975.13 m (人工井底),地层平均孔隙度24.47%。具体的层位测井解释数据、自喷求产测试解释数据及压力温度测试数据见表1和表2。
Table 1. The data of tested layer表1. 测试层数据
Table 2. The tested data of pressure and temperature表2. 压力温度测试数据
3.1. 倾斜井产能预测方法验证
Table 3. The comparison of production methods for deviated well表3. 倾斜井产能计算方法对比
通过与实际试采资料进行对比分析,结果表明等效半径方法(Van der Vlis A. C.等人)的计算结果比较符合实际。
3.2. 多相管流计算方法验证
Figure 2. The diagram of comparison of multiphase pipe flow pressure calculation methods for deviated well图2. 倾斜井多相管流压力计算方法对比图
Table 4. The comparison of multiphase pipe flow pressure calculation methods for deviated well表4. 倾斜井多相管流压力计算方法对比
3.3. 直井、倾斜井气举设计对比及敏感参数分析
1) 根据优选得到的倾斜井产能预测方法和多相管流压力计算方法,采用关闭压力等间距降压设计法以与X井同等垂深的直井进行直井气举设计和以X井进行倾斜井气举设计,设计参数见表5,设计结果见图3、图4和表6。可以看出,在相同条件下,倾斜井气举设计所能达到的注气深度(垂深)和产液量较直井气举设计所能达到的注气深度(垂深)和产液量小。
Figure 3. The gas lift design of the vertical well with the same vertical depth in Well X图3. 与X井同等垂深直井气举设计图
Figure 4. The gas lift design of Well X图4. X井气举设计图
Table 5. The gas lift parameters表5. 气举设计参数
Table 6. The comparison of production by gas lifting in different wells表6. 不同井型气举设计对比
2) 根据优选得到的倾斜井产能预测方法和多相管流压力计算方法,在注气量为 2000 m3/d,井口油压为1.5 MPa等条件下采用关闭压力等间距降压设计法,以与X井同等垂深的不同倾斜角度倾斜井进行气举设计参数敏感性分析,设计结果见图5、图6所示。
Figure 5. The gas injection depth changing with the dip angle of deviated well under different sensitivity parameters图5. 不同敏感性参数下,注气深度随倾斜井倾斜角度变化情况
Figure 6. The fluid production changing with the dip angle of deviated well under different sensitivity parameters图6. 不同敏感性参数下,产液量随倾斜井倾斜角度变化情况
从图5、图6中可以看出,在相同条件下,气举所能达到的注气深度(垂深)和产液量随着倾斜角度增加逐渐减小,因此可知,要达到相同的目标注气深度,实现目标产量,倾斜角度越大所需要的注气量越多。同时从图中可以看出,含水率、气油比、井口油压、油管尺寸是气举设计注气深度的敏感性参数,地层压力、采油指数对气举设计注气深度相对不敏感,尽管如此,含水率、气油比、井口油压、油管尺寸、地层压力、采油指数均是气举设计产液量的敏感性参数。另外,从图 6(f)中可以看出,减小油管尺寸能增加注气深度和提高产液量,但是到一定程度(2⅜in、2⅞in)后,再减小油管尺寸对注气深度和产液量的增幅效果不大。
1) 在相同条件下,倾斜井气举设计所能达到的注气深度(垂深)和产液量较直井气举设计所能达到的注气深度(垂深)和产液量小。
2) 在相同条件下,气举所能达到的注气深度(垂深)和产液量随着倾斜角度增加逐渐减小,即要达到相同的目标注气深度,实现目标产量,倾斜角度越大所需要的注气量越多。
3) 含水率、气油比、井口油压、油管尺寸是气举设计注气深度的敏感性参数,地层压力、采油指数对气举设计注气深度相对不敏感,尽管如此,含水率、气油比、井口油压、油管尺寸、地层压力、采油指数均是气举设计产液量的敏感性参数。
4) 减小油管尺寸能增加注气深度和提高产液量,但是到一定程度后,再减小油管尺寸对注气深度和产液量的增幅效果不大。
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Differences of Gas Lift Design between Deviated and Vertical Wells and the Analysis of Sensitivity Parameters
Wei Luo1, Wenqi Ke2, Ming Yang3, Yunheng Xu3, Yongqing Wang3, Yang Cheng11School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan Hubei
2Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, SINOPEC, Beijing
3Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Tuha Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Hami Xinjiang
Nov. 4th, 2016; accepted: Dec. 10th, 2016; published: Jun. 15th, 2017
Although gas lift technology has been applied to lift oil production in the highly deviated and horizontal wells increasingly, the differences between the gas lift design of deviated and vertical wells still exist. How these differences vary with the increase of the angle of inclination, which parameters are more sensitive to the design differences and how to choose the design parameters reasonably to optimize the gas lift design in the deviated wells are all always the difficulties for gas lift design reasonable in the deviated wells and few studies have been done in this field. In view of these problems, this paper takes a deviated well of an oilfield as an example. According to the measured data, the optimum method for productivity prediction and multiphase pipe flow pressure calculation are chosen, and then on the basis of the study, the design method under same casing pressure drop is chosen to analyze the difference between the design for gas lift in the deviated and vertical wells in the same conditions. By keeping other parameters constant and only changing the value of important parameter one by one, the changing regularity of gas injection depth and production with the change of inclination angles are analyzed, and the sensitivity parameters of gas lifting design for the deviated wells are then obtained, which can provide an important reference for the optimization and adjustment of gas lift design parameters in the deviated wells, and also provide a strong guarantee for high efficiency production.
文章引用:罗威, 柯文奇, 杨明, 徐云恒, 王永清, 程阳. 倾斜井与直井气举设计差异及其敏感参数分析研究[J]. 石油天然气学报, 2017, 39(3): 52-60. https://doi.org/10.12677/jogt.2017.393028