(北京石油化工工程有限公司西安分公司,北京 710015)
(北京石油化工工程有限公司西安分公司,北京 710015)
已知燃料气(按天然气)与燃烧空气的完全燃烧反应方程为 :CH4+2O2=CO2+2H2O,即 1m3的天然气对应着 2m3的氧气,而空气中氧含量约为1/5,进而1m3的天然气对应着10m3的燃烧空气,即天然气与燃烧空气的摩尔比约为1 :10,F燃烧空气=10F天然气。
本例中天然气低热值为 34 940kJ/m3,由于气体的热容变化相对较小,用烟气减压前的参数即可用于核算,例如:激冷 氮 气 热 容 为 1.335kJ/(m3·℃), 二 氧 化 碳 热 容 为 1.944kJ/(m3·℃),水蒸气热容为 3.669kJ/(m3·℃),可手动计算热量平衡,将烟气出口温度控制在 1 150℃,那么激冷氮气自 25℃升温至1 150℃,燃烧空气中氮气、水蒸气和二氧化碳自150℃升温至 1 150℃,按热量平衡进行计算,列出各式如下 :
注:n 为天然气流量,m 为激冷氮气流量,均按标 m3/h 计;为便于计算忽略热损失。
根据上述各式热量平衡计算便可到激冷氮气量,所得到激冷氮气量与天然气量流量比约为1 ∶ 10,即 F激冷氮气=10F天然气。
用 HSYSY 软件进行模拟计算,采用 PR 方程,得到的燃烧空气与激冷氮气量与上述手动计算结果相近,因此,该计算结果可以满足现场DCS快速调节开工预热炉燃烧空气与激冷氮气配比量的需求,具体模拟流程与模拟参数见附图1与附表1,2。
Estimation of Combustion Air and Quench Nitrogen Consumption in Start-up Preheating Furnace
Sun Yan-ze
The driving device in gas phase,usually start preheating furnace of the gasification furnace system by temperature preheated to pulverized coal or coal slurry with oxygen direct reaction temperature and with the injection of gasification furnace pulverized coal or coal slurry and oxidant gradually after the reaction started gradually from the start preheating furnace preheating stage by inertia the protection of gas blowing,start preheating stage ;but in the start stage,the temperature curve of the gasif i cation system constraints,often pour into the fuel gas preheating furnace is started to change,and change the combustion air and chilled nitrogen consumption of fuel gas and also follow the changes,this paper will calculate the fuel gas and combustion air with the chilling nitrogen consumption relationship,to start preheating stage DCS fast regulating the use of air.
preheating furnace ;coal gasif i cation ;fuel gas ;combustion air ;quench nitrogen
图1 开工预热炉模拟流程
表1 物料平衡表A
表2 物料平衡表B