⊙ By Gracey & Shawn
⊙ By Gracey & Shawn
Landscape Architect—Scott’s Story
Gracey (Host): Scott, what does landscape architecture mean?
Scott: Well, I, I asked myself the same question when I was in high school and I heard the name. It involves landscape and design of the outside and outdoor areas, and also has architectural2)components.
Gracey: What made you want to become a landscape architect?
Scott: Well, I…when I was in high school, in the summer, I worked for a landscape-3)contractor friend of my parents. And one day, after digging4)ditches and, you know, just really being out in the sun, I saw a set of drawings and blueprints. And I said, “What
1) insight [5InsaIt] n. 洞察,见识
2) component [kEm5pEJnEnt] n. 成分,部分
3) contractor [kEn5trAktE(r)] n. 承包商,承建者
4) ditch [dItF] n. 沟,沟渠are those?” And I looked and it said so-andso landscape architect. And I had kind of thought design might be something I’d be interested in. And I found that there is this career that kind of5)melds, sort of, the out-ofdoor plants and these beautiful environments with architecture and design. It was really…I went to school to specifically become that.
Food Scientist—Yael’s Story
Shawn (Host): What kind of qualities do you think it takes to be a great food scientist?
Yael: Well, you have to be6)innovative, very creative, if you wanna work in product development. And you also have to like science a little bit. You know, you have to be kind of good at math, or in chemisty, and just willing to try something new.
Yael: Well, just figure out what schools offer the program—not a lot of schools offer it. So just start looking where you can find these programs and just go from there, you know, talk to the advisors at the…those schools, or talk to somebody you know who’s in the field, and just go from there.
Sculptor—Jacob’s Story
Gracey: How did you learn the trade?
Jacob: When I was 15, my dad bought me a7)welder for Christmas. I looked at it for a few months and…always wanted to build a8)go-kart. Never built a go-kart, but made couple sculptures, sold them, and decided that was a good way to make a living, and I really enjoyed doing it.
Gracey: What’s your favorite part of your job?
Jacob: Being free to do whatever I want, to an9)extent.
Gracey: What advice would you give someone that’s interested in becoming a sculptor?
Jacob: Be really10)passionate about it, because it’s not easy. It takes a lot of work and a lot of11)dedication to really see it through. And you have your down times and you have your good times. Hold on to your good times.
为求解TrustSVD模型,文献[6,7]采用梯度下降,考虑到梯度下降容易陷入局部最优,本文采用最小二乘法(Alternating Least Squares,ALS)优化策略.其基本思路是:对一阶可导的具有c维自变量的凸函数f:Rc→R,为求得可对l=1,2,…,c顺次令进行求解.具体地,根据ALS优化策略求解TrustSVD目标函数(式(5))中的μ,bu,bi,qi,pu,yj,wv,pk,将分别产生相应的凸优化函数.篇幅有限,仅以bu和pu的凸优化函数为例,如式(9)和式(10)所示.为简化式(5),设为评分误差.
5) meld [meld] v. 融合,混合
6) innovative [5InEJ7veItIv] adj. 创新的,革新的
7) welder [5weldE(r)] n. 焊工,电焊机
8) go-kart [5^EJ7kB:t] n. 微型单座赛车,卡丁车
9) extent [Ik5stent] n. 程度
10) passionate [5pAFEnIt] adj. 热情的,充满激情的
11) dedication [7dedI5keIF(E)n] n. 献身,奉献
多义词组:see through
我们都知道,see through这个动词词组有着丰富的含义——但与其他多义词组不同的是,see through在表达不同意思时,所用到的搭配结构也是有所区别的。一般来说,see through sb./sth.的意思是“看透,看穿,识破”,see sth. through则可以表达“做完,进行到底”的意思,而see sb. through (sth.) 指的是“满足某人的需要,帮助或支持某人”,如:
l I can see through your little game. (我能看穿你的小把戏。)
l She’s determined to see the job through. (她决心把这项工作干到底。)
l This overcoat should see me through the winter. (有了这件大衣,我应该能熬过冬天了。)