Air cargoes, including general goods, airmail and express parcels, live animals and dangerous
goods, are transported either in the cargo hold of passenger aircraft or by all-cargo aircraft.
1. Before entry into the airf i eld: documents check, cargo handover, X-ray scanning, weighing and packing
2. Re-weighing: this is done to ensure that no errors in cargo weight exist, so that the aircraft can fl y safely
To effectively identify and track cargo, the airport staff give each consignment of cargo an ID - an QR code tag, which includes such information as flight No., destination, number of pieces, weight and cargo owner. The staff simply need to scan the QR code to track the cargo.
3. After loading into a cargo compartment: loadbalancing is often necessary, where cargo load is re-planned to ensure that the aircraft's centre of gravity is properly located - toward the rear of the aircraft - to reduce fuel consumption and costs配平(重新调整货物重量)
Automation is essential to the eff i ciency and convenience of air cargo transport. This involves the use of many highly sophisticated devices and equipment.
Compartment with oxygen supply有氧舱
A compartment with oxygen supply is necessary for the transport of live animals to ensure the welfare and comfort of them during a journey.
Steel pulley wheels with ball bearings钢珠滚珠滑轮
Fixed beneath the cargo hold of wide-body aircraft, steel pulley wheels with ball bearings enable airport ground staff to easily move up to one ton of goods into the hold in one go. They contribute to signif i cantly improved on-site productivity and freight prof i t as well as to the safe takeoff of aircraft.
Everyday, thousands of lots of cargoes under hundreds of categories - including food and fruit, fragile items, plants and animals, valuables and more - are transported by air in one way or another. Foreseeably, air cargo transport will play an ever greater role in the future as the demand for faster and safer movement of goods grows in an increasingly globalised and networked world.