Become the “scavenger” of the reform

2017-06-07 12:03
中关村 2017年5期

The season has come into May, the whole China has long been blossoming. But because of special geographical reasons and human factors, we are sometimes suffered from the haze and dust harassment. The spring rain has also difficult to occur so the beautiful picturesque spring has covered by some dirt.

Next year it would be the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. 40 years in the long river of human history is only a moment. But in a China that had frequently torn by wars, this had been a a rare long period of time for construction. China's economy continues to grow, all walks of life thriving, people's well-being of life improving, has become the most beautiful scenery of this planet today.

Of course, China's sky is not always blue sky. The “haze” and “dust” harassment for the reform has never been interrupted. Coupled with after decades of rapid economic development, political reform lagged behind and the formation of environmental pollution, economic corruption, the gap between rich and poor, outside the threat, the society has spread with a trend of going backwards to the ideas of Cultural Revolution. On the road of marching from spring to summer for China, it has created many obstacles.

Remember more than 20 years ago, I had heard a passage. Li Ruihuan, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), visited a country in Southeast Asia. A reporter asked: "You have opened the door to China's reform and opening up and it has brought in some bad things that might had been destroyed in the past. What do you think?" Li Ruihuan said: "China's reform and opening up is to open the door. It has brought in some flies, but that means now is the flowers fully blossoming in the summer. In the past, there was no mosquitoes, no nothing, but that was winter.” This answer is real depiction. Reform has brought China wealth and vitality that is for anyone can see in the earth. The Cultural Revolution era in just endless class struggle. The whole country was covered by hunger and poverty. Some people try to remember the Cultural Revolution era. If you are forgetful or do not understand what it was like in that period of history, the best for you, it is to cross the Yalu River on the north Korea border to experience the life on the other side.

It is in the fast flow of river that one can stood out as a hero character. In the “haze” and “dust”, we need more reform “scavengers” and “pillars”! Zhong Guancun as Chinas frontier in reform and opening up, was the first to break constantly the traditional economy, science and technology system, relying on private economy and entrepreneurial innovation to conquer the world!

This issues "cover story”: "Bao Yueqiao: not just a legend of the times", is a Zhongguancun "pioneer". More than 20 years ago, from the popular day of UCDOS, Bao Yueqiao became the idol of many Chinese programmers, and then Ma still unknown. In 1998, Bao Yueqiao also founded the then China's largest chess game site Lianzhong. In 2004, Bao Yueqiao investment to create a Beijing music teaching music company, in less than 1 year to get more than 100 million student users. In 2014, the immortal old leopard came out of the rivers and lakes, founded a new "music teaching music" all human education platform, two years, into more than 20,000 schools, registered users reached nearly 20 million. In 2003, Bao Yueqiao and Lei Jun, Li Yanhong was named Zhongguancun with the first batch of "double ten excellent" entrepreneurs. They belong to China's reform and opening up across the "Yue" frame "bridge" of the warriors.

"The economic” section of "Xiong An new economic zone: the new century China's economic pearl", "the future application is VR industry tipping point", "Jia Yue Ting's adventure: reconstruction of the global industrial value chain", "Zhang Jindong: China's retail industry changes "Handicap", "Technology" version of "Zhongguancun CID: Unicorn enterprise growth ecological highland", "interpretation of the development zone on the promotion of innovation and innovation and development of a number of opinions", "Haidian: to build the country's leading intellectual property strong area" , "Zhongguancun Software Park: draw the largest concentric circle of collaborative innovation", "think tank talk: play the role of think tank conspiracy innovation and development", "UF: public cloud on the line, enabling Chinese enterprises", "a shared bicycle" "Why do we have to get involved in the field of artificial intelligence?" "Culture" version of "Wei Shifeng: let the Chinese preparations to the world", "Guo Jing entrepreneur Gong Yan", "culture" version of "how to make up the quality of mass culture products" short board "," Ten years "," Yang Yongan's pine and cypress report "and other articles, these from Zhongguancun inside and outside the economy, science and technology, education, culture, bit by bit, all reflect China's reform and opening up the brilliant sunshine.

The chief architect of Chinas reform and opening up Deng Xiaoping has once said: “ The reform is the second revolution in China. It is a thing that has to be done, even though it is risky. The basic line of reform has to continue for at least a hundred years.” The great man has left us for a full 20 years now, but it is gratifying that “Zhongguancuners” have not forgotten his words, the vast majority of Chinese people have not forgotten his words.