张城铭 周鑫斌高阿祥
(西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716)
张城铭 周鑫斌†高阿祥
(西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716)
1.1 试验材料
供试水稻品种为西农优1号,供试土壤采自重庆市北碚区农田表层(0~20 cm),土壤类型为中生代侏罗系沙溪庙组灰棕紫色沙泥岩母质上发育的中性紫色水稻土(潜育水耕人为土)。供试土壤经自然风干后磨碎过5 mm筛用于盆栽试验,其中一部分过2 mm筛用于土壤理化性质分析[17],结果见表1。
表1 供试土壤基本理化性质Table 1 Physicochemical properties of the soil in test
1.2 试验设计
试验在西南大学资源环境学院温室中进行。将亚硒酸盐以溶液的形式与已施入基肥的土壤反复混匀,土壤中硒的添加浓度为1 mg kg-1。盆栽试验采用土壤―石英砂联合培养法,试验时每个尼龙网袋中装入酸洗的石英砂(不加硒)300 g,然后置于装有6 kg土壤的实验盆中,同时在土壤及尼龙网袋内埋入3支土壤溶液取样器(尼龙网袋内1支,土壤两侧各1支,为了取样更加均匀,减少误差)(Rhizon MOM 长10 cm,直径2.5 mm,瓦格宁根,新西兰)。土壤淹水(2~3 cm)平衡三天后开始试验。每个生育期(即幼苗期、分蘖期、拔节期、孕穗期、扬花期、灌浆期和成熟期)为一个处理,每处理重复4次,共28盆。
水稻种子经10% H2O2表面消毒后用蒸馏水冲洗干净,置于石英砂中催芽。7 d后移栽,每个尼龙网袋内放入3~5株生长情况一致的幼苗(最终保留3株)。在水稻整个生育周期内,保持土壤淹水(2~3 cm)。
1.3 样品采集与处理
水稻播种后第0、5、10、15、40、80、135 天(即幼苗期、分蘖期、拔节期、孕穗期、扬花期、灌浆期和成熟期)分别收获水稻植株,将其按不同的器官(根、茎、叶、小穗和籽粒)进行分离,并用蒸馏水冲洗干净后烘干、磨碎,保存于密封塑料袋中,分别测定其生物量和硒含量。
土壤溶液取样器分别于水稻播种后第0、5、10、15、40、80、135 天提取根际和非根际土壤溶液各20 ml(尼龙网袋内的石英砂提取的溶液为根际土壤溶液,盆内土壤提取的溶液为非根际土壤溶液),用于测定土壤溶液中总硒含量。
水稻播种后第10、15、40、80、135 天(根表铁膜出现的生育期)分别将尼龙网袋从盆中取出,将根和石英砂分开,用蒸馏水冲洗干净,收获新鲜根系,用柠檬酸三钠-碳酸氢钠-连二亚硫酸钠(DCB)法提取根表铁膜。将离体的水稻根置于45 ml DCB(0.03 mol L-1Na3C6H5O·2H2O,0.125 mol L-1NaHCO3和0.06 mol L-1Na2S2O4)溶液中,在室内温度20~25℃温育1 h后,蒸馏水冲洗至100 ml定容。提取铁膜后的水稻根烘干、称重。
1.4 样品测定及质量控制
土壤溶液中总硒的测定:取2 ml用10%HNO3稀释的土壤溶液,分别加入2 ml 优级纯的浓硝酸和1 ml浓度为6 mol L-1的盐酸,然后将溶液混匀后,放入水浴锅中,100℃下加热2 h,待溶液冷却后用原子荧光光谱法(AFS,AFS-920,北京吉天仪器有限公司,北京,中国)测定溶液中硒含量[15,18]。
DCB溶液中硒和铁的测定:分别用原子荧光光谱法(AFS,AFS-920,北京吉天仪器有限公司,北京,中国)和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES,Optima2000,Perkin Elmer Co. Waltham,MA,美国)测定硒和铁的含量[15]。
1.5 数据处理
式中,Ci表示该时期硒浓度,mg kg-1;Bi表示同时期生物量,g pot-1;Ci-1表示前一个时期硒浓度,mg kg-1;Bi-1表示前一个时期生物量,g pot-1;Cm表示成熟期硒浓度,mg kg-1;Bm表示成熟期生物量,g pot-1。
使用Excel 2010和SPSS 18.0软件进行绘图及单因素方差分析处理,采用LSD(最小显著差异法)统计方法进行显著性检验。
2.1 水稻不同生育期各器官生物量
在水稻整个生育期,根、茎和叶三种营养器官的生物量变化基本一致,且在成熟期之前均呈显著增加趋势(图1)。与分蘖期相比,水稻拔节期根、茎和叶的生物量增加极其显著,分别增加了10.3倍、3.4倍和6.0倍;拔节期后,根、茎和叶生物量的增加趋势开始放缓,且在灌浆期达到峰值;灌浆期之后,根、茎和叶的生物量均有所减少。小穗的生物量在水稻孕穗期之后迅速增加,籽粒在成熟期的生物量为8.9 g pot-1。可见,拔节期是水稻营养器官生物量积累速度最快的时期,为水稻下一个时期(孕穗期)水稻生殖生长提供足够的营养物质。
图1 水稻不同生育期的根、茎、叶、小穗和籽粒的生物量Fig. 1 Biomass in root,stem,leaf,spikelet,and grain of rice relative to growth stage
2.2 水稻不同生育期土壤溶液硒含量动态变化
土壤中添加亚硒酸盐后,在水稻整个生长周期中,土壤溶液中硒含量呈持续降低的趋势,总硒的变化范围从37.4 μg L-1降低至2.2 μg L-1。非根际土壤溶液中硒含量在拔节期之前显著降低(从37.4 μg L-1降低至10.3 μg L-1),拔节期之后降低趋势有所减缓,在成熟期达到最小值3.6 μg L-1。根际土壤溶液中硒含量在分蘖期之前显著降低(15.8 μg L-1降低至8.6 μg L-1),分蘖期之后降低趋势有所减缓,在成熟期达到最小值2.2 μg L-1(图2)。非根际土壤溶液中硒含量在水稻整个生育期均大于根际土壤溶液硒含量,拔节期之前这种差异极其显著,拔节期之后差异缩小,在水稻扬花期之后无显著差异。
图2 水稻不同生育期土壤溶液中硒含量Fig. 2 Selenium concentration in soil solution of rice relative to growth stage
2.3 水稻不同生育期体内硒含量动态变化
水稻根中的硒含量从幼苗期开始增加,在拔节期达到了峰值8.8 mg kg-1,至扬花期之前均呈减少趋势,在灌浆期略有增加,之后继续减少,在成熟期达到最小值5.1 mg kg-1(图3)。根中的硒在水稻生殖生长阶段(孕穗期之后的生长期)的含量较在营养生长阶段的含量普遍偏低,前者的含量范围为5~6 mg kg-1,后者的含量范围为6.5~8.8 mg kg-1(图3)。水稻茎中的硒含量在扬花期之前持续增加且变化不大,在灌浆期显著减少,之后保持稳定值1.03 mg kg-1(图3)。同样,水稻叶中的硒含量也是持续增加且变化不大,但这种增加趋势持续了整个水稻生育周期。水稻小穗中的硒含量在孕穗期(小穗出现的最早时期)达到最大值0.75 mg kg-1,且持续减少,在成熟期达到最小值0.35 mg kg-1(图3)。在水稻成熟期,籽粒出现,硒含量为0.31 mg kg-1,略低于成熟期的小穗中硒含量(图3)。在不同生育期,水稻体内各器官中硒含量在孕穗期之前的大小关系为:根>茎>叶,在孕穗期之后的大小关系为:根>茎>叶>小穗>籽粒。
图3 水稻不同生育期根、茎、叶、小穗和籽粒硒含量Fig. 3 Selenium concentration in root,stem,leaf,spikelet,and grain of rice relative to growth stage
2.4 水稻不同生育期硒吸收百分数
为了明确各生育期对水稻吸收硒的贡献程度,在水稻各器官硒含量和相应生物量的基础上计算水稻不同生育期硒的吸收百分数。其中,正数表示吸收积累的硒大于转运损失的硒,负数表示转运损失的硒大于吸收积累的硒,结果见表2。水稻根在拔节期和孕穗期吸收硒百分数超过50.01%。水稻茎中硒的吸收百分数同样在拔节期达到最大值51.93%,其次是孕穗期31.77%,这两个时期合计硒的吸收百分数超过了100%,在整个生育期中占据了绝对多数。水稻叶中硒的吸收百分数在拔节期达到了峰值,约为44%,孕穗期硒的吸收百分数约为23%,在整个生育期仅次于拔节期。水稻小穗中硒的吸收百分数在孕穗期达到最大值,约为47.22%。在水稻成熟期,根、茎和叶硒的吸收百分数均为负值,分别为-3.36%、-8.84% 和-7.85%,小穗硒的吸收百分数为6.82%。可见,水稻各组织中约50%的硒是在拔节期和孕穗期吸收的,说明这两个时期对于水稻硒吸收非常关键。
表2 不同生育期水稻硒的吸收百分数Table 2 Se uptake in percentage to the total in the different parts of the plant at different growth stages(%)
2.5 水稻不同生育期各部位硒含量的比例关系
图4 水稻不同生育期根、地上部和铁膜中硒所占比例Fig. 4 Selenium distribution in root,shoot,and iron coating of rice relative to growth stage
2.6 水稻根表铁膜中铁与硒间相互关系
由图5可见,在水稻整个生育周期中,根表铁膜中铁含量和硒含量的变化具有显著的相关性。因此,根表铁膜中铁含量和硒含量之间的相互关系能够被一个一元二次方程表达(y=-0.001 6x2+0.398 6x -18.70,p<0.001)。说明,根表铁膜对硒元素具有较高的亲和力,能够在整个生育期中不断吸附硒。
3.1 水稻不同生育期对硒吸收累积的差异
图5 水稻全生育期根表铁膜中硒含量和铁膜中铁含量的相互关系Fig. 5 Relationship between DCB-Se and DCB-Fe on rice root surfaces during the whole growth period of rice
3.2 根表铁膜对水稻硒吸收累积的影响机制
本研究揭示了水稻在不同生育期对硒的吸收累积特性是不一致的,这将为制定培养富硒水稻的措施提供一定的理论依据。在水稻的拔节期,根、茎和叶的吸收百分数以及根的硒含量均达到了峰值。在孕穗期,茎和叶的吸收百分数也仅次于拔节期;小穗的吸收百分数和硒含量均达到了峰值。因此,水稻的拔节期和孕穗期是提高地上部硒含量以及籽粒吸收积累硒的关键时期。同时,Huang等[23]的研究表明:水稻幼苗在移栽后35 d(孕穗期),根表铁膜可能是水稻根吸收硒的硒源。可以推断,此时期根表铁膜吸附的硒已经开始被水稻吸收利用,这也极大地促进了水稻对硒的吸收累积。关于根表铁膜中的硒被水稻重新利用的关键时期,还需进一步深入研究。烤田是农民在实际生产中常用的一种水稻田水分管理技术,其原理是将水稻田中水分排出,增加土壤中的氧气,提高土壤氧化还原电位,增强土壤微生物活性,促进水稻根系发育,从而促进水稻养分吸收。那么,在水稻关键生育期进行烤田或者干湿交替等水分管理是否能够促进水稻对硒的吸收积累,还需要进行研究。揭示水分管理影响水稻吸收积累硒的机制,对生产源头上有效调控硒从稻田向农产品食物链传递、进而满足人类硒营养健康具有重要的理论和现实意义。
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Uptake and Accumulation of Selenium and Iron Coating on Rice Root at Different Growth Stages
ZHANG Chengming ZHOU Xinbin†GAO Axiang
(College of Resource and Environment,Southwest University,Chongqing 400716,China)
【Objective】Rice is a staple food for the people in China,so it is feasible to improve effectively the status of the Chinese people being generally insufficient in intake of selenium by increasing the content of selenium in rice grains. Therefore,it is of great practical significance to the country to study characteristic of Se absorption and accumulation by rice,to define critical periods of the crop absorbing and accumulating selenium,hence to effectively regulate Se intake with daily diet. Rice is a species of hydrophyte,growing for a long time in fields flooded with water,where poor in areation,the crop has a well-developed aerenchyma formed at the root,to adapt itself to the anaerobic environment. The aerenchyma releases oxygen into the rhizosphere of the rice,which acts jointly with rhizosphere microorganisms to form a thin layer of“iron coating”on the surface of the root. The coating readily adsorbs selenium,thus lowering its bio-availability. As the researches in the past focused mainly on kinetics of Se absorption by rice at the seedling stage and impact of the iron coating on Se absorption and transfer,little has been reported on Se absorption and accumulation by rice at different growth stages,and impact of the iron coating on rice root on Se absorption and accumulation in the whole growth period.【Method】A pot experiment was carried out to study Se absorption by rice at various growth stages and accumulation in various parts of the plant,and mechanism of the iron coating on rice root surface affecting Se absorption and accumulation.【Result】Results show that the jointing stage was the period of time when the nutritive organs of rice grew and accumulated the rapidest in biomass to store adequate nutrients for the growth of reproductive tissues of the rice at the next growth stage,namely,booting stage. Se content in the nutritive tissues varied with growth stage,and peaked in the root at the jointing stage. Se in the root and stem was transported to the other parts of the rice at the booting and maturing stages. About 50% of the selenium in the various tissues was absorbed by the plant at the jointing and booting stages,and 47.22% of the total selenium in the spikelets was filled up at the booting stage. Obviously,jointing and booting stages are the two critical periods for the plant to absorb and accumulate selenium in. Se content in the iron coating peaked at the seedling stage,accounting for 73.63% of the total in the plant,which was 4.87 times that(15.12%)in the stem. As the plant grew,Se content in the iron coating declined significantly down to 20.02% in proportion at the maturing stage,while Se content in the stem reached 65.42%,which shows that in the entire life cycle of rice,the iron coating on the root surface is able to accumulate a certain amount of selenium through sorption and serve as a Se source for the plant at the late growth stages,when soil solution contains less selenium. The selenium adsorbed to the iron coating can be absorbed and transported by the plant to its shoots. So the iron coating on the root surface plays a role of“buffer”in the process of Se absorption and transport.【Conclusion】By illustrating Se absorption and accumulation by rice varying with growth stage,this study has defined that the jointing andbooting stages are the two critical periods for the crop to absorb and accumulate Se in and the iron coating on the root surface plays a role of“buffer”in Se absorption and accumulation of rice. All the findings in this study may have certain theoretical and practical significance in producing selenium-rich rice grains.
Rice;Growth stage;Selenium;Iron coating on root surface
* 国家自然科学基金项目(31372141,31672238)和2016中央高校基本科研业务费学生双创项目(XDJK2016E155)资助Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos. 31372141 and 31672238)and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No. XDJK2016E155)
† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,E-mail:zxbissas@swu.edu.cn
张城铭(1992—),男,四川遂宁人,硕士研究生,主要从事植物硒营养生理研究。E-mail:zhangcm1992@ outlook.com