
2017-06-06 10:01ByIanBogost
英语学习 2017年5期


President Obama has been called the “first socialmedia president.” Its both a true and a misleading characterization. On the one hand, the Obama White House was indeed the first presidency to make use of services like Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram.1 But on the other hand, these services either didnt exist or werent used by a broad public before Barack Obama took office in 2009. The White House brags that Obama was the first to tweet from @POTUS on Twitter, to go live on Facebook, to use a filter on Snapchat.2 But in truth, any president in office during the last eight years probably would have become the first social-media president.

That doesnt mean that any president would have been good at it, however. John F. Kennedy3 is widely considered the first television president, but he wasnt the first one to appear on TV. Franklin Roosevelt was the first president to appear on television, and Truman was the first,4 in 1947, to make a televised presidential address. But it was Kennedy who mastered the medium, starting with his famous televised debate with Richard Nixon5 in 1960, and continuing with the televised news conferences and interviews that characterized his presidency.

Like JFK was good at TV, Obama is good at social media. Before his presidency, Obama was already inseparable from his BlackBerry, and as a self-described “nerd” and “geek,”his interest in science and technology helped spur his administration to pursue and manage public communication and engagement with todays digital services and tools.6

But what if Obama was too good at social media? Maybe America didnt need a social-media president, but a president whose technological savvy7 could apply to legislation and governance as much as public communication.

Last October, the White House announced a “digital transition”—the process by which the Obama presidency would hand over the reins to its various social-media accounts, their followers kept intact, while also resetting and archiving their former contents in compliance with the Presidential Records Act.8 Normally, such preservation seals materials up in physical repositories, such as those maintained at the National Archives or the various presidential libraries.9 But the Obama White House hoped to “ensure these materials continue to be accessible on the platforms where they were created,” a savvy acknowledgement of the fact that a tweet or an Instagram post doesnt make sense stripped from its context.

The White House also expressed its commitment to share its social-media content with the American people—both via accessible, downloadable archives, where possible, and also through tools and gadgets that might present the content in new and synthetic ways.10 In service of the latter goal, the White House invited the public to submit “creative ways to archive this content and make it both useful and available for years to come.”

To sneer at the White Houses efforts in this regard is sure to make me seem like a spoilsport or a killjoy.11 But they also affirm the dark underbelly12 of the social media era. The compression of complex ideas into tweetable sound-bites.13 The victory of sentiment and affect over reason and fact on the Internet. The belief that large information archives can produce knowledge of the present, and of history, by exalting data correlation over all other methods of knowledge production. The tendency to privilege technological discourse over all other topics.

For all the tweets and Facebook posts and YouTube videos and Pinterest pins and Snapchat snaps the Obama White House produced and disseminated, the main work it did was to further establish the unquestioned utility and righteousness of digital communications technology in the modern era.14 Citizens are dazzled and drawn to an image of Barack Obama staring into a smartphone because such images condone15 and affirm their own fixation with these technologies.

As Obama leaves office, the digital tools he quietly celebrated have also hollowed out American life.16 Surveillance capitalism has made data extraction, aggregation, resale, and speculation the hidden engine of wealth and progress.17 The ability to create and widely disseminate information as credible and accurate, no matter its relationship to reality. The obsession with immediacy and attention over longevity and conviction. The consolidation18 of media and information, particularly local media, in the hands of a few large companies with limited commitment to civic good. While the first social media presidency was busy tweeting and Snapchatting, supposedly for public engagement, it did precious little to address the impacts of these and other effects of technology on the American public as matters of public policy.

Ultimately, history will judge the 44th president, online and off. But instead of the “first social media presidency,” I wonder if Obamas legacy wont instead be that of the “cool dad presidency.” What people liked about Obamas relationship to technology is that it was so much like their own. Obama was relatable and with-it.19 He clutched his smartphone as much as anyone. He could make a post go viral and deserve it. But maybe what America needed from 2009 to 2017 wasnt a cool dad to tweet and stream alongside its citizens. Maybe it needed a guardian to watch and safeguard it against its own worst habits.


然而,那并不是说任何一位美国总统都能玩转社交媒体。约翰·F. 肯尼迪被公认为“第一位电视总统”,但他并不是第一位出现在电视上的美国总统,富兰克林·罗斯福才是,而杜鲁门则是首位在1947年发表电视演说的总统。可是真正将这一媒体运用得炉火纯青的却是肯尼迪,从1960年他与理查德·尼克松对阵的那场著名的电视直播辩论起,直到后来电视播出的各种新闻发布会和采访,都成为了其任期的一大显著特征。









1. White House: 白宫,美国总统官邸与主要办公场所。“白宫”还常常用来指代总统及其顾问和行政团队。因此,此处的“the Obama White House”是指奥巴马及其顾问和行政团队。此句中提到的推特、脸书、Snapchat(一款阅后即焚照片分享应用)和Instagram(一款照片分享应用)均是当下美国的主流社交媒体。

2. brag: 自夸;@POTUS: 即@President of the United States,美国总统专属的推特账号;go live on Facebook: 脸书的直播功能,用户可以通过手机随时随地将周围发生的事情向他人直播;filter on Snapchat: Snapchat的滤镜功能,无需复杂操作就可以给照片或视频添加各种特效。

3. John F. Kennedy: 约翰·F.肯尼迪(1917—1963,美国人通常以其姓名缩写JFK称呼他,如下文),1960年当选美国第35任总统,1963年11月22日在得州达拉斯市遇刺身亡,被视为美国民主自由派的代表。

4. Franklin Roosevelt: 富兰克林·罗斯福(1882—1945),史称“小罗斯福”,第32任美国总统,美国历史上唯一连任超过两届(连任四届,病逝于第四届任期中)的总统,是美国20世纪30年代经济危机和第二次世界大战的中心人物之一;Truman: 杜鲁门(1884—1972),美国民主党政治家,接替罗斯福成为第33任美国总统。

5. Richard Nixon: 理查德·尼克松(1913—1994),美国政治家,曾于 1969年至1974年担任第37任美国总统,后因1974年的水门事件而成为美国历史上首位在任期内辞职的总统。

6. nerd: 理工科学科的爱好者,尤指电脑迷(通常表示这种人很乏味);geek:极客,在互联网时代意指那些对计算机和网络技术有狂热兴趣并投入大量时间钻研的人;spur: 促进,激励。

7. savvy: 实际知识,悟性,智慧。下文还有形容词用法,意为“有见识的,聪明的”。

8. hand over the reins: 交出权力;intact: 完好无损的,不受损伤的;Presidential Records Act: 《总统记录法案》,由美国国会于1978年颁布,规定如何归档和保存所有的总统官方文件。

9. seal up: 密封住;presidential library:总统图书馆,是集图书馆、档案馆和博物馆于一体的机构,既保存总统的档案文件,又收藏总统接受的赠品、个人物品、图书和艺术品等等,由美国国家档案馆管理和维护。

10. gadget: 小装置,小玩意儿;synthetic:综合性的。

11. sneer at: 嘲笑,讥讽;spoilsport, killjoy: 均指令人扫兴的人。

12. underbelly: 薄弱部分,弱点。

13. sound-bite: (广播或电视上发言的)简要片段,摘要播放。备注:一条推文的字数上限是140字。

14. Pinterest: 一款图片分享软件,采用瀑布流的形式展现图片内容,用户把自己感兴趣的图片用图钉(pin)钉在钉板(PinBoard)上;disseminate: 传播,散布;righteousness: 正当。

15. condone: 宽恕,原谅。

16. celebrate: 颂扬,赞美;hollow out:挖空。

17. surveillance capitalism: 监控资本主义,经济、商业和科技领域的一个新概念,指的是企业利用软件、电子产品或廣告等渠道获取尽可能多的用户数据,对用户行为实施监控和修正,并从中牟利;extraction:提取。

18. consolidation: 巩固。

19. relatable: relate的形容词形式,在这里指更加人性化,容易接

近;with-it: 时髦的,新潮的。

朕不只是皇帝 那些『不务正业』的帝王们