The Jialing House is designed for Dr. Ye Jiaying (with the art name of Jialing), who is an expert of classic literature, and the House is used for teaching, researching, and living. It is located within the education area in Nankai University, where is a square and narrow site, surrounded by many buildings in different styles. The building adopts various strategies to deal with surrounding situations both of advantages and disadvantages.
Borrowing: There are two old trees in the site. The building's layout is arranged by surrounding situation, both retaining historic memory and borrowing the original site logic.
Shielding: At the east of the entrance, a group of walls are set to limit the entrance boundary. Bamboos are planted here to cover bad landscape eastside.
Exposing: There is a path through Zhang Boling Memory Pavilion at west side of building. The northwest of the building is decorated by bricks, which shoot hazy light and lighten the road.
Framing: The seminar rooms are next to the memory pavilion. The horizontal ribbon windows are set at the height of people's view. This design method is expected to show respect to celebrities.
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: 卓强,孙宇,邹镔,张柯达/ ZHUO Qiang, SUN Yu, ZOU Bin, ZHANG Keda
建筑面积/Floor Area: 550m2
建成时间/Completion: 2015.10
摄影/Photos: 刘东/LIU Dong
Jialing House, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2015
Architect: ZHUO Qiang
1 鸟瞰/Aerial view
2 总平面/Site plan3 首层平面/Ground fl oor plan4 剖面/Section5 外景/Exterior view