
2017-06-05 15:23
世界建筑导报 2017年2期


Interview with Paul Collins, HOK

HOK董事总经理邝宝麟先生 Paul Collins, Managing Director of HOK


邝:HOK在香港及中国大陆的国际化团队在公司 “开放、合作” 的氛围中,共同完成了很多标志性项目。这样的文化和团队对我们的成功起到至关重要的作用。我将继续致力于确保HOK为客户提供卓越的设计和服务,展现HOK在不同专业领域的专业设计能力以及作为全球最顶级的设计公司的核心竞争力。
















在如此短的时间内建成如此体量浩大的工程,只有具有HOK这般人员规模、专业实力和全球网络的公司才能胜任。我理想中的项目应该是类似的——体量大、复杂程度高、具有各种挑战性—— 这正是HOK所擅长的!

WARA: As managing director for HOK in Asia Pacific, what do you hope to achieve?

Collins: We have a large practice of international designers based in Hong Kong and China that work well together on signifcant projects. The collaborative nature of our team members and open environment in our ofces are essential to our success. I will ensure that we maintain these critical aspects of our culture. And I’ll be ensuring that we provide exceptional design and delivery services that demonstrate HOK’s multidisciplinary expertise as one of the world’s best design frms.

WARA: What role will sustainable design play in HOK’s future?

Collins: Sustainable design has been at the center of much of HOK’s work for many years. In the past, it may have been perceived by clients as an add-on. Today, sustainable design is simply part of our design process. As one of the leading designers of the built environment, we have a responsibility to help our society manage resources efciently, reduce waste and decrease energy consumption. Of course this is the right thing to do. It also brings great value to our clients in terms of reducing life-cycle costs and providing healthy environments that promote the well-being of their people and communities.

WARA: How would you review the design industry in China over the last 10 years? How does HOK ft into the future of development in China?

Collins: The economy is cyclical. The tendency to overestimate a demand in the market and then to design and build more buildings than needed is a recurring phenomenon across the world. As the Chinese market absorbs over-supplied residential and ofce buildings, development will shift to other building types like hotels, hospitals or sports venues where there is still a shortfall. Our strategy has been to maintain high-quality design and key expertise in a wide variety of building types. This enables us to quickly respond to these shifts in demand.

While there will be a reduced demand for new residential and commercial construction over the next few years, there is an opportunity to renovate existing buildings. Renovating and repurposing buildings helps drive sustainable design innovation. In the next decade, China’s existing building stock will face decay in part because so much was built so quickly over the previous 30 years. Retroftting old buildings with high-performance materials and energy-efcient mechanical systems will reduce energy consumption and pollution while making buildings more comfortable for users and more attractive for investors.

China is at an environmental crossroads. The country previously was mobilized to develop infrastructure, housing and commercial real estate at a very rapid pace. Now we can focus on improving the environment through an equally aggressive enforcement of sustainable design principles.

WARA: In this diverse architectural design market, what makes HOK unique?

Collins: Diversity was one of HOK’s founding principles in the 1950s. This includes diversity of geography, projects, services staff and, most importantly, diversity of thinking. The people who make up HOK’s 23 global ofces come from all over the world and bring incredibly varied professional and personal experiences.

Our people in China and Hong Kong are no exception. This variety and richness are the main ingredients of our culture. When we talk to clients here about a mall, stadium or hotel, we speak from our global experience. Not many frms in the world can bring this encyclopedic knowledge to a client’s design problem. If diversity is the input, innovation is the output. Our deep expertise alone will not create innovation. But when we bring together people with diferent backgrounds and experiences to work toward a common goal, we can create innovative design solutions.

WARA: What are you working on now?

Collins: Our projects are diverse in nature and location. Our planning team is working on tourism development projects in Beijing and Chengdu. They are also developing two urban regeneration and industrial park projects in Shenzhen.

The architectural team is engaged on a major high-rise mixed-use project in central Chengdu, resorts in Sanya and Shenzhen, a luxury residential apartment in Delhi and an IT park in Mumbai. We’re providing interior design services on several fvestar hotel and serviced apartment projects in China, the Middle East and Myanmar. Our landscape architects are busy in Tianjin, Xiamen and Sanya. That’s far from the whole list but is a sampling of what we do.

WARA: What would your dream project be – if you had no budget restrictions and full creative license?

Collins: My dream project would be one where we could use the full global capabilities of HOK for a single project. The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia is a perfect example. We were commissioned to design this 6.5-million-sq.-ft. university and new town project toward the end of 2006 and it was completed and opened by 2009.

The pace of design was so fast that we collaborated with several HOK offices spread out in diferent time zones (from London to San Francisco) so that our working day was closer to 16 hours than eight hours. We used nearly every resource in the frm and provided planning, architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, facility planning, interior design, lab planning, graphic design and lighting design services. This collaborative process resulted in a wonderful new science and education campus that achieved LEED Platinum status.

Only a frm with the scale, experience and connectivity of HOK can deliver a project like KAUST. My dream project would be something similar to that: very large and complicated with lots of pressure. That’s when we excel!

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