胖胖的Lauren Alaina看起来并不像个明星,但这个年轻女孩却成功书写了自己的“美国梦”——她于2011年赢得了福克斯广播公司《美国偶像》(American Idol)第十季的亚军,从一个默默无闻的乡村女孩变成了一颗冉冉升起的明星。
Lauren Alaina出生在美国佐治亚州的一个小城市。她三岁即表现出了非凡的歌唱天赋,无论在教堂、餐厅、合唱团还是家庭聚会,只要有机会,她就一定会一展歌喉。长大后,唱功了得且兼具创作才华的Lauren Alaina开始参加各种歌唱比赛,在那个小城市里,她选择的是一条“鲜有人走过的路”。她没有家庭背景,没有惊艳的外表,有的只是一颗百折不挠的心。为了自己的音乐梦想,她在餐厅当服务生,在酒吧当驻唱,把众人的质疑和嘲笑抛之脑后。2011年,身经百战的她终于获得了《美国偶像》的亚军。正如她在这首“Road Less Traveled”中所唱的:“You won't make yourself a name if you follow the rules. (如果墨守成规,你就无法成功。)”
Lauren Alaina的歌之所以打动人心,就是因为她和我们一样,都是平凡却勇敢的追梦人。Lauren Alaina并没有世俗定义的美貌,甚至还有些胖,但没人敢否认她的魅力。也许正因为如此,她在歌曲中第一段就提出了质疑:Why do you keep on staring? That mirror, mirror, it ain't fair at all. (你為什么一直盯着镜子看呢?镜子一点都不公平。)接着便给出了对许多女孩子来说振聋发聩的提醒:Dress sizes can't define. Don't let the world decide what's beautiful. (裙子尺码不能定义你。不要让这个世界决定什么是美丽。)世上本无事,庸人自扰之。与其拿外界的标准苛求自己,不如立志成为书写规则的强者。
Why do you keep on staring
That mirror, mirror, it ain't fair at all
Dress sizes can't define
Don't let the world decide what's beautiful
▲ You won't make yourself a name
If you follow the rules
History gets made
When you're acting a fool
So don't hold it back and just run it
Show what you got and just own it
No, they can't tear you apart ▲
★ If you trust your rebel heart
Ride it into battle
Don't be afraid
Take the road less traveled
Wear out your boots
And kick up the gravel
Don't be afraid
Take the road less traveled on ★
☆ Oh whoa oh whoa
Take the road less traveled on ☆
Don't follow anyone
March to the rhythm of a different drum
Why do we analyze
Break out and criticize the crazy ones
(Refrain ▲)
(Refrain ★)
(Refrain ☆ ☆)
Put your hands up
Show me that you're one of a kind
Put your hands up
Let me hear your voice tonight
(Refrain ★ ★ ☆)
Wear out your boots
And kick up the gravel
Don't be afraid
Take the road less traveled on
Traveled on
Take the road less traveled on