Last Saturday, Narathiga (not his real name), a 20-year-old student, went fi shing in Japan just like he does every month.
He had a successful day, catching a big, beautiful fish covered in blue patterns, and tweeting about how excited he was to eat it.
"Caught a huge thread-sail fi lefi sh!!" he wrote. "I'm going to eat its intestine①intestine 英 [ɪn'testɪn] 美 [ɪn'tɛstɪn] adj. 内部的;国内的n. 肠with soy②soy 英 [sɒɪ] 美 [sɔɪ] n. 大豆;酱油sauce now!!!"
However, Narathiga hadn't caught a thread-sail filefish. He had actually caught a scrawled fi lefi sh, which has a toxin③toxin 英 ['tɒksɪn] 美 ['tɑksɪn] n. 毒素;毒质in its intestine 70 times more poisonous than the poison in a puffer④puffer 英 ['pʌfə] n. 河豚fi sh. So… it's pretty poisonous.
People were understandably worried for Narathiga's health. Especially when he stopped tweeting.
"You can't eat the intestine!!" "Are you dead?"
Narathiga told BuzzFeed News he hoped his slight brush with death would raise awareness about scrawled filefish. "I would've been dead instantly if my phone didn't tweet," he said.
人们理所当然为他的情况表示担忧,在他停止发推特之后更是担心不已 。
Narathiga向《BuzzFeed News》透露,他希望自己这次与死神擦身而过的经历可以引起大家对拟态革鲀的注意。他说道:“要是我没有发那条推特,可能我当时就已经死掉了。”
Tweeting about the Fish Saves His Life
's tweets about the fi sh have
thousands of retweets, including one where he explains that he released⑤release 英 [rɪ'liːs] 美 [rɪ'lis] vt. 释放;发射;让与;允许发表the fi sh after reading warnings on Twitter.