
2017-06-01 11:31:16ByHarukiMurakami
疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年5期

⊙ By Haruki Murakami



⊙ By Haruki Murakami






As always, we’re sitting beside each other on the old sofa in my father’s study.1)Crow loves the study and all the little objects2)scattered around there. Now he’s toying with a bee-shaped glass3)paperweight. If my father was at home, you can bet Crow would never go anywhere near it.

“But I have to get out of here,” I tell him.“4)No two ways about it.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He places the paperweight back on the table and links his hands behind his head. “Not that running away’s going to solve everything. I don’t want to5)rain on your parade or anything, but I wouldn’t count on escaping this place if I were you. No matter how far you run. Distance might not solve anything.”

The boy named Crow lets out a sigh, then rests a fingertip on each of his closed6)eyelids and speaks to me from the darkness within. “How about we play our game?” he says.

“All right,” I say. I close my eyes and quietly take a deep breath.

“OK, picture a terrible sandstorm,” he says.“Get everything else out of your head.”

I do as he says, get everything else out of my head. I forget who I am, even. I’m a total blank. Then things begin to7)surface. Things that—as we sit here on the old leather sofa in my father’s study—both of us can see.

“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing direction,” Crow says.

I imagine a white8)funnel9)stretching10)vertically up like a thick11)rope. My eyes are closed tight, hands12)cupped over my ears, so those13)fine grains of sand can’t blow inside me. The sandstorm draws steadily closer. I can feel the air pressing on my skin. It really is going to swallow me up.

1) crow [krəʊ] n. 乌鸦

2) scatter [΄skætə(r)] v. 散布,撒

3) paperweight [΄peIpəweIt] n. 镇纸

4) no two ways about it 必不可免,别无办法

5) rain on someone’s parade 扫兴,泼冷水

6) eyelid [΄aIlId] n. 眼睑,眼皮

7) surface [΄sзːfIs] v. 浮出水面(或其他表面)

8) funnel [΄fʌn(ə)l] n. 漏斗,漏斗形物

9) stretch [stretʃ] v. 伸展,伸长

10) vertically [΄vзːtIk(ə)lI] adv. 垂直地

11) rope [rəʊp] n. 粗绳,绳索

12) cup [kʌp] v. 成杯形

13) fine [faIn] adj. 细的

The boy called Crow rests a hand softly on my shoulder, and with that the storm14)vanishes.

“From now on—no matter what—you’ve got to be the world’s toughest fifteen-year-old. That’s the only way you’re going to survive. And in order to do that, you’ve got to figure out what it means to be tough. You following me?”

I keep my eyes closed and don’t reply. I just want to sink off into sleep like this, his hand on my shoulder. I hear the15)faint16)flutter of wings.

“You’re going to be the world’s toughest fifteen-year-old,” Crow whispers as I try to fall asleep, as if he was carving the words in a deep blue17)tattoo on my heart.

On my fifteenth birthday I’ll run away from home, journey to a far-off town, and live in a corner of a small library.

It’d take a week to go into the whole thing, all the details. So I’ll just give the main point. On my fifteenth birthday I’ll run away from home, journey to a far-off town, and live in a corner of a small library.

It sounds a little like a fairy tale. But it’s no fairy tale, believe me. No matter what sort of spin you put on it.

14) vanish [΄vænIʃ] v. 消失

15) faint [feInt] adj. 模糊的,微弱的

16) flutter [΄flʌtə(r)] n. 拍动,振翅

17) tattoo [tə΄tuː] n. 纹身

No matter what sort of spin you put on it.

这句话是从短语put a spin on变化而来的。我们都知道spin有“旋转”的意思,短语put a spin on就是比喻某人用某种方式去诠释、解释一件事情——这种方式可以是一些不同寻常的方式方法,也可以指某人通过歪曲或编造事实来达到某种利己的目的。如:

● This chef has put a new spin on seafood dishes.(这位大厨将海鲜菜玩出了新花样。)

● The mayor tried to put a positive spin on the damaging report. (市长试图从一种积极的角



















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