《芝麻街(Sesame Street)》是美國公共广播协会(PBS)在上个世纪70年代为全美国儿童制作的一档儿童教育电视节目。它使用木偶、动画和真人表演等各种方式向儿童教授阅读、数学、科学、生活常识等多方面启蒙知识。它帮助儿童更好地思考、梦想和发现,激发学习兴趣,加深孩子们对世界的认识。在四十多年中,《芝麻街》对几代人的成长产生了深刻的影响。Elmo, Ernie, Bert, Grover等木偶形象备受儿童喜爱。
《芝麻街》系列图画书以富有韵律的语言和有趣的故事,讲述孩子们日常生活中的故事,让孩子们在经典的教育理念中学习最为纯正的语言表达。跟着Zoe和Cookie Monster这几个小伙伴一起来分享它们的故事和成长吧!
At home I help with dinner.
At school I pick up blocks.
At home I do the laundry,
and help to sort the socks.
At school I feed the turtle.
I help pass out a snack.
At home I help burp the baby.
I pat her on the back.
At school I water all the plants.
I like to help with baking.
At home I help with gardening.
I also help with raking.
My mummy says Im helpful.
My teacher says so, too.
Can you help your mummy and teacher?