熊维玲 甘桦源
摘 要:利用李群分析法得到(3+1)维Jimbo-Miwa方程的一个对称和两个对称约化方程.通过行波变换将对称约化方程转换为复域的常微分方程,给出复域的常微分方程的亚纯解结构,从而得到了(3+1)维Jimbo-Miwa方程的两类非行波解的结构,并给出该方程的新的非行波精确解.
中图分类号:O175.4 文献标志码:A
0 引言
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Abstract: In this paper, the extract solutions for (3+1)-D Jimbo-Miwa equation have been investigated. One symmetry and two symmetry reduced equations of (3+1)-D Jimbo-Miwa equation are obtained by Lie-group analysis method, which are changed into ordinary differential equations in complex domain by traveling wave transformation. The two classes of non traveling wave solutions for (3+1)-D Jimbo-Miwa equation are constructed making use of the structure of meromorphic solutions for the corresponding ordinary differential equations in complex domain. Meanwhile, the new non traveling wave extract solutions for it are obtained.
Key words:(3+1)-D Jimbo-Miwa equation; non traveling wave solution; Lie-group analysis method; symmetry reduced equation; extract solutions