
2017-05-15 03:30:22艾智勇蔡建邦
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) 2017年3期


(1.同济大学 地下建筑与工程系,上海 200092;2.同济大学 岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室,上海 200092)


艾智勇1, 2†,蔡建邦1, 2

(1.同济大学 地下建筑与工程系,上海 200092;2.同济大学 岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室,上海 200092)



筏板基础具有刚度大、整体性好、能较好地抵抗不均匀沉降的优点,因此在高层建筑中得到了广泛的应用.目前,地基与板相互作用分析的方法主要有:有限差分法[1]、有限单元法[2-4]、边界单元法[5]、边界单元-有限单元耦合法[6]、广义微分求积法[7]、半解析数值方法[8-10],以及有限网格法[11]等.相比于有限元、有限层等方法,边界单元法能将求解过程的维数降低一维,并具有计算时间短、精度高等优点.因此,很多学者运用边界元法来研究筏板与地基的相互作用问题.佘颖禾和朱万宁[12]将地基效应归并到地基板的弯曲微分方程内,得到了含有第三类复变量的Bessel函数的基本解,再根据该问题的边界积分方程,建立了Winkler和双参数地基上薄板的无奇异边界单元法.王建国和黄茂光[13]提出了双参数地基上薄板问题的边界单元解法.邓安福等[14]采用边界单元法研究了双参数地基上的厚板问题.Rashed等[15]通过边界元法研究了Winkler地基上的厚板问题.闫富有等[16]基于Reissner 板的边界积分方程,建立了有限压缩层地基上厚筏基础与地基相互作用分析的边界元法.


1 弹性薄板的边界积分方程










图1 薄板边界元法示意图Fig.1 The diagram of the BEM for a thin plate




2 层状地基与薄板的共同作用










图2 层状地基与薄板相互作用图Fig.2 The draft of the interaction betweenlayered soils and a thin plate

图3 弹性薄板单元及节点图Fig.3 The elements and nodes of an elastic thin plate

































3 数值计算与分析

3.1 理论与程序验证

为了验证本文理论及程序的正确性,将本文的计算结果与Wang&Cheung[4]的结果进行对比(如图4所示),其中,bp=4.0 m,νs=0.4,hp=0.2 m,Es=0.343×103MPa,νp=0.167,Ep=0.343×105MPa,均布荷载p=0.98 MPa(见图5).本文采用厚度为1 000m的单层土来模拟弹性半空间地基.由图5可知,本文的结果与Wang&Cheung[4]的结果吻合较好,这表明本文理论与程序的正确性.

图4 方形基础薄板边界的挠度对比图Fig.4 The comparison of vertical displacementsof the boundary of a square foundation thin plate

3.2 板-土刚度比的影响

图5 弹性半空间上的方形薄板Fig.5 A square thin plate on an elastic half-space

图6 方形薄板平面图Fig.6 The plane graph of a square thin plate

图7 当K=0.05(实线)和0.01(虚线)时 各线段的竖向位移曲线Fig.7 The settlement curves of the lines on the plate when K=0.05(solid line) and 0.01(imaginary line)

3.3 矩形板长宽比η的影响

图8 三层地基上矩形薄板Fig.8 A rectangular plate on three-layered soils

η图9 板边界角点、短边中点、长边中点 和板中心点的挠度随η的变化曲线Fig.9 The settlement-η curves of the boundaryangular dot, the midpoits of the long sideand the wide side, and the center of the plate

4 结 论





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Foundations and an Elastic Thin Plate

AI Zhiyong1, 2†, CAI Jianbang1, 2

(1. Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Key Laboratoryof Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

The kernel functions of the boundary integral equations for thin plate were determined by the fundamental solutions for an infinite thin plate. By the discretization of the plate interior and boundary as well as the assumption of the distribution states of plate nodes and foundation reaction forces, the BEM equations of the plate can be established. Meanwhile, based on the analytical layer element solutions for layered foundations, the flexibility matrix of the foundation was obtained by a two-dimensioned Guass-Legendre quadrature. Taking into account the compatible conditions of the displacements at the soils-plate interface, the global BEM equations for the interaction problem between the layered foundation and the thin plate were then established. The solutions for the problem were further obtained by solving the global BEM equations. The accuracy of the present method was verified by comparing existing solutions with the numerical results obtained from the corresponding FORTRAN program in this study. It is observed from numerical examples that when a square thin plate is placed on a foundation, the settlement difference between the two lines perpendicular to y or x coordinate decreases as they approach the center of the plate, and the difference decreases with the decrease of the plate-soil stiffness ratio. Furthermore, the settlement discrepancy between the plate center and the midpoint of the long side is unapparent with the increasing length-width ratio, and the similar variation trend can be found between the midpoint of the wide side and angular point.

boundary element; layered soils; thin plates; analytical layer element


国家自然科学基金资助项目(50578121), National Natural Science Foundation of China(50578121)

艾智勇(1966-),男,江西余江人,同济大学教授,博士 †通讯联系人,E-mail:zhiyongai@tongji.edu.cn




AA BEM for Interaction between Layered

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