
2017-05-10 00:57聂明辉张晓侠刘会玲李义学王晓岩
现代仪器与医疗 2017年2期


(1. 承德醫学院附属医院超声科;2.承德医学院附属医院麻醉科,河北承德 067000)

[摘 要] 目的:探讨超声引导下平面内技术与平面外技术在术中动脉穿刺置管中的应用。方法:选择我院2015年7月~2016年8月择期手术患者122例,随机分为平面内技术组(A组,n=62)和平面外技术(B组,n=60)。A、B两组患者分别在超声引导下采用平面内技术和平面外技术进行桡动脉穿刺置管。记录每组患者超声定位时间、总穿刺时间、穿刺次数,首次穿刺成功例数及首二次穿刺成功例数,并分别于穿刺前(T1)和拔管后0.5h(T2)测量穿刺点桡动脉内径、桡动脉收缩期血流峰值流速及穿刺侧的无创动脉血压,记录两组患者并发症的发生情况。结果:两组患者总穿刺时间和穿刺次数相比差异无统计学意义,A组患者超声定位时间长于B组、首次成功穿刺例数少于B组,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05,但A组患者首二次穿刺成功率显著高于B组,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05;组内比较:两组患者T1时刻的桡动脉内径均大于T2时刻且桡动脉收缩期血流峰值流速均低于T2时刻,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05,两组患者T1和T2时刻MAP相比,差异无统计学意义;组间比较:T1和T2时刻两组患者桡动脉内径、收缩期血流峰值流速、MAP相比差异无统计学意义;A组患者血肿和桡动脉后壁穿透的发生率明显低于B组患者,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论:平面内技术和平面外技术引导动脉穿刺置管对桡动脉血流动力学影响相似;与平面外技术相比,平面内技术超声定位时间长,但其首二次穿刺成功率高,并发症少。

[关键词] 超声引导;平面内技术;平面外技术;桡动脉穿刺

中图分类号:R445.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5200(2017)04-046-03


Ultrasound-guided in-plane and out-of-plane approaches for intraoperative artery cannulation NIE Minghui1,ZHANG Xiaoxia2,LIU Huiling1,LI Yixue1,WANG Xiaoyan1,WU Wenying1,FENG Peiming1. (1. Department of ultrasound,Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical University Chengde 067000 China;2. Department of Anesthesiology, Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical University Chengde 067000 China)

[Abstract] Objective: This study was designed to explore the application of ultrasound-guided in-plane and out-of-plane approaches for intraoperative artery cannulation. Methods: A total sampale of 122 patients who underwent elective surgery from July 2015 to August 2016 were randomly divided into in-plane group (group A, n=62) and out-of-plane group (group B, n=60). The patients of group A and group B underwent radial artery cannulation with ultrasound-guided in-plane and out-of-plane approaches. The length of ultrasonic positioning, the times of cannulation attempts, the total duration of cannulation, success rates at first-time attempt and the first two attempts were recorded. The radial artery diameter and peak systolic velocity, and noninvasive arterial blood pressure on the puncture side were measured at the points for cannulation before cannulation (T1) and 0.5 h after extubation (T2). The complication of the two groups was recorded. Results: There was no significant difference the total duration of cannulation and the times of cannulation attempts between the two groups. The length of ultrasonic positioning of group A was longer than that of the group B, the success rate at first-time attempt was less than that of the group B, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), but the success rate at the first two attempts was significantly higher in group A than in group B. Compared with T2, the radial artery diameter of both two groups was greater at T1, and the peak systolic velocity of radial artery of both two groups was lower than that of T2, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in MAP between the two groups at T1 and T2. There was no significant difference in the radial artery diameter and peak systolic velocity, and MAP between the two groups of patients at T1 and T2. The incidence of hematoma and wall penetrating of radial artery in group A was significantly lower than those in group B, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusions Ultrasound-guided in-plane and out-of-plane approaches for intraoperative artery cannulation have similar effects on hemodynamics of radial artery. Compared: with out-of-plane approach, in-plane approach has longer ultrasonic positioning time, but its success rate at first two attempts is higher, and has less complications.

[Key words] ultrasound guidance; in-plane approach; out-of-plane approach; radial artery


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

选择我院2015年7月~2016年8月的择期手术患者122例,18~65岁,ASA I~II级,随机分为平面内技术组(A组,n=62)和平面外技术(B组,n=60)。排除动脉粥样硬化、周围血管疾病、尺动脉疾病、Allen试验阴性者等不适宜行桡动脉穿刺的患者。本研究经我院伦理委员会批准且所有患者均签署知情同意书。

1.2 方法

两组患者清醒进入手术室后,吸氧2L/min,持续监测心电图、脉搏氧饱和度、无创动脉血压,开放上肢外周静脉,镇静镇痛。患者穿刺前均进行Allen试验,结果为阳性者选择左手进行穿刺。所有患者取平卧位,穿刺侧手臂外展90°,手掌向上平放于搁手板上,手腕背侧垫纱布卷背伸30°~60°并固定,常规碘伏消毒前臂掌侧腕关节皮肤,铺巾,穿刺部位使用2%利多卡因局部麻醉。使用Sonosite Micromaxx便携式超声仪(美国,Sono Site公司),探头频率选择6~13MHz,超声探头涂上耦合剂后采用一次性无菌保护套套扎。A、B两组患者分别采用平面内技术和平面外技术在手腕横纹处探查桡动脉,选择最佳穿刺点,具体操作方法如下。A组:将探头与桡动脉走形垂直采用短轴切面确定桡动脉的位置,并移动超声探头使其处于画面中间,再将探头与桡动脉平行以长轴切面再次确定桡动脉的位置,左右移动超声使其对准桡动脉的中间位置,右手持动脉穿刺针以30°~45°向超声和皮肤交点处穿刺,当超声图像中出现完整的进针声影后缓慢进针并观察穿刺针尾端若见回血后,边向近心端进针边退针芯,待套管进入桡动脉后固定接压力传感器监测血压。B组:以短轴切面确定桡动脉的位置,将桡动脉调整至画面中点,以同样角度进针穿刺,见穿刺针回血后置入套管并固定连接压力传感器监测血压。两组患者均由相同操作者进行桡动脉穿刺,穿刺两次不成功者则更换操作者并交替采用平面内、外法改变引导方式,四次不成功者则为操作失败。进针一次未成功则记一次穿刺。手术结束后,两组患者均拔出动脉导管并以加压包扎按压15min。

1.3 观察指标


1.4 统计学方法


2 结果

2.1 两组患者一般情况比较


2.2 两组患者穿刺情况及桡动脉指标




3 讨论




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