
2017-05-04 05:16:16撰稿二芃
疯狂英语·初中天地 2017年4期



All That Is Interesting



1 Try Blowtorch-Dried Haircut? 试试火烧头?

In Odwan’sbarbershop[理发店]inGaza[加沙], hair isn’t just blow-dried, it’sblowtorch-dried[喷灯烧干].

“People have gone crazy about it, many people are curious to go through the experience and they are not afraid,”thebarber[理发师]told us.“People here love adventures.”

In hissalon[美发厅], Odwan used aliquid[液体]coating[涂层]to protect a customer’s hair.Then he aimed at the head, andpressed[按压]the button on a small blowtorch.

“I control how long Iapply[使用]fre, I keep it on and off for 10 seconds or 15 seconds.It is completely safe, and I have notencountered[遭遇]any accident since I started it two months ago,” Odwan added.

Odwan has been a barber for 18 years.Part of the reason he uses thetechnique[技巧]is to show the world one thing:Palestinian[巴勒斯坦的]barbers are “asprofessional[专业的]as those out there around the world.”


2 Florida Marathon Runner Went Missing for 12 Hours 一次迷路的马拉松经历

Melissa Kitcher was excited to complete her firsthalf-marathon[半程马拉松], but it turned out to end a little bit differently.

Kitcher went missing for nearly 12 hours after running off thetrail[路线]during the half-marathon, with no phone.

“I kept thinking to myself, ‘Wow, how do people run these trails? I can’t even walk them,’” she said.“When Ihit[碰上]thepower lines[输电线], I said, ‘Yes, I’mdefnitely[绝对地]wayoff course[偏离方向].I’m lost.’”

But how did she get lost?

Kitcher said there was nomarking[标记]todirect[指示]her.“The website says you’re supposed to be on Jeep trails.So when I came out, there was a Jeep trail and I figured that was thepath[路]I needed to be on,” Kitcher explained.


3 Last Rolo Kept for 33 years 保存了33年的巧克力

It’s very happy to receive someone’s lastRolo[一款巧克力品牌], but it’s not easy to keep it for the next 33 years, and not eat itstraight away[即刻].But that is exactly what Lynne Brooks, 51, has done with the Rolo.Her husband Richard, 52, gave it to her on their frst Valentine’s Day in 1984.

Richard, then 18,waded[跋涉]through heavy snow to leave the gift to his 17-year-old sweetheart.Hedelicately[精心地]wrapped[包装]the Rolo, and left it with a card anda bouquet of[一束]fowers on herdoorstep[门阶].

“We weren’t living together at the time, so Richard came up to my house before he went to work, to leave me a card, some fowers and his last Rolo,” she said.

Richard added,“I left Lynne my last Rolo as anexpression[表达]of love, because as theslogan[口号]suggests, I loved her enough to give her my last Rolo.”

二芃有话说:巧克力的保质期有多久?顶多一两年。可这位女士却把一块巧克力保存了33年。她并不是忘了吃,而是想珍藏这块情意满满的巧克力。Rolo巧克力的广告里说,“Do you love anyone enough to give them your last Rolo?”。于是,这块巧克力成了Richard表达爱意的好帮手,而收到这块巧克力的有情人也将它珍藏了起来,一存就是三十余载。最初送她这块巧克力的人也都一直陪在她的身边,还有什么比这更完美的事呢?

4 Where’s Waldo Was Played in Real Life 真人版《寻找沃尔多》荒谬上演

A 30-year-old man, JJ McMenamin failed to show up incourt[法庭].The police started to look for him.Then he decided to turn theirpursuit[追赶]into a game.He dressed up as theiconic[图画的]Waldo from theWhere’s Waldo, children’scomic series[系列漫画].It’s a comic series thatchallenges[考验]people to fnd Waldo in pictures of huge crowds.

The police inNorth Yorkshire[北约克郡], UK, spent a weekend looking for JJ McMenamin.They were unable to fnd him withsniffer dogs[嗅探犬]and a policehelicopter[直升机].Then thearrogant[自大的]man decided to dress up as Waldo to have some fun.He called himself “Hide and Seek[捉迷藏]Champion[冠军]” on Facebook.

Eventually, McMenamin seemed to have got tired of his ownsilly[荒唐的]joke, and turned himself in to the police.And, guess what he dressed up as—Waldo, of course.


5 Another “Some Pig” 又一只“成名猪”

This “micro-pig[微型猪]” has turned into asupersized[超大的]giant[巨物]in just five years, making her Internet’s favorite pet.

Five years ago, Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter brought home a “micro-pig.” They were looking forward toraising[饲养]their newpintsized[小型的]pet together.At the time, the sixweek-oldpiglet[小猪]Esther was just 18 kg.The new owners were told that she might grow up to 31 kg.

Today, Esther weighs 294 kg.It has attracted over one million fans on Facebook and become an Internetcelebrity[名人].Steve and Derek had to move into a farm to make enough room for her, their two dogs and a cat.

The owners said that nothing could stop her growth and they would never give up on her.

二芃有话说:说起有名的猪,我首先会想起《夏洛特的网》里那只小猪崽。为了让他免于被吃,他的蜘蛛朋友织了一张写有“Some Pig”的网让他一夜成名。而我们的猪明星Esther,却是因体型巨大而受人追捧,幸好她的主人没有因为她身上肉多就想吃了她,哈哈!

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