
2017-05-02 02:54:27朱凌娇吴玲玲
四川环境 2017年2期

朱凌娇,李 倩,吴玲玲

(同济大学 环境科学与工程学院,上海 200092)

· 综 述 ·


朱凌娇,李 倩,吴玲玲

(同济大学 环境科学与工程学院,上海 200092)





1 生殖毒性


2 遗传毒性


图1 不同浓度TBT暴露下牡蛎鳃细胞 DNA 损伤程度[21]Fig.1 DNA damage of gill cells of oyster exposed to different TBT concentrations [21]

表1 TBT的致雄作用Tab.1 Imposex development caused by TBT

表2 TBT的致雌作用Tab.2 Imposex development caused by TBT

表3 TBT导致胚胎发育异常Tab.3 Embryonic development abnormalities caused by TBT

表4 TBT对不同生物造成DNA损伤Tab.4 DNA damage caused by TBT on different organisms

3 免疫毒性


4 神经毒性


表5 有机锡造成的免疫系统损伤Tab.5 Immune system damage caused by organotin compounds

5 其 他

除了上述的毒性效应以外,有机锡化合物还可以诱发肥胖。研究发现,采用ZOT测试法(Zebrafish obesogenic test)对斑马鱼幼苗进行试验,发现即使在禁食情况,经过数小时在低浓度的TBT(≤50nmol/L)的暴露,也能诱发斑马鱼脂肪细胞的肥大[35-36](表6)。甚至能可以通过诱导与脂质转运、脂质累积、脂质生成酶等相关基因的表达,导致肝脂肪变性[37]。

表6 有机锡造成动物体内脂肪含量的变化Tab.6 Change of fat content caused by organotin compounds


6 结 语


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A Review of Research on the Toxicology of Organotin Compounds

ZHU Ling-jiao,LI Qian,WU Ling-ling


Organotin compounds have been widely used in pesticides, herbicides, wood preservatives, antifouling paints and PVC stabilizers, indicating their huge impact on human daily life. This review summarized the research progress on reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity and neurotoxicity of organotin compounds, and provides reference for further research on the toxic mechanism and health risks of organotin compounds.

Organotin Compounds;reproductive;genotoxicity;immunotoxicity;neurotoxicity






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