杰夫·斯坦因/Jeff Stein
尚晋 译/Translated by SHANG Jin
Arcosanti: What if? Architecture, Biology, and the Design of Cities
杰夫·斯坦因/Jeff Stein
尚晋 译/Translated by SHANG Jin
1 南向全景/Southern exposure(摄影/Photo: Chris Ohlinger)
因此,阿科桑底的建筑作品就是要使人连通:相互连通、与本地及亚利桑那州中部的生态连通、与太阳和四季连通,以及(至少在感知上)与宇宙的其他部分连通。自我的基础、城市增长的一般基础就是人们对连通的渴望。这就是脸书 (Facebook)风靡全世界的原因;尽管我们需要的只是那种技术。诚然,因为我们现在的城市设计问题百出,以可观的能源、空间和时间的碎片化消耗将我们同真实的面对面沟通隔绝开。阿科桑底意在扭转这种不可持续的趋势,提供一种紧凑、复杂、步行、社区尺度的生活模型。
The city is the greatest tool yet invented for humans to meet, learn, experience each other, and exchange ideas, goods, and services. The rapid and continuing urbanization in China shows how much one of the world's oldest cultures values this experience, and how important cities are to the future of its society.
Cities, of course – how they are designed and the patterns by which we build them – have a tremendous impact on the biology (and the climate) of earth. Now, cities with over half the world's population living in and around them, are clearly an integral part of earth's ecology. Arcosanti, the urban laboratory founded 47 years ago, by architect Paolo Soleri in Arizona, U.S., places cities at the very centre of that ecology, at the very centre of the web of life on earth. Understanding and acting on this is the great work of our generation: the transformative and radical effort to change humanearth relations from disruptive and destructive to naturally enhancing and beneficial, and this was first modelled for us by Paolo Soleri at Arcosanti.
Arcosanti is pioneering a new approach to the design of cities. Here we are beginning to understand that as organisms – hyper-organisms, really – cities have not had the time necessary to evolve their forms in conformance with the pattern of the rest of life on earth. Tat pattern is evolutionary, compact, intensely three-dimensional, complex, and miniaturized. The human brain, after five million years of evolution is the clearest example of this pattern, and it is the physical model for our work.
2 索勒里办公室与起草单位/Te S.O.D. Unit-Soleri Office and Drafting Unit(摄影/Photo: Alfonso Elia)
The guiding principle is simple. Instead of the current urban explosion which spreads a thin film of energy, resources, and time-wasting sprawl across great distances, we are arguing for urban implosion: three-dimensional containers of urban intensity and elegant efficiency based on the evolving model of organic life on earth.
Recent research using diffusion spectrum magnetic resonance imaging has mapped deep brain structure in humans. The result points to connectivity in the brain as a three-dimensional grid, the same three-dimensional form that we at Arcosanti have been researching and experimenting with for 47 years as a basis for the design of cities. Neuroscientists now suggest the human brain's 3D grid structure 'aids communication, coordination,learning…' We think this same three-dimensional structure will help cities perform better for their human inhabitants as well.
5 从南侧望向半圆铸造车间及西屋和大拱顶/Te Foundry Apse with West Housing and the Vaults viewed from south(摄影/ Photo: Yuki Yanagimoto)
6 科桑底基金会每年在阿科桑底举办意大利之夜音乐会与晚宴/Te Cosanti Foundation presents its Italian Night concert and dinner at Arcosanti annually(摄影/Photo: Hanne Sue Kirsch)
Thus, the work of architecture at Arcosanti is to connect people: to each other, to this place and its central Arizona ecology, to the sun and seasons, and – at least perceptually – to the rest of the cosmos itself. Basic to our identity, basic to the growth of cities universally, is the human desire to be connected. It is how Facebook has become so ubiquitous throughout the world; although we only need that technology, really, because our current cities are so ill designed, separating us from real face-to-face contact with each other through their pattern of massive energy, space, and time-wasting sprawl. Arcosanti intends to counteract that unsustainable trend, providing a model for life on a compact, complex, walkable, community scale.
The several thousand people who have come to Arcosanti over the past 47 years to help design and construct it, and live in it for a time as a kind of urban laboratory, continue to be invested in this notion of 'connection', especially connecting to both a vibrant intense urban experience and, at the same time, to the terrific natural landscape that immediately surrounds us here.
To do that we have made architecture whose private spaces – apartments – form the boundary of public space–open-air amphitheatres, work places, institutions, etc. In our East Crescent neighbourhood, the facades of private homes create the auditorium wall of a public theatre. Here, instead of facing dangerous car and CO filled streets, everyone's front door opens onto really extraordinary performing arts events, cementing a physical connection to audiences and performers alike, all at a human scale. In addition, the form of the neighbourhood itself, a semi-circle in plan, allows people to experience each other as part of a real physical community. Finally, there are largescale panels with circular openings in them that frame views through the facades, first, so that perceiving the vast surrounding desert landscape does not become overwhelming; and second, to provide a subconscious connection to a universe which is essentially made of round things: planets, stars, galaxies. Such a frame reminds us that we are part of all that. Moreover, each panel's physical placement also provides for spatial zoning, allowing a sense of the close-up boundaries of public, semipublic, semi-private, and private space.
Arcosanti is described as an urban laboratory. This means through its continued construction we are experimenting with several aspects of urban design: building form, building performance, and integrating aspects of cultural endeavour, energy production, heating and cooling, food growing, and waste recycling into the architecture of the city itself. We are making architecture do more work than ever before, and Arcosanti is doing this in ways that are intended to be elegant, economically affordable, and durable. As we continue, of course, we are actively seeking partners whose own work in other parts of the world can benefit from helping to finance and construct these experimental prototypes, and learn from them, at Arcosanti.
In this laboratory, our aim is to embody many of Paolo Soleri's ideas into the very fabric of the architecture itself. Take the idea that 'all life is connected'. Tis is not a notion that Soleri invented, but it is an idea that he agreed with and one that the architecture at Arcosanti supports. It does so by means of form, scale, colour, texture, mass, the tools all architects have – and use – to embody ideas in their buildings.
3 半圆陶瓷作坊/Ceramics Apse(摄影/Photo: Tomiaki Tamura)
4 2016年在半圆陶瓷作坊进行的演出/2016 performance in the Ceramics Apse(摄影/Photo: Hanne Sue Kirsch)
美国建筑师路易·康将街道称作“城市客厅”。漫步其中就能欣赏到余生之中尽情享受的东西。充斥着危险的汽车和C O的现代街道绝不是康所期望的学习中心。但在阿科桑底这座步行小镇,人们会路过一座半圆殿形式的建筑,即一个1/4球体。其中的活动一目了然,人们甚至可以参与其中。这座建筑是一个陶瓷作坊/工作室,通过这个半圆殿的开口与太阳、四季和社区的其他人相连通。这种形式的半圆殿留出第四面墙向世界敞开,而正是这面墙让大多数建筑与世隔绝。
7 东方新月,克里·索勒里圆形剧场/East Crescent, the Colly Soleri Amphitheatre(摄影/Photo: Hanne Sue Kirsch)
At Arcosanti, our architecture has taken the path of a series of prototype structures of everincreasing scale and complexity, each retaining a sense of 'frugality', another of the primary architectural and cultural ideas that comes from the world of biology.
Beginning at the centre of the development, the first structures built at Arcosanti in the early 1970s were these soaring, curved arches, marking a protected public space that focuses views, provides a promenade, and connects future construction east and west with the very least amount of architecture necessary to do so.
Ceramics Apse
American architect Louis Kahn described the street as an 'urban living room', down which a young person, as she walked, might see what she would like to do for the rest of her life. Modern streets, filled with dangerous cars and carbon monoxide are hardly the learning centre Kahn hoped they would be. However, at Arcosanti, a pedestrian town, people passing by a building in the form of an apse, a quarter of a sphere, can easily see what goes on within, and even take part in it. In the case of this building, a ceramics studio/work place is connected to sun, seasons, and the rest of the community by means of this apse opening. This form, the apse, opens up to the world by not building a fourth wall, the construction of which in most buildings actually shuts out pretty much everything.
Next to be constructed at Arcosanti was another apse, sheltering a bronze bell foundry. Te same open form connects a workplace to the world, with the added complexity of a series of residential apartments in the thickened north wall of the apse. Here the domestic is connected to the workplace and both are connected to the natural world through form and materials.
Next in line at Arcosanti has been the construction of an entire neighbourhood of residences and institutional spaces (archives, offices, classrooms, a library, student dormitory) that take the classical line of the curved apse and connect it to a performing arts amphitheatre. Thus, people are in touch with extraordinary moments, with life's possibilities, because the architecture in which they live connects them all by means of its form and scale. At Arcosanti's East Crescent, instead of watching television in the isolation of a singlefamily house whose architecture has disconnected it (and its inhabitants) from its natural and cultural ecology, people are connected to all this, plus to their own potential – and to that of artists from around the world who regularly perform in this space on everyone's doorstep.
For architect Paolo Soleri, whose intent was to achieve both space and silence in his architecture, the Parti – the big, guiding idea – has always been 'Arcology' architecture and ecology as two parts of a whole biological system on the earth. Here is what Soleri said about it: 'WE – humans – are part of nature, but we seek that which nature cannot deliver: equity, compassion, the work of the mind. That work defines a kind of NEO-nature, a divine component to an already astonishing process, the evolving cosmos.'
Arcosanti represents a prototype 'Arcology'-in-the-making, a pedestrian-oriented city meant to eliminate cars from its core and, as a result, provide an alternative to suburban sprawl. Because of its form – the way it displays itself and its inhabitants to the sun and seasons – it also becomes a better performer within earth's biological system. It can be quite energy efficient, able to produce energy to power itself, and through a series of solar greenhouses, able to produce food to power its citizens. At a deeper level, the notion of Arcology recognizes that cities are the newest organisms on the planet. If they (and we in them) are to flourish, our urban design must conform to guidelines adapted by other successful organisms: the twin rules of 'miniaturization' and 'complexity'. The intention is to build up not out, and thus create a dense 3-dimensional city, mimicking the evolved forms of the rest of life on earth. Te dense, complex nature of Arcology could minimize the amount of time, energy, and resources necessary to exchange goods, services, and ideas in everyday life.
We can say this with confidence: there is a hunger among the new generation worldwide to make something useful and lasting, to undertake work that is of real value to the culture. Young people today can see that nearly our entire building stock and the pattern in which it is laid out on the land, is obsolete. In the face of rising populations and our changing attitudes about, and the price of fossil fuels and energy use in general, it is clear that how we inhabit the earth needs to change, and quickly. Where are ideas coming from that can help this transition? In architecture and urban planning, one of those sources – even in its infancy – is Arcosanti.
8 鲍罗·索勒里特别纪念物/Paolo Soleri Special Assemblies(摄影/Photo: Chris Ohlinger)
The workshop program at Arcosanti, which has attracted more than 7000 students to the project since its inception in 1970, continues to be a primary educational focus of the project. The Arcosanti workshops are experiential education at its finest: actual construction of beautiful and useful work in an extraordinary landscape and location. With the increasing globalization of higher learning, Arcosanti's value to educational programs worldwide continues to expand.
Two things are sure to remain constant as Arcosanti evolves: the flow of curious minds eager to build a better future, and the beautiful and preserved ecology of the desert landscape surrounding our building site. We invite you to visit us at Arcosanti.
作者介绍:杰夫·斯坦因是亚利桑那州科桑底基金会副主席获奖建筑师与作家。科桑底基金会由国际著名建筑师鲍罗·索勒里于60年前创立,负责亚利桑那州中部的阿科桑底城市实验室的持续设计和建造。/Award winning architect and writer, Jeff Stein is Co-President of the Cosanti Foundation in Arizona. The Cosanti Foundation, begun 60 years ago, by internationally renowned architect Paolo Soleri, is responsible for ongoing design and construction of the urban laboratory Arcosanti, in central Arizona.