Recently, I found out that I swing both ways. Linguistically speaking, that is.
It was late on a Thursday night, and time was not on my side. I had deadlines looming, an almost-empty fridge, two kids screaming at the top of their lungs for dinner that should have been served to them an hour ago and a room full of toys that needed to be desperately kept away before bedtime. It was obviously one of 'those days'.
I was desperate. And then it hit me. I'd order some take-out from the new Sichuan noodle restaurant across the road, feed the kids and then maybe, as a thank you for the treat, they'd offer to tidy up while I work on those excel spreadsheets. I dialed like lightning speed, spoke as quickly as I could, and hung up without a flutter of an eyelid.
Lena Gidwani is a resident of Guangzhou for 13 years, selfconfessed networker, magazine editor and an avid writer.
Lena Gidwani,网络工作者、杂志编辑、作家,在广州居住13年。
Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. I flung myself towards the door and opened with more gusto than I imagined I would. A stout man stood before me, an insulated red delivery bag in hand. He appeared a little stunned, then looked past me, his eyes darting from side to side, as if searching for someone else.
'Nihao', I said with a hint of annoyance. Who, or what, was this man looking for? I pointed to the bag in his hand and casually asked if he could please hand it over. After all, I needed it ifiwanted that toy room tidied up. He looked at me quizzically again, and then in a confident voice, asked ificould please ask the Chinese woman that called the restaurant to come to the door, as he had her food. I broke into a grin, as I realised the obvious.
I forgot my accent.
All of us possess the mental dexterity to write fluently in one or more languages, and yet, lo and behold, speak entirely different ones. Because, like it or not, many of us shift linguistic gears whenever we move from one country to another. It applies to accents too. Accents are not fixed. It changse over time as our needs change and as our sense of who we are changes and develops. Usually this happens naturally, and often unconsciously. To change your accent you have to really want to, deep down. This usually happens without much effort because you move to a new place, mix with different people, or develop new aspirations. In sociolinguistics, there's a theory called 'convergence' where a speaker moves towards the speech style of his or her interlocutor so as to reduce social distance. You know, so we can fit in without sticking out like a sore thumb?
It took me a moment to compose myself and ask again for my food, this time with my Chinese accent right on point.
And as we sat around our dining table with our wooden chopsticks, slurping away in utter happiness, I had to smile. It's a wonderful thing indeed, living abroad in a country that may never technically be home, yet is now mine in every convergent way possible.
“你好。” 我有点不耐烦。他在找谁?我指指袋子,问他要外卖。他再次疑惑地看着我,问道,“可以叫打电话的中国女人来拿外卖吗?”我露齿一笑,明白了。
Wait, I forgot my accent
Text by Lena Gidwani Translation by Emma Xu Photo by CFP