
2017-04-21 17:56马明国韩旭军黄春林郑小谷
科技资讯 2016年34期


摘 要:该报告以发展气候系统模式为核心,研发相关的模拟技术,确定关键物理和模发展的冠层辐射模型为三维辐射传输模型(简称3-D模型)以替换陆面模型CoLM中基于二流近似的辐射传输模块,将动力植被模块(DGVM)引入了陆面模型CoLM,实现了模型的改进;制备了2005—2010年比濕、气压、气温、风速(U,V)、降雨、入射短波辐射、入射长波辐射大气驱动数据集和土壤及植被功能型参数数据集;实现了一个高分辨率多源遥感陆面数据同化系统HDAS,包含了多种数据同化算法,并针对高分辨率陆面数据同化需要重点解决了高性能计算问题;能够在陆面过程模型的动力学框架内同化多源遥感观测以及其他观测资料,生产中国陆地区域内2005—2010年空间分辨率为5 km、时间分辨率为1 h的同化数据集。

关键词:通用陆面模式 CoLM 动态植被 陆面数据同化 多源遥感

Abstract: The objective of this project is to develop the climate modelling techniques, in which the new 3D canopy radiative transfer model will be used to replace the two-stream approximations for radiative transfer of CoLM; the dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) was implemented in CoLM. The hourly atmospheric forcing data between 2005 and 2010 were produced for relative humidity, air pressure, air temperature, wind speed (U,V), precipitation, incident shortwave radiation, incident longwave radiation. The soil properties and plant functional type properties were also prepared. A high resolution land data assimilation system (HDAS) for multi-sources remote sensing data was developed. HDAS includes several kinds of data assimilation algorithms, and was designed for high performance computing. The multi-sources remote sensing data can be merged into land surface model (CoLM) within HDAS to produce the land surface data sets with 5 km spatial resolution and 1 hour temporal resolution between 2005 and 2010.

Key Words: Common land model; CoLM; DGVM; Land data assimilation system; Multi-sources remote sensing
