摘 要:“全球多源对地观测数据集成研究”收集了1981年以来全球10多种卫星原始数据、6种卫星高级数据产品、气象生态台站网络和各种地面观测数据,并在此基础上对所收集的数据进行整理和格式转换,该题经统计、收集、整理和汇编总量近600TB的卫星遥感数据。采用时间序列方法,辅以时空先验知识和时空连续性,实现全球多年MODIS和AVHRR地表反射率数据云雪监测和时空滤波,生成多年时空连续的高质量地表反射率数据。针对全球陆表特征参量产品生产的原始数据、预处理数据、中间产品数据和产品数据,客观地进行数据的分级和编目,构建全球陆表特征参量数据集成平台,实现数据全生产链路有效性检测和数据完整性检测。建立陆表特征参量产品在线分发服务系统,并于2012年12月22日在地球观测组织(Group on Earth Observations,GEO)第9次全会上面向全球用户公开发布。同时通过北京师范大学全球变化与数据处理中心和美国马里兰大学的Global Land Cover Facility向全球用户提供免费的数据查询、检索和下载服务。
关键词:卫星数据 预处理 遥感数据库 数据分发服务
Abstract: “Global Multi-source Earth Observations Integration Research” is the first program of the High-Tech Research and Development program(863 program)"Generation & Applications of Global Products of Essential Land Variables". The program collects more than 10 kinds of satellite raw data, 6 kinds of advanced satellite products, ecological meteorological stations network and ground observation dataset since 1981, on the basis of the collected data for sorting and format conversion, the total satellite remote sensing data nearly up to 600 TB by statistics. The program carried out a spatio-temporal cloud & snow detection and filtering process for the global AVHRR and MODIS surface reflectance dataset with time series analysis method based on the prior knowledge and spatio-temporal characters of these datasets, generated spatio-temporal continuous high quality multi-year surface reflectance products. The raw data, preprocessed data, intermediate products and final products was classified and catalogued objectively in order to build the global land surface characteristic parameter data integration platform and implement the data validity and data integrity detection in the full production link. The program also establish the online distribution service system of land surface characteristic parameters products, and publish to the global users for free in the session 9 conference of Earth observation Group (Group on Earth Observations, GEO). The Global Change and the Data Processing Center of Beijing Normal University and the University of Maryland Global Land Cover Facility to the Global users with data query, search and download service for free at the same time. This is the first time of China to generate and publish advanced global land surface satellite product with China's independent intellectual property rights, which is make up the blank of no advanced remote sensing product brand in our country, rewritten the history of our country is just another product users, but also greatly promote the sharing of global earth observation data.
Key Words: Satellite images; Data processing; Remote sensing database; Data distribution service