摘 要:该研究主要进展包括:(1)蓝田生物群与埃迪卡拉生物群的对比研究,对澳大利亚南部的埃迪卡拉生物群和我国华南的蓝田生物群以及庙河生物群中产出的相同或相似的化石进行了细致研究,通过比较古生物学和功能形态学的证据,证实了传统的水生埃迪卡拉理论。(2)新元古代大冰期前生物地层学研究取得新进展,利用改良的疑源类分析方法,在我国淮南地区新元古代刘老碑组页岩中获得了大量精美的有机质壁保存的微体化石,为我国胶辽徐淮地区前寒武纪地层的归属和对比,以及新元古代早期地层的全球层型研究提供了可靠的生物地层学资料。(3)新元古代冰期最直接的岩石学证据在贵州开阳地区南沱组冰碛岩中发现重晶石和含硫酸盐的自生孔雀石,硫酸盐具极低的δ180值,与现在极地冰川的氧同位素相似。该项研究为南沱组杂砾岩的冰川成因提供了最直接的证据。
关键词:蓝田生物群 埃迪卡拉生物群 前寒武纪地层
Abstract: Project “Origin and early evolution of multicellular organisms” is proceeded according to the designed schedule, and obtained some important progresses in 2013. The progresses include: (1)Comparative study between the Ediacara fauna and Lantian biota. The similar fossils are found in Ediacara fossils from Australia and Lantian in China. The comparative paleobiology and functional morphology analysis support the traditional interpretation that Ediacara fossils were marine rather than terrestrial organisms. (2)New data on pre-Cryogenian biostratigraphy. Using an improved technique, a diverse assemblage of organic-walled microfossils was recovered from shales of the Liulaobei Formation in Huainan, Anhui. The new data suggest that the Loilaobei Formation is pre-Cryogenian Neoproterozoic in age, and also give us a potential index fossils for the definition of the base of the Neoproterozoic and for the biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of early Neoproterozoic rocks in the world. (3)The direct petrological evidence of Neoproterozoic glaciations. Cuprite, barite, and some of the malachite were found within Kaiynag diamictite in Guizhou. The very negative sulfate isotope data indicate that the Kaiyang diamictite was deposited on land and is the record of one of the Neoproterozoic glaciations that had almost the same meltwater δ180value as that of modern glaciers in Antarctica, which also independently supports the glacial origin of the Kaiyang diamictite.
Key Words: 2013; Annual report; Research progress